Leukoplakia of the cervix - is revealed during the prophylactic examinations - Diagnosis and treatment

March 3, 2014

  • Leukoplakia of the cervix - is revealed during the prophylactic examinations
  • Diagnosis and treatment

 diagnosis of cervical leukoplakia

Diagnosis of cervical leukoplakia

Leukoplakia may reveal a normal pelvic exam Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health  Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health
   speculum. Leukoplakia is thus defined as a single or multiple dense whitish plaques on a background of unchanged stratified squamous epithelium. After that, the doctor should establish whether this be a precancerous leukoplakia disease or not. To do this, first performed colposcopy Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?  Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?
   - A detailed endoscopic examination of the cervical epithelium using optical equipment. An experienced physician is already based on colposcopy may suggest there are any signs of malignancy (degeneration into cancer).

But this is not enough. Diagnosis must be confirmed through laboratory testing. For this purpose swabs taken from the modified surface of the epithelium, or a piece of tissue (biopsy) and cytological (cell) and histological (tissue slices) study. Leukoplakia considered harmless in the event that the epithelium basal layer underneath is not changed. If found in the basal layer changes (atypical, unlike the rest of the cells), it is considered a precancerous leukoplakia disease and should be deleted.

In order to identify the cause of leukoplakia conducted bacteriological crop nutrient discharges to the environment (identified infection), ultrasound of the pelvic organs, if necessary - hysteroscopy - a study of the mucous membrane of the uterus using a hysteroscope (endoscopy).


How to treat cervical leukoplakia

Treatment of leukoplakia of the cervix should be comprehensive and take place only after a thorough examination and to identify the reasons that caused it. If during this survey were identified infectious and inflammatory gynecological processes, their well being treated with subsequent laboratory control. Subject to correction also revealed hormonal and immunological disorders are treated with the effects of trauma, identified false cervical erosion.

For conservative treatment drugs used in common (systemic) and local action. What exactly appoint the doctor decides, based on the information from the survey. Sometimes the treatment of leukoplakia used only topical medication. For example, vaginal suppositories Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation  Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
   leukoplakia when used sufficiently often and successfully. It is such a candle as depantol (has regenerating, antiseptic, metabolic effect), Genferon (antiviral, immunomodulatory, antiproliferative and antibacterial properties), and others. They are used and fitosvechi that contain lavender oil The healing properties of lavender - not only pleasant aroma  The healing properties of lavender - not only pleasant aroma
 , Tea tree, juniper and fir. They have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-bacterial and antiviral effect.

Leukoplakia as a precancerous condition to be removed. Leukoplakia Cauterization of the cervix is ​​usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia (in some types of cauterization is not required and a local anesthetic, as they are painless) using various methods. Currently, the following types of leukoplakia cauterization of the cervix: a chemical (using Solkovagina), cryotherapy (cold exposure), electrocoagulation, laser cauterization, (argon plasma ablation - moxibustion argon), using radiofrequency device Surgitron.

The most effective and at the same time sparing technique is today considered the removal of leukoplakia radiosurgery using radionozha (Surgitron apparatus). Wherein the affected cells are vaporized, and located close to the healthy cells are not damaged. The method is painless, non-contact, tissue coagulation occurs via radio waves of high frequency. This pathological tissue cells evaporate. Modern equipment allows to exclude the heating of the electrode, its contact with the tissues, as well as painful muscle contraction or stimulation of nerve endings when passing waves through a woman's body.

Such exposure causes burns and scars, so it can be used to treat women who are planning a pregnancy in the future.

After the treatment she will need to observe good personal and sexual hygiene, wearing underwear made of cotton, not to eat salty and spicy food, strong tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • cancer symptoms

Candidiasis: Treatment is not easy - Candles

January 3, 2012

  • Candidiasis: Treatment is not easy
  • Antibiotics
  • Candles
  • Folk remedies

Candles from candida

Today there is a choice of antifungal drugs for local use. But each product its own characteristics, indications and contraindications, so it's best to trust a doctor who knows all these details, or you can treat yourself long and unsuccessful: thrush will constantly recur.

