Vitamin B6: the basic functions and sources

November 24, 2011

  • Vitamin B6: the basic functions and sources
  • The role of vitamin B6 in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases

 Vitamin B6
 Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - water-soluble vitamin involved in the synthesis of amino acids and proteins. Pyridoxine is resistant to oxygen, is not destroyed by heating, dissolves well in water, alcohol, but insoluble in ether, fatty dye, and is also sensitive to light. Vitamin B6 may be partially formed in the human intestine as a result of microbial activity. This need is satisfied with food substance.

Plant sources of vitamin B6: unrefined grain cereals, nuts, brewer's yeast Brewer's yeast and their healing properties: an indispensable source of vitamins  Brewer's yeast and their healing properties: an indispensable source of vitamins
 , Beans, rice, avocados, melons, oranges, cabbage, potatoes. Animal sources: meat, fish, liver, milk, kidney, eggs, heart. Especially a lot of vitamin B6 is found in liver, walnuts, bananas, spinach. A significant amount of vitamin B6 is lost during food processing: from 70 to 75% - at baking, 90% - canning, from 15 to 70% - by freezing of fruits and vegetables, from 50 to 90% - in the grinding grains.

 Vitamin B6: the basic functions and sources

The main functions of B6

Vitamin B6 is important for the functioning of the body, because it performs the following functions:

  • synthesizes an enzyme which is involved in the processing of amino acids and regulates the absorption of the protein;
  • It plays an important role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • It takes part in the production of blood cells and their coloring pigment - hemoglobin;
  • It promotes proper synthesis of nucleic acids that prevent aging;
  • It is involved in the uniform supply of cells by glucose;
  • necessary for normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, central and peripheral nervous system;
  • lowers cholesterol and blood lipids;
  • involved in the formation of gastric juice;
  • It ensures the reliability of the immune system;
  • It maintains the balance of sodium and potassium, as well as blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator

Signs and symptoms of deficiency of vitamin B6:

  • poor circulation and the nervous system;
  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • depression;
  • sleeplessness;
  • convulsions;
  • arthritis;
  • anemia;
  • of dermatitis and other skin conditions;
  • hair loss;
  • cracks in the corners of his mouth;
  • loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting.

The daily requirement for vitamin B6 is 1, 5 - 3 mg for an adult, 2 - 2, 2 mg - for pregnant and nursing women, 0, 3 - 0, 6 mg - for the first year of life. The need for vitamin B6 increases with the amount of proteins in the food composition during stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , Arthritis, atherosclerosis, chronic liver disease, heart disease, pregnancy, low blood sugar, antibiotics, insomnia, in old age, as well as during exercise. In addition, higher doses of vitamin B6 are needed people who use alcohol and smokers, AIDS and hepatitis.

 Vitamin B6: the basic functions and sources

Vitamin B6: the main sources of

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is important for the body, as it enhances the absorption of unsaturated fatty acids. Along with calcium, it promotes the proper functioning of muscles and heart and their effective relaxation. It is found that with a deficiency of vitamin B6 may be inflammation of the middle ear.

Our body gets Vitamin B6 from food. Some vitamin B6 in addition also contain other useful nutrients, such as potassium and omega-3 fatty acids. Fortified cereals, such as rice and buckwheat, are also rich in vitamin B6, as well as yellowfin tuna. Three ounces of fish containing 0, 88 mg of vitamin B6. A glass of homemade potato contains 0, 73 mg of vitamin B6, which is more than half of the recommended daily requirement.

Most contains vitamin B6 as well as the other vitamin B group in yeast, liver, wheat germ, bran, and raw grain. Many of his potatoes, molasses, bananas, pork, cheese in egg yolk, cabbage, carrots, and dry beans. But it is important not only to know and to find a rich source of vitamin B6, and save it.

Frozen vegetables and frozen or canned fruit juices and processed meat products are losing a lot of vitamin B6. White flour and bread baked from it contains only 20% of the amount that is present in the raw wheat grain. Together with the water in which the cooked rice, we merge about 93% of the contained vitamin B6; it also refers to a liquid obtained by boiling potatoes. When canning is lost from 57 to 77% of this important vitamin.

Because fruits and vegetables the best source of vitamin B6 can be regarded as bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
 But it is important for the population of the regions where they grow all year round. In addition, vitamin B6 is found in foods such as walnuts and hazelnuts, peanuts and sunflower seeds. Rich sources of vitamin B6 are chicken, fish; cereals - buckwheat, bran and flour from raw grain.

The excess amount of vitamin B6 is very toxic, cause temporary or permanent damage to nerve tissue.

Vitamin K - Vitamin health and beauty

November 29, 2011

  • Vitamin K - Vitamin health and beauty
  • Prevention and treatment of diseases
  • Symptoms of deficiency

 Vitamin K
 Vitamin K is necessary for normal blood clotting. It is used for major bleeding, hemorrhagic diathesis (condition where the skin is covered with dark spots due to loss of blood capillaries) and in some cases, liver function disorders.

