Adenomyosis of the uterus: the symptoms - how to recognize them?

July 25, 2013

 Uterine adenomyosis symptoms
 One of the most common types of endometriosis is adenomyosis uterus. Symptoms of the disease can be very characteristic. But very often it can also occur without symptoms. The appearance of the first symptoms of adenomyosis can not miss - this is a signal that you need to treat.

 Adenomyosis of the uterus: the symptoms - how to recognize them?

How is adenomyosis

Adenomyosis - a proliferation of sites of endometriosis (tissue sections, similar in structure and function with the mucous membrane of the uterus - the endometrium) in myshechnogm middle layer of the uterus. Adenomyosis is often asymptomatic and is a random finding during gynecological examination or during ultrasonography (USG). This type of adenomyosis progresses slowly and during menopause (and sometimes during pregnancy) regress.

In some cases, the outset adenomyosis spreading rapidly, which leads to the appearance of the characteristic symptoms - of pain during menstruation and uterine bleeding Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach  Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach
 . With long-term course of the disease, and it joins the third characteristic symptom - iron deficiency anemia.

 Adenomyosis of the uterus: the symptoms - how to recognize them?

First symptom - pain

This is the most characteristic symptom of adenomyosis Adenomyosis: Symptoms - what to expect from the body?  Adenomyosis: Symptoms - what to expect from the body?
 . Pain associated with the cyclical changes in the uterus: Lots of endometriosis undergo the same changes as the rest of the endometrium, that is, they first grow and then rejected with the development of bleeding. Thus, in the muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium) there are pockets of inflammation and swelling of tissue, compression of nerves, spasms of muscles of the uterus and the accumulation of blood.

Therefore, for large endometriosis sites can be confusing for a woman constant aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, extending to the thigh and groin. Such pain may acquire acute or just strengthened during sexual intercourse, as well as during the examination of the gynecologist, gynecological procedures or hygiene.

Before and during menstruation pains can acquire a very strong, acute - they are associated with spasms of smooth muscles of the uterus. The pain can be so severe that the woman becomes completely unusable and forced every month for several days to be on sick leave.

 Adenomyosis of the uterus: the symptoms - how to recognize them?

Symptom second - uterine bleeding

Sometimes adenomyosis are asymptomatic. If this process does not cover too quickly, the woman is only required monitoring and compliance with preventive measures.

Rejection overbuilt mucous membrane of the uterus, usually accompanied by heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding - menorrhagia. Sometimes bleeding are not very abundant, but longer - this suggests that the endometrium is torn away small areas, it is long. On the contrary, very heavy menstrual bleeding that lasts for so long, says the rapid rejection of a thick layer of the endometrium. Furthermore, for endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
   characterized spotting, starting a few days before menstruation and continued for several days thereafter.

There are at adenomyosis and metrorrhagia - intermenstrual (acyclic) bleeding.

Bleeding in the adenomyosis are stubborn and virtually untreatable. To address them requires complex treatment of endometriosis.

 Adenomyosis of the uterus: the symptoms - how to recognize them?

Symptom third - iron deficiency anemia

With regular major blood loss in women develop iron-deficiency anemia is associated with the loss of iron in the composition of hemoglobin. The loss of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the tissues and takes carbon dioxide, is a violation of all organs and systems. But first of all it suffers from a lack of oxygen the brain, which manifests itself in the form of headaches, dizziness, fainting. Impaired memory and learning ability.

Women long suffering adenomyosis Adenomyosis - avoid constant stress  Adenomyosis - avoid constant stress
 Have a characteristic appearance: skin pale, cyanotic lips, severe weakness, lethargy, decreased performance. They suffer from lack of appetite, weight loss, constant malaise, cold extremities, constantly freezing.

 Adenomyosis of the uterus: the symptoms - how to recognize them?

What if a woman suspected presence at adenomyosis?

We must not panic and remember that this disease is very common, and in the appointment of the right of adequate treatment with it is quite possible to live without any significant restrictions. Therefore, you should see an obstetrician gynecologist or gynecologist-endocrinologist, a complete examination, treatment, and then be under constant medical supervision.

