Belching: why it happens and that means - Treatment
March 8, 2009
- Belching: why it happens and that means
- Treatment
- Rotten eggs
- Air
- After meal
- Frequent
- Newborn
- Forum

Constant belching requires, first of all, examination of the patient to identify its causes. Treat burp in itself does not make sense. But with treatment of the underlying disease the patient should follow a diet: Do not drink carbonated beverages and foods, long linger in the stomach (beans, peas). Meals are advised to take small, frequent meals.
With the increased secretion of gastric juice (if it was the cause of regurgitation) take drugs alkalizing (alkaline mineral water and soda bread, magnesia and so forth).

Folk remedies and advice in the eructation
In cases where the cause burping
Belching: Causes - normal or latent pathology?
It is known, you can use traditional remedies and advice, such as:
- infusion collection (leaves trilistnoy watch - 4 teaspoons, inflorescence yarrow, fennel seeds
Dill: benefits and harms of fragrant spices
, Mint
Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
Peppermint - 3 teaspoons herb St. John's wort
St. John's wort and its beneficial properties - whether a miracle?
perforatum - 6 teaspoons) 2 tablespoons collection pour two cups of boiling water, leave for two hours, strain and drink 1-2 tablespoons for 30 minutes before meals;
- three times a day to drink after eating half a liter of goat's milk;
- food should be chewed slowly and carefully;
- when the nervous belching before a meal to take the infusion of valerian root, to make some exercise (it relieves stress);
- refuse to carbonated drinks and chewing gum; Chewing gum promotes the accumulation of saliva, which is then swallowed with the air;
- Do not eat these foods that contain a lot of air (for example, whipped cocktails);
- frequent belching is the result of intolerance to certain foods, they need to identify empirically and excluded from the diet; most often, it insipid milk, eggs, wheat products, corn, soy, nuts, citrus fruits, chocolate.
Remember, belching - this is not a disease but a sign of a disease may be serious, so it's better to be surveyed and to make sure that no cause for concern.
Belching: why it happens and that means - After eating
March 8, 2009
- Belching: why it happens and that means
- Treatment
- Rotten eggs
- Air
- After meal
- Frequent
- Newborn
- Forum

After meal
You can be too strong burp after a meal? Slight or moderate regurgitation after drinking carbonated beverages is found in most people, and that's fine. However, even after some small portions of food or drink starts very intense belching, which causes severe discomfort, especially if the person is not alone. Belching after eating can have many causes, but one of the most common - aerophagia.
Although the word sounds pretty impressive, in reality, this term simply describes excessive swallowing of air while eating. Many people, when they eat or chew gum, swallow air, and not even know it. This problem is particularly common among people with increased anxiety
Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
And those who live in a high stress - possibly due to the fact that they eat very quickly, because of what and swallow more air than usual. To make sure that you swallow the air because of aerophagia, it is recommended to be screened.

Change your eating habits
Rushing mealtime - one of the most common causes of regurgitation
Belching: Causes - normal or latent pathology?
after meal. Instead of frantically shove a meal and will go back to work, at lunchtime force yourself to relax, escape and enjoy a healthy and tasty food. Despite the fact that the meal of the company with someone may seem to you a more relaxing, with the risk aerofagii because talking during the meal. Therefore, the table is better to avoid the lively conversations.
Fans of carbonated drinks should reconsider their preferences. They are one of the main causes of burping. However, you can swallow air, and when drinking non-carbonated drinks, particularly through a straw. Try to drink less during the meal, as because of this regurgitation may become even stronger.

This is easier said than done, however, learn to cope with stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
and anxiety, you will be able to get rid of belching after eating, as well as heartburn
Heartburn - no cause for concern?
. Nervous people and those who feel constant stress and are unable to relax, tend to quickly eat and talk while swallowing excess air. To relieve stress, walk outdoors quick step, meditate, mastered the technique of biofeedback and guided imagery.
Belching: why it happens and that means - Part
March 8, 2009
- Belching: why it happens and that means
- Treatment
- Rotten eggs
- Air
- After meal
- Frequent
- Newborn
- Forum

Frequent belching
The main reason for frequent and severe regurgitation - irregularities in the processes of digestion: the stomach for some reason can not properly digest food and produces a lot of gas.

