Once in the human body were the TB bacteria, there are two main scenarios: the bacteria can begin to actively proliferate in the lungs or, rarely, in other organs and lead to different symptoms, or they live in the body for years or decades, without causing a man of no concern. In the first scenario develops open, and the second - a closed form of tuberculosis.
Any symptoms of TB are no closed, and only its sign is positive Mantoux test or a blood test for TB.
Indoor pulmonary tuberculosis is the most common form of tuberculosis.
It is believed that TB bacteria infected by at least one third of the world population, but only 5-10% of them develop active, or open tuberculosis. The other mycobacteria infected throughout life may remain inactive and not to cause any harm.
The main characteristics of the patients with the closed form of tuberculosis:
- Tuberculin skin test in infected patients, in most cases a positive result;
- Patients do not feel the sickness;
- Radiography not show any changes in the lungs;
- Analysis of sputum is negative;
- TB bacteria live in the human body, but remain inactive.
How is a closed tuberculosis?
Closed tuberculosis, as well as an open, infected by airborne droplets. Infectious agents are contained in the saliva of patients with open tuberculosis. When they cough, sneeze, talk or even drops of saliva released into the air, and if a healthy person breathes in, along with the saliva in his body fall mycobacteria.
It should be noted that when dealing with patients with the infection does not always happen; the most vulnerable to infection in immunocompromised people and small children. However, most infected develops indoor tuberculosis, and a substantial portion of patients it never flows into the open mold.
Contagious tuberculosis closed mold?
No patient with a closed tuberculosis can not infect others. If indoor tuberculosis was contagious, on the planet, probably for a long time there would be someone who is not infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, we must bear in mind that some patients develop tuberculosis locked in the open, and at first at the same time may not be any symptoms, although people have is contagious.
Unfortunately, to identify and begin to treat open tuberculosis in the early stages of development and thus protect against infection of healthy people is not always possible.
Treatment of closed tuberculosis
Treatment with the closed form of tuberculosis, would greatly reduce the risk of developing active tuberculosis. However, in people with a strong immune system, the risk of disease, even without active TB treatment is low, and a special therapy is prescribed only to patients at risk. At increased risk of developing open-TB include:
- HIV-infected patients;
- People suffering from malnutrition;
- People who abuse alcohol, especially those who developed alcohol dependence
Alcohol addiction - for no reason, no reason not arise
- Patients with insulin-dependent diabetes;
- Patients with silicosis
Silicosis - a serious occupational disease
- Patients with renal failure
Kidney failure - when treatment is vital
or malignant tumors;
- People who take drugs that suppress the immune system, such as glucocorticoids.
The likelihood of developing active tuberculosis also increased in smokers and people who work or live in areas with high levels of air pollution.
Treatment of closed tuberculosis often appointed to HIV-infected patients and the people who take inhibitors of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) - drugs that significantly increase the risk of opportunistic infections.
TNF inhibitors were first used more than a decade ago and took their patients indoor tuberculosis
Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
It developed in an open form more often than it does on average. However, the most serious risk for patients with closed TB is HIV: it increases the likelihood of tuberculosis activation tenfold. In addition, HIV-infected patients were significantly more likely than other patients develop extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Timely preventive treatment of tuberculosis allows closed to avoid its activation and prevent many complications that can cause open tuberculosis in patients with weakened immune defenses. In some cases, treatment may be administered to patients and the other groups at risk.
For the treatment of tuberculosis is usually closed using isoniazid and / or rifampicin. Depending on the specifics of each case is assigned to one of the following regimens:
- The nine-month course of treatment: isoniazid daily, the minimum total number of doses - 270;
- The six-month course of treatment: isoniazid daily, the minimum number of units - 180;
- The three-month course of treatment: isoniazid and rifampicin once a week, the minimum number of doses - 12;
- Four-month course of treatment: rifampicin daily, the minimum number of units - 120.
Side effects of these drugs may have nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, headaches and loss of appetite - they usually are mild and pass quickly. However, if the side effects are amplified and / or after the medication you show symptoms such as skin rash, itching, jaundice, extreme weakness, tingling or numbness in the extremities, dizziness, be sure to talk about this with your doctor.