Metronidazole Gel: effective in conjunction with other drugs

November 17, 2011

  • Metronidazole Gel: effective in conjunction with other drugs
  • Application

 Metronidazole Gel
 Metronidazole - a synthetic antibacterial agent, which exhibits a high activity against bacteria Trichomonas vaginalis, Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba histolytica, Lamblia intestinalis, as well as against obligate anaerobes. Metronidazole-insensitive aerobic microorganisms and facultative anaerobes, but in the presence of mixed flora (aerobes and anaerobes) metronidazole acts synergistically with antibiotics effective against conventional aerobes.

Metronidazole in gel form is used to treat skin diseases such as rosacea (acne rosacea) and acne Acne: facial trouble  Acne: facial trouble

The mechanism of action of metronidazole is a biochemical restoration of 5-nitro group of metronidazole by intracellular transport proteins of anaerobic microorganisms and protozoa. The recovered 5-nitro group of metronidazole is reacted with deoxyribonucleic acid microbial cells by inhibiting synthesis of nucleic acids, which leads to the death of the bacteria.

 Metronidazole Gel: effective in conjunction with other drugs


Gel for external use (0, 75%, 1%), cream or ointment (0, 75%): vaginal gel (0 to 75%)

 Metronidazole Gel: effective in conjunction with other drugs


Topical forms of metronidazole (for external application) may be stored at room temperature, 15-30 ºC.

 Metronidazole Gel: effective in conjunction with other drugs


Metronidazole is in the form of a gel, cream or ointment for external application is used to treat acne vulgaris and pink, skin infections, pressure ulcers, venous ulcers, seborrheic dermatitis, hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Metronidazole vaginal gel is used to treat bacterial vaginosis How to get rid of bacterial vaginosis - the problem  How to get rid of bacterial vaginosis - the problem
   (so-called "non-specific vaginitis"). Metronidazole is not effective in treating another common vaginal infection How to avoid vaginal infection  How to avoid vaginal infection
 , Yeast ("fungal infection").

 Metronidazole Gel: effective in conjunction with other drugs


For the treatment of rosacea on the affected skin a thin layer of gel or ointment metronidazole once or twice a day. The standard dose of metronidazole vaginal gel is one full applicator (contains 37 grams of metronidazole 5), which is introduced into the vagina twice a day (morning and evening) for five days.

 Metronidazole Gel: effective in conjunction with other drugs

Interaction with other drugs

Throughout the period of application of metronidazole vaginal gel prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages and products containing alcohol. This can cause a number of side effects, in particular: headaches, nausea, weakness, loss of coordination of movements and orientation in space, and even psychosis.

The same reaction occurs in alcoholics, who during the course of treatment disulfiram (eg, Antabuse) continue to consume alcohol. The simultaneous use of disulfiram can lead to the development of neurological symptoms. In addition, metronidazole intensifies the effect of indirect anticoagulants (eg, warfarin). In an application with lithium may increase the concentration of these drugs in the plasma.

For external use or vaginal metronidazole concentration in the blood is low, and it is unknown how the above applies to all metrononidazolu in gel form.

 Metronidazole Gel: effective in conjunction with other drugs

Use during pregnancy

Animal studies have shown that topical application of metronidazole represents a threat to the health of the fetus, but similar studies in pregnant women have not been conducted.

 Metronidazole Gel: effective in conjunction with other drugs

Use during breastfeeding

In the case of oral administration of metronidazole into breast milk at almost the same high concentration to which it is contained in the mother's blood. Although the concentration of metronidazole in the blood of women after vaginal or outdoor use is insignificant, you should still take into account the possible consequences for the health of the child.

 Metronidazole Gel: effective in conjunction with other drugs

Side effects

Side effects of metronidazole when used topically include inflammation, skin irritation, allergic response, and the development of Candida vaginitis Candida vaginitis - a sign of impaired immunity  Candida vaginitis - a sign of impaired immunity
   during therapy or shortly after its completion, itching in the vagina, pain or stomach cramps, nausea and a metallic taste in the mouth.