Usually there are three reasons for this:
- Enzymes. When the enzymes are not produced in sufficient quantity, you have symptoms such as indigestion, flatulence
Flatulence - when you need to worry about?
, Belching.
- Gastric juice. Most people wash down a meal with too much fluid - it dilutes the gastric juice, which is why there are problems with digestion. The body has to run faster to generate more gastric juices to digest the amount of food is quite normal. It can also cause frequent burping.
- Excessive fermentation. The reason for the frequent regurgitation may be the candida albicans yeast fungus that causes increased fermentation and frequent belching. This fungus is in the organisms of 90% people, but not all of it causes any symptoms. Candida albicans can be every person who has ever taken antibiotics
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And often uses a diet high in sugar and refined products. It affects the production of digestive enzymes and gastric juice; one sign of this is the frequent belching. However, belching, perhaps the most harmless, that can cause the fungus in the human body. Sometimes it becomes a cause of very serious diseases, so even though the probability of this is rather small, it is useful to at the slightest suspicion undergo a medical examination.

Frequent belching - is it good or bad?
Belch called unintentional sudden escape of gas and food from the gastric cavity to the oral cavity. This occurs usually in small portions. In the normal state in the cavity of the stomach is always a gas which stimulate locomotor activity of muscles of the stomach and gastric acid secretion.
Frequent burping may occur normally in the event that a person uses a lot of carbonated beverages or eat quickly, talking and swallowing at the same air.
In addition, the source of air into the stomach and the food can become. Promotes the formation of large amounts of gas in the stomach foods such as peas, beans, cabbage, fresh bread. In a normal person does not notice increased gas associated with eating - it is removed from the stomach through the mouth in very small portions. But, for example, upon receiving a large amount of a carbonated beverage it may exit in the form of large volume and a noise.
Frequent belching may indicate the presence or in food products a large number of gas-forming or the presence of a disease. If, after correcting the diet it does not pass, then the required inspection.

Frequent burping - what diseases may be the cause?
In most cases, this phenomenon occurs in diseases of the stomach and duodenum. For example, acid regurgitation can occur in gastritis with high acidity and gastric ulcer. Belching bitter contents may occur in diseases of the biliary tract (cholangitis, cholecystitis), when the first in the stomach and then into the mouth enters the food with bile. Belching putrid characteristic of stagnation in the stomach when reduced his physical activity and the secretion of gastric juice - this leads to a delay in gastric emptying and its decay with the formation of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, have an unpleasant odor. Such a phenomenon occurs such as gastric cancer
Stomach cancer: genetics and lifestyle
But the most common cause is a violation of customary otryzhek mechanism circuit cardia - the muscle that is on the border of the esophagus and the stomach and prevents the backward movement of food.
Also in this case the belches worried patient and persistent heartburn - a consequence of irritation of the esophagus acidic stomach contents. Over time, with frequent belching can emerge reflux esophagitis - inflammation of the esophagus that occurs at a constant irritation of the mucous membrane of its acidic stomach contents.
Insufficient closure of the cardia may be congenital or developmental defects occur when diaphragmatic hernia - enters the abdominal contents into the chest cavity through a hole in the diaphragm - a horizontal muscle that separates them and has an opening for passage of the esophagus and trachea. For violation of the closure of the cardia can cause a variety of diseases of the esophagus - a violation of his motor activity (dyskinesia of the esophagus), scleroderma
Scleroderma - affects all the organs
(systemic disease which leads to the growth of connective tissue, muscle replacing - as a result of impaired motor activity of the body), the state after the operation at the junction of the esophagus to the stomach.

How to determine the cause of this phenomenon?
It should be examined. First of all, the patient is prescribed a study of gastric juice and duodenal contents - it can reveal an increase or decrease in the secretion of digestive juices, their chemical composition and the presence of inflammation.
ALWAYS EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) - endoscopic examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum with a special optical equipment. This study allows to consider in detail the mucosa of these organs and detect even slight inflammation. If there is a suspicion of a tumor, a piece of tissue is taken for analysis in the laboratory.
If necessary, make and radiographic evaluation of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to eliminate frequent belching?
If an inspection found no disease of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to see to their diet and adjust it - to eliminate carbonated beverages and foods that cause flatulence in the stomach. Eating is recommended frequent and small meals.