Osteopathy - the science or art?

November 6, 2013

   Osteopathy as a science of communication anatomical structure of the body and its functions, originated in the mid-19th century in the United States. The founder of osteopathy is considered American surgeon E. Steele - he coined the term "osteopathy" and created the first osteopathic school. Osteopathy is not recognized by the official medicine, but at the same time, some of its techniques used in manual therapy.


What is Osteopathy

Osteopathy - a type of alternative medicine, which teaches that the basis of all disease is a mechanical violation of the structural-anatomic relationships between the various organs and parts of the body, caused by the effects of trauma, a difficult delivery, or improper lifestyle - osteopathic dysfunction. Under the influence of some mechanical influences change the relationship between the internal organs, muscles, nourishing body blood vessels and nerves, leading to the development of the disease.

Find and eliminate osteopathic dysfunction is a problem osteopath. But it is very easy, because very often the violation is not the place that bothers the patient. After the elimination of these violations, the osteopath gives the body a chance to recover organ dysfunction.

A feature of osteopathy is that Osteopath independently, only by hand and sets the diagnosis (identifies anatomical disorders), and treating (restores normal anatomical ratio). To perform such functions, osteopaths develop a special sensitivity of the hands that catch the slightest fluctuations in tissues and organs.

Thus, osteopathy, to some extent similar to the art - not everyone can develop the sensitivity of such arms combined with intuition. Preparation osteopath is very complicated and time consuming. Not all countries recognized as such specialty. But at home osteopathy in the United States, osteopaths diplomas are recognized on a par with the diplomas of doctors. In Russia, some osteopathic techniques are part of manipulation permitted manipulation Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert  Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert


The basic principles of osteopathy

At the heart of osteopathy is based on four principles developed by E. A.Still:

  • the human body is a whole - the unity of mind, body and spirit;
  • the human body has the property of self-regulation inherent in the ability to protect and restore functions of tissues and organs after elimination of the causes of their violation;
  • There is a clear relationship between the structure (structure) of their function;
  • correct adequate treatment should be based on an understanding of the previous guidelines.

Thus, knowledge of the principles of osteopathy and the availability of skills allows the osteopath to restore the health of the patient.


Which treats diseases of osteopathy

Osteopathy can be visceral, craniosacral and structural. Visceral osteopathic techniques are used to treat mechanical disorders in the internal organs of the chest and abdomen, as well as in the pelvic cavity and retroperitoneal space. Using the techniques of osteopathy vistsaeralnoy treat chronic diseases of the digestive system, liver, pancreas, Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
 , Kidney and so on.

Osteopathy craniosacral techniques used for the treatment of osteopathic dysfunctions of the skull bones. This set of techniques, which are based on the assertion that the bones of the skull are mobile, they perform in a very specific rhythm invisible movements corresponding to the rhythm of the pulsation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This rhythm can catch only hypersensitive hands osteopath. This allows certain actions by the hands of an osteopath at the head of the patient to fix osteopathic dysfunctions in this area.

As a result of osteopathic correction accelerated current liquor and improves cellular metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   in brain tissue. Unfortunately, this theory is not supported by modern research of official medicine. Nevertheless, well-trained osteopath can treat diseases such as hydrocephalus (water on the brain), the consequences of craniocerebral injuries and strokes and so on.

Structural osteopathic techniques are used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They are in many respects similar to the procedures used in manual therapy. Especially effective treatment of various diseases of the spine, any disease which necessarily affect the condition of the whole organism. Restoration of normal spinal function leads to harmonization of the whole organism.

Osteopathy - is a serious activity that requires extensive training and long practice.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Therapies

Classical homeopathy - a big favor small doses

November 4th, 2013

 classical homeopathy
 Classical homeopathy goes back about two hundred years, and the debate about its effectiveness still continues to this day. Proponents of this type of treatment is considered it only right, whereas conventional medicine refers to it cool: does not deny some progress, but not recommended for the treatment of severe diseases.


The basic principles of classical homeopathy

Classical homeopathy involves treatment of like with like. This is the basic principle of it, open the first German doctor S. Hahnemann in the late 18th century. Hahnemann believed that our body is one, and for its healing (getting rid of the miasma, by which he meant all kinds of infections, as well as any other disease) should be done so that the body could he cope with the disease, that is, to strengthen its defenses and the ability to self-regulation. Hahnemann wrote: "To heal right, safely, quickly and reliably, pick up in each case is the only drug that can cause a condition similar to the suffering that will heal."

Homeopathy Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?  Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?
   used homeopathic remedies made from natural materials is strongly dissolved: plants, minerals, and substances of animal origin. In order to prepare homeopathic medicines Homeopathic remedies - without contraindications  Homeopathic remedies - without contraindications
 , Or that the substance tested on volunteers, assigning it in doses that can cause certain symptoms. If these symptoms coincide with symptoms of a disease, then this substance is prepared by repeated homeopathic preparation reduce the dose. It is believed that it is a homeopathic remedy will cause activation of the body's defenses and lead to the healing of the sick.

The second principle of classical homeopathy states that the treatment of the patient should be used only one drug. This is logical if we consider the first principle - like heals like, because the same can not be two different substances cause the same symptoms.

The third principle of classical homeopathy - the use of the minimum dose of the substance - only the lowest dose effective in the point of view of homeopathy.

The fourth principle - potentiation of the drug. Potentiation - a preparation of homeopathic medicines by their dilution and shaking or kneading. The higher dilutions, the lower the concentration of the substance in the preparation of homeopathic and the higher the efficiency of its action.

The four core principles of classical homeopathy form a treatment system, while ensuring the full safety of the treatment and the absence of side effects.


How do modern homeopaths

In modern classical homeopathy the basic principles of the doctrine remain firm. Homeopaths believe that any illness has internal and non-material causes (ie infectious agents here at anything). This is at odds with the materialist approach of traditional medicine. That is why different and destination within homeopathy and conventional medicine treatment.

Doctor, adhere to the principles of traditional medicine, aims to remove the external manifestation of the disease - to destroy pathogens, reduce the pressure and so on. Homeopath individually on a physical and psychological state of the patient picks up his one and only homeopathic medicine. This drug does not kill the infection, it is not conducive to the expansion of blood vessels and relieve pain in the stomach Pain in the stomach when the body asks for help  Pain in the stomach when the body asks for help
 It activates the body's able to restore the health of the person suffering from a particular disease.

And since one patient on his condition may be different from another, suffers from the same disease, to treat them will apply different homeopathic remedies. In this regard, the classical homeopathy medicines no "cold", "pressure", etc.

Following the appointment of a homeopath treatment monitoring of the patient and, if necessary, adjust the treatment. It is believed that it is important to ensure that both the symptoms go away. This process is subject to the law of Hering, which is true not only for the homeopathic treatment, but also for other natural methods of healing based on the activation of the body's vitality. By law, Goering recovery should take place from the more important vital organs vital to the equally important, from the inside outwards, from top to bottom in the reverse order of appearance of symptoms.


When homeopathy is most effective

Homeopathy is not an effective means of high-speed, so it is rarely used for the treatment of acute diseases and conditions involving the dire state of the patient.

But it is well suited for the treatment of chronic long flowing and often recurrent disease difficult to treat. Including the treatment of chronic allergic diseases - asthma, atopic dermatitis Dermatitis - what to do with the inflamed skin?  Dermatitis - what to do with the inflamed skin?
 , Hay fever, and so on.

Homeopathy - a method of treatment that is quite right to exist, but it is a very difficult technique that requires good preparation and sufficient experience specialist.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Therapies
