Infertility treatment homeopathy - effectiveness when exposed to whole body

October 3, 2012

 homeopathy treatment of infertility
 The inability to conceive a child - it's trouble many couples. In this case we speak of infertility. There are primary infertility, when a woman has not had a single pregnancy and secondary. In addition, female infertility is classified into (a problem with the woman) and male. The causes of infertility are very diverse. This may be infectious disease, and hormonal problems, and even psychogenic. Fertility treatments and there are plenty. Very often, when the couple was disappointed in traditional medicine, it appeals to other therapies, including homeopathy. It is believed that infertility treatment homeopathy Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?  Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?
   no less effective than drug therapy.

 Infertility treatment homeopathy - effectiveness when exposed to whole body

What is Homeopathy

Many people believe that homeopathy - a herbal treatment, with a very long and tedious. But they are fundamentally mistaken. Homeopathy as a science has existed for over two hundred years, and homeopathic medicines developed over two thousand. The composition of homeopathic remedies include not only herbal ingredients, but also the materials of animal origin, metals and minerals. Production of homeopathic remedies occur on a complex scheme, shaking constantly and repeatedly spreading. Thus, in one capsule contains the drug and the pea small quantity of beneficial agent, and this is based on the principle of homeopathy. That is, the less dilution of the drug is, the more effective its action. The basic postulate of homeopaths is a saying: "like cures like."

Homeopathy solve any any particular problem, and affects the whole body. Homeopaths believe that infertility treatment is much more effective methods of traditional medicine. Contraindications to the treatment of homeopathy is not, and a homeopath is taken for getting rid of any problems, including infertility. The exception, perhaps, only one - is blocked tubes Obstruction of the fallopian tubes - asymptomatic  Obstruction of the fallopian tubes - asymptomatic
 . Homeopathy helps to restore the shattered psyche, normalizes the nervous and endocrine systems, strengthens the immune system. But the treatment of homeopathic remedies to help is necessary to choose a competent specialist. Currently, doctors recognize the power and efficacy of homeopathic treatment, and sometimes themselves, including obstetricians send the patient to a homeopath. The most effective homeopathy in the treatment of infertility Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority  Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority
 Which appeared on the background of inflammatory pelvic or uterine fibroids. Thus, homeopathy is not only to avoid surgery, but also restores the ability of women to bear children.

 Infertility treatment homeopathy - effectiveness when exposed to whole body

Mechanism of treatment

When the diagnosis of "infertility" homeopaths recommend a course of treatment to both spouses. At the same time, after the homeopathic treatment, improves blood flow to organs in the pelvis, normalizes the function of the nervous and endocrine systems, which greatly enhances the ability of the couple to conceive. For drugs that are used in homeopathy to treat infertility include:

  • Lachesis;
  • Thuja;
  • karbonikum;
  • witch hazel;
  • Apis (based on bee venom);
  • kalkareya;
  • Pulsatilla;
  • "Ovarium Compositum";
  • "Lim fomiozot";
  • "Gormel";
  • "Ubiquinone Compositum"
  • "Hynek Khel";
  • "Coenzyme compositum";
  • "Galium-Hel"
  • "Psorino Khel."

For example, Lachesis prepared based on snake venom. The drug, like all homeopathic remedies, acts on the body as a whole. It has a positive effect on the genitourinary system, digestive organs, breathing and circulation, as well as beneficial effects on the nervous system. Lachesis is applicable not only in the treatment of infertility, but also relieves menopausal disorders Climacteric disorders - can you avoid them?  Climacteric disorders - can you avoid them?
 , Premenstrual syndrome and other gynecological problems.

Another homeopathic remedy - it arborvitae. Thuja affects the organs of the urogenital system, colon and skin. Thuja is prescribed not only infertility but also for the treatment of skin diseases, when there are problems with the rectum and sexual organs (including dysmenorrhea). Furthermore, Thuja is effective for migraines, cough and neurological pain.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • traditional methods of infertility treatment

Treating sinusitis Homeopathy - Safe and Secure

March 30, 2013

 homeopathy treatment of sinusitis
 The use of homeopathic medicines in recent years is widespread. There are health centers that offer advanced comprehensive survey, individual selection of products that provides stable clinical effect recovery from sinusitis Sinusitis - when a puncture is required  Sinusitis - when a puncture is required
 . Treating sinusitis homeopathy Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?  Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?
   It refers to a modern, efficient and safe treatment.

 Treating sinusitis Homeopathy - Safe and Secure

Individual approach to therapy

It is important to understand that there can not be two similar approaches to the treatment of two patients with the same diagnosis of sinusitis. Choosing a homeopathic remedy is strictly individual and is determined primarily by the state, the constitution, the nature of the patient. To choose the right drug can not only expert on the basis of the survey, attaches great importance to the experience and professional skills of the doctor, who must professionally assess the characteristics of the patient. Everyone is individual, it is distinguished by the features of the disease, complications, so the medical scheme may not be the same. If the doctor to choose the correct homeopathic remedy, then you can expect a full recovery after a month of treatment, and the first positive results of the patient notes already one week after initiation of therapy.

Avoid self-medication, it can not buy drugs lightly, as this may lead to adverse consequences. Wrong to think that this group of drugs is safe, so there can be no complications. Safety therapy can only be achieved if the formulation is chosen correctly. Most considered justified the appointment of a classical homeopathic remedy (or mono product) in view of constitutional features of a person. If we consider that such a mono drugs there are over a thousand, it becomes clear why it is important in choosing a treatment regimen for each individual patient. Not exclude the use of complex drugs, which include several components. These drugs are complex droplets "Gaymorin."

 Treating sinusitis Homeopathy - Safe and Secure

The mechanisms of therapeutic action

The main principle of treatment of sinusitis is to improve the drainage of the sinuses content, as well as strengthening the immune system Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
   first at the local level. Homeopathic remedies can be characterized by the following therapeutic effects:

  • cleansing the sinuses due to the stimulating effect on the discharge of mucus and pus. There is also a normalization of the drainage function of the sinuses, leading to the restoration of the outflow of contents
  • reduction in the severity of edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   respiratory mucosa
  • improvement in nasal breathing
  • improved circulation
  • strengthening the protective barrier of the respiratory tract, as well as the general immunity

Carrying homeopathic treatment ensures the absence of side effects and allergic reactions. It occurs removal of toxic substances and allergens from the respiratory mucosa of the organism, which promotes healing. It is important that the effect achieved is sustained.

Virtually no contraindications for this therapy. It is necessary to conduct a full examination of the patient before treatment, to know about the presence of various comorbidities, which is important for the proper selection of the drug. Homeopathic remedies can be successfully combined with other therapies and means of traditional therapy.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • treatment of sinusitis folk remedies
