- Steatosis - obesity liver cells
- Causes
- Symptoms
- Diagnostics
- Treatment
The presence of a certain amount of fat liver is normal, but if the fat is 5-10% by weight, a person may develop steatosis. In some cases, the disease can lead to serious complications.
Steatosis - is the generic name of the whole spectrum of disorders in which the liver is deposited in an excessive amount of fat. As the disease progresses, the inflammation begins, resulting in healthy tissue of the liver may be replaced by scar tissue.
In countries where overweight and obesity in recent years become more and more serious and widespread problems, steatosis affects about 25% of the population. Most often, it affects people over thirty years, but steatosis on younger age groups is also not uncommon.

Classification of fatty liver
- Steatosis 1 degree, or a simple steatosis of the liver. At this stage, the fat content in some parts of the liver begins to exceed the norm, but as long as these fat deposits do not pose a threat to the health of the patient. Typically, signs of fatty liver liver at this stage are not available, and the disease is detected only if the doctor will pay attention to the fact that the results of blood from a patient deviate from the norm.
- Steatosis grade 2
. Only a small percentage of people with FH develop a simple second degree of this disorder, which is also called steatohepatitis
. In Western countries, from fatty liver 2 suffer 2-5% of the population
. This is - a more aggressive form of the disease
. Firstly, it gives rise to multiple sites in the liver, wherein the concentration of fat is much higher than normal - it is diffuse liver steatosis
. Secondly, in the hepatic tissue becomes inflamed
. The inflammatory process - is a natural part of the body's response to cellular damage caused by an excessive amount of fat in their
. As a rule, dull, weak or moderate pain fatty hepatosis appear precisely in the second stage of the disease
. The pain is localized in the upper right side of the abdomen, just below the ribs
. However, in some cases the symptoms are completely absent
. Unfortunately, to determine the degree of fatty liver only blood test results can not be - it requires other diagnostic procedures
- Steatosis 3 degrees. This form is also called fatty liver fibrosis, since at this stage of liver cells surrounding the blood vessels and connective begins to form, or scar tissue. It replaces part of a healthy liver tissue, but it is does not interfere with the normal functioning of the liver.
You can also select the fourth degree of fatty liver - cirrhosis of the liver, which, however, can be caused not only by the disease. In cirrhosis due to the proliferation of fibrous connective tissue begin irreversible processes, and the liver ceases to function normally. This disorder develops very slowly, over the years, but one day it may lead to liver failure.

Alcoholic fatty liver
Steatosis may develop with regular alcohol abuse. In the development of this disorder genetics plays a big role. Firstly, it largely determines the propensity of man to alcohol; Secondly, the number of liver enzymes involved in the processing of alcohol, is also laid on the genetic level.
Along with the abuse of alcohol on the development of alcoholic fatty liver may be affected by factors such as hepatitis
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C., an excess of iron in the body, improper diet and obesity (especially the use of large amounts of fatty food products).

Nonalcoholic fatty liver
Nonalcoholic fatty liver is one of the most common causes of chronic liver disease. In some patients, this violation has no symptoms and does not cause liver damage. However, some forms of this type of fatty liver can result in significant damage. One is cirrhosis, in which healthy liver cells are replaced by scar tissue.
Increases the risk of more serious diseases, such as liver failure and liver cancer
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. Today, steatosis is found not only in adults but also teenagers and even children. Last but not least this is due to the peculiarities of life.

Acute steatosis pregnant
In rare cases, the fat accumulates in the liver rapidly in pregnant women. This condition is associated with serious risks for both the expectant mother and the fetus. Investigation of fatty liver during pregnancy can be hepatic failure, renal failure, severe infection or hemorrhoids
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. The mechanism of this disease is not clear, but it is obvious that its development is influenced by hormonal changes. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable for the mother and unborn baby.

Steatosis of the liver in children
To date, most data on hepatic steatosis in children is obtained by American scientists, as the United States - one of the countries where the problem of excess weight is a relatively long time and now it is very serious. It is estimated that about 10% of children in the US suffer from non-alcoholic fatty liver liver. This disorder is diagnosed in 1% of children aged 2 to 4 years, and 17% of adolescents and young people aged 15 to 19 years. According to the data from different countries, roughly 38% of children suffering from obesity, steatosis of the liver develops. In the last decade this violation more "younger" - that is, all the more common in the youngest patients.
Boys steatosis of the liver occurs twice as often than in girls. In addition, the most vulnerable to the violation of children with diseases such as type 2 diabetes, prediabetes and metabolic syndrome
Metabolic Syndrome X - drugs do not exist
Symptoms of liver fatty liver in children are often lacking, and the doctor may suspect the disease after receiving abnormal blood test results child during a routine examination. Some children, however, symptoms such as pain on the right side of the abdomen, fatigue and constipation. If time does not take action, steatosis, a child may lead to serious consequences, which is why in the future it may be necessary liver transplant.
Treatment of fatty liver in children, in most cases comes to weight loss and control of disorders associated steatosis
. Many children with overweight and obese enough to lose ten percent of body mass to fat deposition in the liver began to decline
. It is very important that the child not only lost weight due to diet, but also by physical activity
. In general, strict diets for children potentially dangerous, and fundamentally change the child's diet can be only under the expert guidance
. The fact is that the growing organism must constantly receive a certain amount of nutrients and if adults can relatively easily move a temporary shortage of certain vitamins and minerals for the health of the child it could have a negative impact
. Physical activity not only helps burn fat, but also speed up the metabolism and have beneficial effects on physical and psychological health of the child as a whole