Neutropenia - immunity under attack - Precautions and Treatment

September 26, 2013

  • Neutropenia - immunity under attack
  • Precautions and Treatment

 Neutropenia precautions

Safety measures

Infection of the cancer patients who develop neutropenia, often referred to opportunistic infections. So called infections that could not develop in a healthy body, but with the weakening of the immune system were able to seize the opportunity. To avoid this, patients with neutropenia are advised to take the following measures:

  • It should be particularly careful to monitor hygiene. In particular, you should carefully wash their hands every time after using the toilet and before eating.
  • It is necessary to avoid penetration into the body, or contact with broken skin standing water - it can be any water that has long been in open or tightly closed containers. In such water can live bacteria that neutropenia are particularly dangerous.
  • Use special antiseptic mouthwash (preferably those which do not contain alcohol).
  • Recommended use antiperspirants - they prevent perspiration, and therefore - the formation of a wet environment, wherein like Bacteria.
  • Women diagnosed with neutropenia, during menstruation is better to use pads Feminine pads - talk about wings  Feminine pads - talk about wings
 Rather than tampons How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
 : This will help prevent toxic shock syndrome - a rare disorder, the likelihood of which increases significantly during neutropenia.
  • If possible, avoid contact with people with contagious diseases, and as little as possible to be in crowded places.
  • Recommended to avoid activities associated with increased risk of physical damage. If this is not possible, wear gloves, safety shoes and protective clothing. Even minor scratches as soon as possible is necessary to process antiseptic.

Before doing any vaccinations, patients with neutropenia sure to consult your doctor.

 Precautions and Treatment | Neutropenia - immunity under attack


The choice of treatment when neutropenia depends on the cause of its development.

  • Medication

Patients diagnosed with neutropenia, and there are any signs of infection, it can be assigned to antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 Such as imipenem, meropenem, aminoglycosides, penicillin, rifampin, vancomycin. Sometimes prescribed combination therapy with multiple antibiotics.

Those who developed neutropenia as a result of cancer therapy, drugs for the treatment of neutropenia may be assigned, even in the absence of signs of infection. For example, it may be used in such a drug as sargramostin - it effectively stimulates production of white blood cells. Another drug that is often prescribed for the treatment of neutropenia in cancer patients - filgrastim (granulocyte colony stimulating factor, or G-CSF). Normally, G-CSF is produced in the body in small amounts. This substance stimulates the production of neutrophils and increases resistance to infection.

During the course of treatment the patient should be monitored regularly by a doctor. Some patients on the treatment required hospitalization.

  • Additional methods of treatment

For treatment of neutropenia was the most effective, the patient should maintain a healthy lifestyle - eat right, get enough sleep, and regularly port. You should avoid meat and fish that have not been careful heat treatment - they may contain dangerous bacteria. It is desirable for the patient to consult a nutritionist about how it should change your diet.

Psychological stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   It can also lead to a weakening of the immune system, so if necessary, patients should seek emotional support to the family, friends, or even for professionals.

Rh factor - still medical mystery - The mechanism of rhesus

May 24, 2009

  • Rh factor - still medical mystery
  • The mechanism of rhesus

What is Rh factor

Rh factor is a human system, but having a different genetic make-up (ie belonging to another person), antigens (foreign substances to the body, causing the body's production of antibodies Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
 Aimed specifically at combating the antigen) in human blood that are not associated with the antigens forming blood group Blood groups - what do you know yours?  Blood groups - what do you know yours?

The name "Rh factor" this system antigens (of six major antigens and a host of options, but the most important antigen D) received in connection with the fact that its antigen was detected in humans using serum immunized with erythrocytes monkey species Macacus rhesus. Rh is most pronounced in red blood cells (erythrocytes), less clearly presented in white blood cells (leukocytes), and cells responsible for the clotting of blood (platelets). The liquid part of blood (plasma) Rh factor is not detected.

On the basis of the presence of red blood cells in the D antigen isolated Rh-positive blood. A people's blood, red blood cells are deprived of this antigen, referred to as Rh-negative type. Rh-negative type should not also contain two other antigens - C and E.

 The mechanism of rhesus | Rh factor - still medical mystery

The mechanism of rhesus

The mechanism of Rh-conflict pregnancy is as follows. In response to the flow of the blood of the pregnant Rh-negative women antigens Rh factor in the blood of her produce antibodies, the bulk of which can cross the placenta to the fetus, causing a bonding (hemolysis) of red blood cells, causing damage to various organs and tissues of the fetus (particularly affected the liver and brain). Such a condition of the child was called hemolytic disease of the newborn.

Rhesus-conflict does not develop during the first pregnancy, Rh-negative mother's Rh-positive fetus. At this time, only the antibody produced, but after repeated pregnancy Rhesus conflict is inevitable. If the mother is Rh-negative pregnant Rh-negative child, there would be no conflict in the first nor in the subsequent times. Rh-negative blood father's Rhesus-conflict cause in any case can not, because it does not contain antigens.

 The mechanism of rhesus | Rh factor - still medical mystery

Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn

Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn - a congenital disease characterized by enhanced dissolution of red blood cells and the child's symptoms caused by toxic (poisonous) effect of their breakdown products in the body.

At an early manifestation of the fifth-sixth month of pregnancy Rhesus-conflict may be the cause of premature birth, miscarriage, fetal death. The main signs of the disease is the appearance of normochromic (erythrocytes contained in a normal amount of hemoglobin), anemia Anemia - when you do not have enough blood  Anemia - when you do not have enough blood
   (reduction in the number of red blood cells). There are edematous, icteric and anemic form of hemolytic disease.

When the form of hemolytic disease of jaundice (kernicterus) the baby is born at term with normal body mass index and unchanged color, but sometimes jaundiced skin is the color at birth. The intensity of jaundice Jaundice - if the eyes are shining suspiciously  Jaundice - if the eyes are shining suspiciously
   increases in the next two or three days, while growing and signs of central nervous system (CNS) - such as seizures. Forecast at a jaundiced form of hemolytic disease of envy on the degree of CNS.

Anemic form of hemolytic disease of the more favorable it is manifested mainly by changes in the blood. From the first days of the child appears pale skin, especially pronounced at the end of the first and beginning of the second week.

Edematous form (general congenital edema) - the most severe form of the disease. It usually occurs in utero development, most children from the fifth to the seventh pregnancy. Children are born pale, edema subcutaneous tissue, the presence of fluid in the abdominal and thoracic cavity, enlarged liver and spleen. Jaundice is not as due to the high permeability of the placenta breakdown products of red blood cells (bilirubin) pass into the mother's body and removed the bile. Edematous form of hemolytic disease almost always ends with the death of the fetus.

 The mechanism of rhesus | Rh factor - still medical mystery

Treatment and prevention of hemolytic disease of the newborn

The main curative measures against hemolytic disease of newborns reduced to rapid elimination from the body decay products of red blood cells and restore normal blood cell composition, and the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body of the child. For this purpose, initially held to replace, and then fractional blood transfusion, plasma and plasma-solutions (eg reopoliglyukina).

In order to prevent the birth of children with hemolytic disease of all pregnant women is carried out blood tests on Rh, pregnant women with Rh-negative blood put on the account and is not recommended to interrupt the first pregnancy.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • blood group
