The first signs of tuberculosis - the difficulty in identifying

April 13, 2014

 the first signs of tuberculosis
 Symptoms of TB depend primarily on its shape. In chronic tuberculosis of any symptoms are absent, and the patient may be years or even decades do not guess that it is infected. In the early stages of development of an open or active tuberculosis, many patients also may not be any signs of tuberculosis.


What to look for

In some cases, the following may appear early signs of TB:

  • Heavy sweating at night. This symptom of TB Symptoms of TB - how to recognize the disease  Symptoms of TB - how to recognize the disease
   often appears before the others, and is maintained as long as the patient begins taking anti-TB drugs;
  • Fatigue, weakness, drowsiness. At first, these symptoms are mild, and many patients think that the reason for their appearance - an ordinary fatigue. Many people try to get plenty of rest and sleep, but if a person is sick with tuberculosis, such measures will help to cope with this symptom;
  • Dry cough. If the later stages of pulmonary tuberculosis (as well as some types of extrapulmonary tuberculosis) characteristic productive cough in which there is expectoration, sometimes - with the blood, then in the early stages in some patients cough starts Dry cough - whether to worry about it?  Dry cough - whether to worry about it?
 Which can easily be mistaken for a symptom of the common cold;
  • Low-grade fever - a condition in which the body temperature rises slightly, usually not more than 37.5 degrees Celsius. Many patients have low-grade fever persists in the later stages of the disease, but in some cases, in patients with tuberculosis after the body temperature rises to 38 degrees and above.

Usually the first symptoms of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis are the same, even if the lungs are not affected, the cough may be absent. Specific symptoms of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in most cases, appear only in the later stages of the disease.

The first signs of tuberculosis in children do not differ from the symptoms in adults, although young patients in the early stages of the disease may be a poor appetite and consequently weight reduction or lack of weight gain. If the doctor notices that the weight of a small child does not meet the age, he would send him to the survey, during which will be conducted tuberculin skin test (Mantoux test).

Many people do not pay enough attention to the first signs of tuberculosis, and attribute them to the effects of factors such as colds, flu, fatigue, stress, and so on.

Current medications allow to cure tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
   practically at any stage, and yet, the early detection of TB is very important because it allows you to limit the spread of infection. Even in the early stages of the development of open tuberculosis, even when symptoms are very weak, the patient is the source of infection and each time, appearing in public, contacting people, it puts them at risk of infection. In this regard, most vulnerable children, and adults with weakened immune systems - such as HIV-infected. Noting the possible first signs of tuberculosis, as soon as possible to undergo a medical examination.


Early diagnosis of tuberculosis

Most people infected with mycobacteria, Mantoux test gives a positive result in 2-10 weeks after infection. Currently, diagnosis of tuberculosis can be and with the help of blood tests (including rapid analysis), which also identify the disease a few weeks after infection, and have a higher accuracy than the Mantoux test. Despite this, the delayed diagnosis of tuberculosis Diagnosis of tuberculosis  Diagnosis of tuberculosis
   It is a very common problem.

Experts from international organizations concerned with health, it is strongly recommended to undergo screening people who are at risk for TB infection. Early diagnosis of this disease will prevent serious complications and avoid infecting healthy people. Risk groups include:

  • People in contact with patients with active TB. If shortly after the contact you were any signs that may be symptoms of tuberculosis, contact your doctor immediately;
  • Migrants and refugees from Third World countries. Low living standards, living in the same area with a large number of people, malnutrition, presence of other diseases increase the risk of tuberculosis infection in patients in this group. In many countries where arriving immigrants and refugees, are now taking measures for the early diagnosis of TB, however, it is unfortunately not always possible to examine a large number of people, particularly in regions with difficult economic situation where the possibility of providing medical care is very limited;
  • Homeless. The risk of contracting tuberculosis among homeless people is significantly higher than average. In some countries, TB among homeless found up to twenty times higher than among the population as a whole;
  • Addicts. People who take drugs (especially drugs for intravenous administration) are at increased risk of contracting tuberculosis because, firstly, the drugs themselves weaken the body, and secondly, drug users are more likely to become infected with HIV;
  • Inmates. In a number of countries, including Russia, tuberculosis among prisoners occurs ten times more often than other groups. Adoption of measures to detect and treat tuberculosis among prisoners before their release is essential to limit the spread of the disease.