 Candles | Candidiasis: Treatment is not easy

Why start candidiasis

Candidiasis is caused by the yeast genus Candida, which are dangerous only at lower immunity, then they begin to actively proliferate and penetrate the human body.

The disease manifests itself burning and itching in the genital area, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, white cheesy kind of raids, mucous and muco-purulent discharge.

For the treatment of candidiasis of genitals produced medicinal antifungal drugs, both for internal and topical (in the form of vaginal tablets and suppositories) applications. To prevent reinfection should be simultaneous treatment of sexual partners (the other partner can not get sick, but the bearer of fungi of the genus Candida is required).

 Candles | Candidiasis: Treatment is not easy

Vaginal suppositories with clotrimazole

Koltrimazol (available vaginal suppositories Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation  Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
   and cream for external use under the name kanesten, clotrimazole, antifungol, yenamazol 100 kandibene, Canison) is an effective antifungal drug broad spectrum of action. He produced only in the forms for the local and external use. In contact with Candida species, he gives her membrane fusion process that leads to the destruction of the fungus cells. A number of clotrimazole can be absorbed into the bloodstream, providing the overall effect on the body. As with any effective remedy, clotrimazole has side effects, so on their own without a doctor's prescription can not be applied. Do not use it during pregnancy and breast-feeding.

Candles clotrimazole administered once a day (usually overnight) in the vagina for at least a week. This facilitates the rapid reduction and disappearance of signs of disease. Candles with clotrimazole can be combined with antifungal drugs by mouth or by injection.

 Candles | Candidiasis: Treatment is not easy

Vaginal candles pimafutsin

Vaginal candles pimafutsin (natamycin) often used to treat candidiasis of genitals Candidiasis genitals: possible severe complications  Candidiasis genitals: possible severe complications
   in pregnant women. It is also active against the fungi Candida genus, but practically not absorbed into the vagina, and does not provide the overall impact on the body. Candles with pimafutsin have no contraindications, except for individual intolerance of components.

Candles pimafutsin same as clotrimazole and administered once daily at night for weeks with the included applicator wetting them with water prior to administration. Candle vagina melts and turns into a foam covering inside the vagina and cervix. This mechanism facilitates a more rapid and active influence of the drug on the yeast fungus.

 Candles | Candidiasis: Treatment is not easy

Vaginal candles tsiklopiroksoom

Ciclopirox (can be produced in a candlelit called tsikloperoks, ciclopiroxolamine, dafnedzhin) is used to treat fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes caused by sensitive fungi genus Candida.

Vaginal suppositories administered one suppository once per day for three to six days, depending on the severity of the disease. When struck by the skin in the genital area, then it once a day at night, you can apply the cream of the same name within two weeks. The effect will be visible in a few days.

Contraindications for the use of ciclopirox is a hypersensitivity to the drug and the age of ten years. During pregnancy and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast candles used only when absolutely necessary, prescribed by a doctor.

 Candles | Candidiasis: Treatment is not easy

Vaginal tablets terzhinan

Terzhinan vaginal tablets are composed of drugs that act on different infectious agents, so they are usually prescribed for mixed infections. The structure Terzhinan includes:

  • ternidazol - acts on Trichomonas vaginalis and some bacteria, such as gardnerellas that cause bacterial vaginosis;
  • neomycin sulfate - broad spectrum antibiotic affects many pathogens of bacterial origin;
  • nystatin - an antifungal agent;
  • prednisolone Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications  Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications
   - A steroid hormone, reduces swelling and inflammation of the tissues;
  • auxiliary substances which allow to maintain the integrity of the vaginal mucosa and its normal acidity.

Candles topical candidiasis as well as all other drugs should be used only under medical supervision.
