Augmentin is an antibiotic
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broad-spectrum, so its use must be strictly on the testimony, otherwise avoid complications such as goiter
Dysbacteriosis - what brings self
- Augmentin kills not only pathogens but also useful intestinal microflora, which is why any digestive disorders (dysbiosis sign) and in the intestinal wall may begin inflammation (colitis).
Application augmentin for treating diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, and otolaryngology
Augmentin is used to treat acute respiratory diseases and upper respiratory tract, usually without waiting for the results of the study on the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics, as in this case, it is impossible to wait a few days. The decision to appoint a doctor takes an antibiotic.
Augmentin it is often the drug of choice, because it has a broad spectrum of action and resistance in relation to various infectious agents. Augmentin has a combined structure: semisynthetic penicillin, amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid. Amoxicillin is an antibiotic effective, but has the disadvantage (like all drugs penicillin) - inactivated by enzymes that produce certain types of pathogens. These enzymes are called pnitsillinazami or beta-lactamases, and for the suppression of their actions in the present augmentin clavulanic acid. Therefore Augmentin has a broader spectrum of activity than the penicillins and can be used in a variety of diseases caused by bacterial infection.
Augmentin produced in the form of tablets or suspensions for oral administration, as well as a solution for intravenous injections and infusions. When minor illnesses of upper respiratory tract the drug is prescribed inside, with severe respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and pleurisy (they are treated only in a hospital), - in the form of parenteral administration.
In the treatment of exacerbations of chronic diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract is usually first detected infectious agent and its sensitivity to antibiotics, and then appointed Augmentin (certainly if it is active against the infectious agent).
Application augmentin for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract
Augmentin is no less effective with respect to the bacterial pathogens that cause inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract. Apply this medication in different dosage forms (depending on the severity of the disease), acute pyelonephritis and cystitis and acute exacerbations of chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.
If renal impairment Augmentin administered with caution and in a specially selected dose, which is usually less than the recommended in the instructions.
Application augmentin for treating diseases of the genital organs
Augmentin is often prescribed for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of male and female sexual organs. In gynecological practice, it is prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the uterus and its appendages, which are often complications of abortion, obstructed labor or sexual infections
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. Augmentin is used for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the external genitalia in women.
Urologists prescribe Augmentin for treating inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, which may result as nedolechennaya genital infections, and blood circulation disorders in the art.
When genital infections of bacterial origin (for example, gonorrhea) in men and women also applies Augmentin and often the drug of choice.
The use of augmentin in the septic diseases of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, bones and joints
Purulent septic diseases of the skin not uncommon, especially frequently these diseases develop and constantly recur with decreasing immunity
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. Manifest diseases such as boils, carbuncles appeared on the skin, abscesses and abscesses. In all these cases the treatment is applied Augmentin, but after pre-sowing pus in the culture medium for the detection of the infectious agent and its sensitivity to antibiotics.
In diseases purulent-inflammatory joints (acute and chronic arthritis) and bones (osteomyelitis) Augmentin is usually used as an intravenous injection (slow injection in a syringe) or infusion (intravenous drip).
Augmentin is used as before surgery and after to prevent possible infectious and inflammatory complications.
Augmentin - an effective antibiotic that can be administered only by a physician.
Galina Romanenko