Article Tags:
  • symptoms of tuberculosis

Tablets vilprafen - treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes

February 3, 2013

 Tablets vilprafen
 Tablets vilprafen should appoint a doctor who has an idea, with respect to how the infectious agent is active vilprafen. Separate incorrect antibiotic therapy can lead to disease progression and the simultaneous development of dysbiosis, despite the fact that vilprafen slightly suppresses natural intestinal microflora.

 Tablets vilprafen - treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes

How do the pills vilprafen when intracellular infections

Diseases such as chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma infections are caused by pathogens that colonize inside the cells of the epithelium - the mucous membranes. Most often, this infection affects the urinary organs, but sometimes it causes infectious-inflammatory processes in other organs. For example, today there are often Chlamydia and Mycoplasma pneumonia, eye damage, and so on.

To treat such an infection difficult, as an antibacterial agent should penetrate into the skin cells. That is why long-occurring infections of this kind are difficult to treat and constantly recur.

Recently, research laboratories it has been found that the high sensitivity of chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma exhibit only some groups of antibiotics, including the antibiotic macrolide. Vilprafen - a highly effective and safe macrolide antibiotic, which is often the drug of choice in the treatment of intracellular infections. It penetrates into the cells of bacteria and inhibits their ability to live, block the formation of proteins necessary for cells.

WHO (World Health Organization) recommends to appoint vilprafen the treatment of infections of urogenital organs in pregnant women caused by chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma. As a rule, only one course Wilprafen to get rid of this infection.

By the intracellular infection is also psittacosis (psittacosis), which is caused by a type of chlamydia and carried by birds. This severe disease affecting the respiratory tract, including the lungs and central nervous system. Psittacosis can be treated as well vilprafenom.

 Tablets vilprafen - treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes

Vilprafen for diseases caused by other infectious agents

High sensitivity vilprafenu exhibit many gram-positive, gram-negative pathogens, and anaerobes that can exist in the absence of air. It staphylococcus, streptococcus, meningococcus, gonorrhea, syphilis, and so on. This vilprafen Vilprafen - modern highly effective and non-toxic antibiotic  Vilprafen - modern highly effective and non-toxic antibiotic
   barely suppresses a natural intestinal microflora. This means that when properly used in the recommended doses, it almost never causes dysbiosis. Exceptions are patients with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which already have any manifestations of dysbiosis.

After taking the tablets vilprafen it is rapidly and completely absorbed in the intestine and enters first into the bloodstream, and then into the tissue. Vilprafen accumulates in many tissues, but most of it is contained in the upper respiratory tract, airways and sputum. This allows you to effectively treat diseases such as ear infections, sore throats, tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

In diseases of the soft tissues - pustular rash (including those with acne), abrasions, festering wounds and ulcers appointment Wilprafen tablets leads to a rapid cessation of infectious-inflammatory process.

Tvilprafenom treatable and some sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea Gonorrhea - self-ruled  Gonorrhea - self-ruled
   and syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
 . But if you treat them vilprafenom independently, without laboratory testing, then there is a risk of disease transfer in latent form, which is then difficult to detect and treat.

 Tablets vilprafen - treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes

Tablets vilprafen infectious diseases

Vilprafen shows high activity against various types of streptococci, so it is successfully used for the treatment of infections caused by streptococcus as scarlet fever and erysipelas. It will vilprafen well as diphtheria, whooping cough This pest, pest whooping ...  This pest, pest whooping ...
   and anthrax.

In all these cases, the dose and duration of use Wilprafen appointed doctor.

 Tablets vilprafen - treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes

Features reception

Tablets vilprafen take three times a day between meals. They should not be chewed, but with a small amount of liquid.

Tablets should be taken strictly in accordance with doctor's appointment. If you missed one pill Wilprafen, you need as soon as possible to receive it, and then return to normal reception without taking a double dose. Wrong pills reduce the effectiveness of treatment.

Vilprafen tablets - is an antibiotic that may be used for self-treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • vilprafen
