B vitamins: the body useful helpers - Vitamin B9
January 10th, 2012
- B vitamins: the body useful helpers
- Vitamin B1
- Riboflavin
- Vitamin B9
Vitamin B9: basic functions
Vitamin B9 - is a water soluble vitamin, isolated in 1941 from spinach leaves, hence his second name - folic acid
Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate
- From the Latin word "folium", which means "leaf". Vitamin B9 is synthesized by micro-organisms of the colon, and reserves of the substance are located in the liver, erythrocytes and leukocytes. Significant amounts of folic acid ingested with food.
In humans, vitamin B9 performs the following functions:
- It is involved in redox processes;
- necessary for protein synthesis;
- beneficial effects on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
- It takes an active part in the process of regulating the functions of the blood;
- positive effect on the productive work of the brain, liver function;
- It supports the immune system;
- It plays an important role in pregnancy (nerve cells regulates the formation of the embryo prevents premature labor and so on);
- It prevents birth defects in the child, such as neural tube defects (spinal hernia);
- It helps to prevent serious diseases, such as diseases of the cardiovascular system, stroke, ulcerative colitis, lung cancer
Lung cancer - prevention is better than cure
- essential for the absorption of other vitamins of group B.
The sources of vitamin B9 are green leafy vegetables, beans, yeast, bananas
Bananas: the benefits and harms health
, Oranges, nuts and liver, pork, beef, milk, salmon. The greatest quantity of the substance contained in a sprouted wheat grains, liver, spinach, soybeans.
In accordance with good reception, the daily requirement for vitamin B9 is 200 micrograms for men, 180 mg - for women, for children - 25-75 mg. An extra dose of folic acid is recommended during pregnancy, as well as diseases of the circulatory system, liver, anemia, alcoholism, pellagra, sprue (tropical diarrhea), ulcerative colitis and urticaria.
Pregnancy entails enormous physiological and hormonal changes in women. Therefore it is very important for pregnant women to take folic acid in high doses (approximately 400 micrograms (0, 4 mg)) to prevent birth defects in the child.
Although about half of all pregnancies are planned, and the woman before conception should take vitamin B9.
Recommended norm of vitamin B9, depending on the age and sex
Men (mg / day)
Women (mg / day)
0-6 months
7-12 months
1-3 years
4-8 years
9-13 years
14-18 years
19 years and older
If you take folic acid without the supervision of a physician, do not exceed the recommended daily dose. In large doses, vitamin B9 causes intoxication, accompanied by vomiting, bloating, flatulence, sleep disorders
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. In addition, prolonged use of folic acid in high doses can lead to a deficiency of vitamin B12.
Contraindications to vaccination - something to fear? - Dangers
August 5th, 2014
- Contraindications to vaccination - something to fear?
- Risks
- Dangers
Contraindications vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis
Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is forbidden to patients who have those or other components of the vaccine has ever been called anaphylactic shock. The most common allergens in the composition of vaccines are neomycin, gentamicin, egg protein, protamine sulfate, formaldehyde and latex. People who previously had severe allergic reactions to eggs or egg products, the vaccine can be administered only under the condition that the patient will have some time to be under constant supervision of doctors who, if necessary, be able to provide him with urgent medical help.
If the components of the vaccine does not cause the patient to anaphylactic shock, a severe allergic reaction, at least, the vaccine can be made, but only under the supervision of a physician.
Other contraindications vaccination against tick - a weakened immune system and some cerebrovascular disease. If such violations doctor may refer a patient to be examined, and only then decide whether he could be vaccinated. The survey may be required in the event that a patient before vaccination showed symptoms similar to the symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis. Any other contra-encephalitis vaccination available, and for most people it can be done safely. However, remember that it does not protect against other diseases caused by tick - borreliosis, so even vaccinated people should take precautions to avoid tick bites.
Contraindications vaccinated against shingles
Vaccination against herpes virus that causes shingles
Ringworm - not only infectious disease
Contraindicated in patients with a history of anaphylactic shock has caused allergens such as gelatin, neomycin, and a number of other components of the vaccine. Vaccination is not recommended to do with AIDS, those who take immunosuppressive drugs or undergoing long-term treatment with corticosteroids, as well as people who are prescribed chemotherapy or radiotherapy
Radiotherapy in cancer treatment: irradiation aid
and patients with cancer that affects the bone marrow or lymphatic system (such as leukemia or lymphoma). Finally, vaccination against shingles is contraindicated during pregnancy and in cases of suspected pregnancy. Planning Conception should be not earlier than four weeks after vaccination.
Contraindications vaccinated against yellow fever
Vaccination against yellow fever is contraindicated in children younger than six months and patients who have any of the vaccine components previously called anaphylactic shock. Usually, it is not recommended to be vaccinated, and patients who have removed the thymus (thymus), who have the disease associated with the functioning of the thymus (eg, myasthenia gravis
Myasthenia gravis - not to be confused with chronic fatigue
or di Giorgio syndrome), as well as people with immune deficiency.
Patients over sixty years old, children between the ages of six to eight months, pregnant and lactating women are strongly advised to avoid travel to areas where there is a risk of yellow fever infection. If this is not possible, you should discuss with your doctor the risks and benefits of vaccination against the disease.
Vaccination against diphtheria - contra
In addition to vaccination, as discussed above, there is another vaccine against diphtheria - DTP (its full title - adsorbed diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccine).
Contraindications to vaccination ADKS:
- Individual intolerance or an allergy to substances that are included in the vaccine;
- Acute infectious disease, or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- Increased body temperature to 39.5S and more, bronchospasm, laryngeal edema, which appeared within 48 hours after the first vaccination ADKS - in such cases should not be administered repeated doses of the vaccine.
The following factors - is not absolute contraindications immunized against diphtheria, but they must take into account in deciding whether a particular patient is administered a vaccine ADKS.
- Epilepsy ivlichnom or family history. Such patients before vaccination is necessary to consult a specialist.
- Febrile seizures. If the personal or family history of the patient there is a violation, there is an increased likelihood that after vaccination against diphtheria
Vaccination against diphtheria - the end of the epidemic of infection
seizures reappear.
- HIV. Vaccination against diphtheria is not contraindicated for HIV-infected patients, but its effectiveness may be lower than that of people who are not infected with HIV.
Contraindications vaccinated against tularemia
Vaccination against tularemia is contraindicated in allergy to its components, immune deficiency, diseases affecting the connective tissue and some skin diseases. It is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, and patients with cancer.