Vitamin K is often prescribed to pregnant women to prevent to prevent the death of the newborn from bleeding. Sometimes it is administered for the prevention of women before childbirth or surgery.

Sometimes, human food or animal enters a large number of damaged (rot) of the product, wherein the body is introduced in such a product contained coumarin - poison killer acting on the liver. Aflatoxin causing cancer, have a chemical structure similar to coumarin. So, it is a vitamin K neutralize harmful effects of coumarin, aflatoxins and other toxins accumulating in the body.

Vitamin K deficiency leads to weakness and fatigue, bleeding, osteoporosis Osteoporosis - he threatens you?  Osteoporosis - he threatens you?
   and the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

Vitamin K is also synthesized in the human gut microflora. It should be remembered that, despite the fact that vitamin K is in a wide range of vegetable food, however, because the vitamin is fat-soluble, so that its uptake was carried out normally (no matter whether it is a product of bacteria, or derived from food) in the gut should be little fat.

 Vitamin K - Vitamin health and beauty

As it was discovered vitamin K

In 1929, a Danish biochemist Henrik Dam identified a fat-soluble vitamin, which in 1935 was named vitamin K (koagulations vitamin) because of its role in blood clotting .  Today, under the name of vitamin K comprises a group of similar chemical composition and effects on the body fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin K1 to K7) .  Of this group, the most interesting are the two main forms of vitamin K: Vitamin K1 and K2 Vitamin .  Vitamin K1 - a substance which is synthesized in plants and found in the leaves .  Vitamin K2 - a substance which is synthesized by microorganisms in humans in the small intestine and liver cells of animals .  Vitamin K is stored in small quantities in the liver .  This substance is destroyed by light, as well as alkaline solutions .  Vitamin K is delivered into the body with food and partly formed by intestinal microflora .  Absorption of vitamin occurs with the participation of bile .  For the discovery of vitamin K and its contribution to the study in 1943. Dam he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine .

Vitamin K performs the following functions:

  • involved in the regulation of redox processes;
  • It provides bone protein synthesis, which crystallized calcium;
  • It helps to prevent osteoporosis;
  • ensure the normal functioning of the kidneys;
  • It has antibacterial, antimicrobial and analgesic effect.

As a topical agent, vitamin K also effective for certain cosmetic defects, including:

  • bruising after cosmetic surgery or injections;
  • breaks capillaries (varicose veins);
  • rosacea (acne and redness of the skin);
  • dark circles under the eyes

 Vitamin K - Vitamin health and beauty

Other useful properties of vitamin K-

  • Japanese study found that women suffering from viral cirrhosis, 90% lower risk of liver cancer if they regularly take food supplements Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
   Vitamin K.
  • German study showed that supplementation of vitamin K significantly reduces the risk of clinical deterioration in men suffering from prostate cancer.
  • a synthetic form of vitamin K (K5) can stop the growth of the fungus.

 Vitamin K - Vitamin health and beauty

Who is at risk of deficiency of K?

  • people with gastrointestinal disease;
  • people with intestinal dysbiosis Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?  Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people suffering from debilitating, chronic diseases;
  • those who have long experience stress state;
  • people suffering from disorders of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
  • newborns, especially premature;
  • those who regularly observe the strict diet, as well as some vegetarians and vegans.

Factors contributing to the development of vitamin K deficiency:

  • use of anticoagulants;
  • long-term use of aspirin;
  • acceptance of diet pills that prevent the absorption of vitamin K.

 Vitamin K - Vitamin health and beauty

Symptoms of vitamin K deficiency

  • coagulopathy (bleeding disorder), including hemophilia and psevdogemofiliya (von Willebrand disease, Jurgens);
  • internal bleeding;
  • anemia;
  • fatigue (weakness, anemia, and fatigue can also be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency);
  • bruising;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • bleeding gums;
  • nosebleeds;
  • heavy menstrual bleeding in women;
  • osteoporosis;
  • coronary artery disease.

Drugs that promote the development of deficiency of vitamin K:

  • salicylates;
  • barbiturates;
  • tsefamandol

Vitamin K can neutralize the anticoagulant effect of warfarin.

 Vitamin K - Vitamin health and beauty

Natural sources of vitamin K

Vitamin K1 is found in green leafy vegetables and fruits, such as:

  • spinach;
  • basil;
  • lettuce
  • broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts and sea
  • avocados;
  • kiwi
  • soybeans and soybean oil

Vitamin K2 is found in meat, liver, eggs and dairy products.

 Vitamin K - Vitamin health and beauty

The recommended daily allowance of vitamin K

For an adult human daily dosage of vitamin K is about 0, 2 - 0, 3 mg. The typical diet contains 300 - 500 micrograms of vitamin per day, so a vitamin deficiency is rare.

Since the fat-soluble vitamin K, extremely large doses of the substance can accumulate and lead to overdose, poisoning, liver damage or brain.