Adenomyosis of the uterus - is a disease that requires long-term monitoring and treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • symptoms of adenomyosis

Adenomyosis cervix - error in determining

August 2, 2013

 adenomyosis cervix
 This diagnosis as adenomyosis of the cervix does not exist, as adenomyosis - the defeat of endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
   the muscle layer of the uterus body. If the areas of endometriosis found in the cervix, the disease is called - endometriosis cervix.

 Adenomyosis cervix - error in determining

Endometriosis Cervical - why it develops

Endometriosis Cervical some call "adenomyosis cervix" is wrong - adenomyosis can only develop in the body of the uterus. What causes this disease is not known exactly, but a predisposing factor is the various injuries of the mucous membrane of the vaginal surface of the cervix and cervical canal Cervical canal - the path traversed by every person  Cervical canal - the path traversed by every person
   (cervical canal) that occur after gynecological procedures and operations - diathermocoagulation cervical erosion, traumatic lesions of the cervix after childbirth, abortion, the various operations.

If you violate the integrity of the mucous membrane of the cervix during menstruation is the introduction of endometrial cells in the surface of the cervix or cervical canal and the growth of endometriosis there ranging in size from 2 mm to 2 cm. It is also possible penetration of endometrial cells on the surface of the cervix through the blood and lymph vessels. There is not all the women as for the development of endometriosis requires another factor - a violation of immunity. Normally, immune cells destroy the endometrial cells, infiltrate the surface of the cervix.

 Adenomyosis cervix - error in determining


In most cases of endometriosis of the cervix does not manifest itself, it can be detected incidentally during a pelvic exam. Sometimes the disease is manifested in the form of spotting and pain during sexual intercourse, as well as spotting a few days before menstruation, and for several days afterwards.

At gynecological examination in the mirrors on the surface of the vaginal portion of the cervix can be seen pink or purple stripes or rounded education. Education pink talking about superficial location of endometriosis, purple - a deeper lesions. Since endometriosis during the menstrual cycle undergo exactly the same changes as the endometrium of the uterus body, it is best to consider these areas fails in the second half of the cycle - they get a darker shade.

If portions of endometriosis are located in the cervical canal, in gynecological examination Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health  Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health
   they will not be seen. For the correct diagnosis will require instrumental methods of research.

 Adenomyosis cervix - error in determining


To confirm the diagnosis of endometriosis of cervix colposcopy Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?  Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?
   and cervicoscopy - research department of the vaginal surface of the cervix and cervical canal with the help of endoscopic instruments. This allows you to examine suspicious areas of the mucous membrane under magnification and, if necessary, take a piece of tissue for histological examination. The tissue taken through the biopsy is possible to see typical for endometriosis changes - glandular formation, lined with epithelium.

In the US, you can see the deeper formation, but in general this method of investigation does not play a big role in this disease.

 Adenomyosis cervix - error in determining


Asymptomatic cervical endometriosis does not require treatment. In this case, the woman simply observe in the case of the rapid growth of endometriosis or the appearance of spotting untreated.

When symptoms (spotting) endometriosis on the mucous membrane of the cervix and inside the cervical canal is removed. The best method is considered to be the removal of endometriosis using radionozha (Surgitron apparatus). But it is also possible to carry out diathermocoagulation and cryotherapy chambers. Appointed as combined oral contraceptives (COCs) - Femoden, anovlar, Ovidon, marvelon, Rigevidon, Diane-35 and so on, for a period of three months to six months.

For large or multiple lesions in the cervix of women who came out of reproductive age, or simply planning a pregnancy surgery is performed conization of the cervix - cone-shaped excision of the diseased cervix using different techniques. Today, this operation is often carried out using radionozha or laser knife. But it is quite possible to spend it with electrocautery.

They are used as agonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH agonists) that suppress ovarian function and menstrual function - it helps to suppress the spread of endometriosis, and after surgical treatment suppress the development of disease recurrence.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • adenomyosis