Trichopolum acne - in some cases, treatment can be effective

March 18, 2012

 Trichopolum pimples
 Trichopolum is an antiprotozoal and antibacterial drug, so in certain types of acne it can help. Today Estheticians remembered about this drug, and it is prescribed often enough. But Trichopolum to help, you must first conduct a survey.

 Trichopolum acne - in some cases, treatment can be effective

Features of the mechanism of action of Trichopolum

The main effect of Trichopolum (active ingredient - metronidazole) - protivoprotozoynymi, meaning it is actively working on some types of protozoa. These are the simplest giardia, intestinal amoeba, Trichomonas Trichomonas - leads to infertility  Trichomonas - leads to infertility
 , Demodex and so on.

In addition, Trichopolum suppress the livelihoods of some pathogenic bacteria. Sensitivity to Trichopolum show bacteria growing without air (anaerobic) as well as the causative agent of gastric ulcer and duodenal Helicobacter pylori.

This is a fairly wide range of actions, so today Trichopolum used to treat a variety of diseases.

 Trichopolum acne - in some cases, treatment can be effective

Trichopolum in treating acne caused demodikoz

Demodikoz - a skin disease, which is caused by a microscopic subcutaneous demodex and localized mainly on the face. Normally demodex lives on the skin almost all people, but does not cause disease. For a large reproduction of demodex and development of the inflammatory process requires certain conditions. These conditions often occur in adolescence, when hormonal changes modify the chemical composition of sebum - that's what creates the conditions for the emergence of demodicosis.

Demodikoz manifested in the form of inflammation and swelling of the skin, where there are various kinds of rashes, are covered with a crust of time. By demodikoz almost always joined by a bacterial infection, and then the process of becoming festering and protracted. Externally demodikoz complicated by a bacterial infection, it is not very different from the usual acne. The only difference is that it is virtually impossible to treat with antibacterial drugs.

It helps in this case Trichopolum that destroys subcutaneous mite. Sometimes sensitivity to the drug exhibit and bacterial infectious agents. If they are insensitive to Trichopolum, then with him appointed antibacterial therapy.

For treatment of demodicosis appointed treatment Trichopolum on a tablet (250 mg) twice a day for ten days. At the same time externally appointed gel with metronidazole Metronidazole - what is it?  Metronidazole - what is it?
 Which is also applied to the skin twice daily.

 Trichopolum acne - in some cases, treatment can be effective

Treatment of acne caused by chronic diseases of the digestive system

Condition of the digestive organs and skin are closely linked. And if the young man does not develop untreatable acne, cosmetologists sure to send it to the examination of a physician or a gastroenterologist. Any chronic digestive diseases will maintain acne, as inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract occurs increased absorption of toxic intermediates decay of food and medicines, leading to disruption of metabolic processes in the skin cells. Furthermore, such diseases as giardiasis, the organism may contribute to sensitization, to cause allergic attitude that all make for skin diseases even longer.

Trichopolum help with certain chronic diseases of the digestive system, such as gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, and giardiasis, pathogens which are sensitive to this medicinal product. In these diseases Trichopolum Trichopolum - he treats?  Trichopolum - he treats?
   assigned usual course of 250 mg twice a day for ten days.

 Trichopolum acne - in some cases, treatment can be effective

Treatment usually uncomplicated acne vulgaris

Sometimes, during the examination of a teenager with acne Acne: facial trouble  Acne: facial trouble
   not detected any demodicosis or chronic diseases of the digestive system. And, nevertheless, beauticians in some cases, if the acne is difficult to treat with antibacterial drugs, prescribed Trichopolum. It will help if pustular rash caused by susceptible to the bacteria growing without air - anaerobes. Often, a bacterial infection is mixed - aerobic and anaerobic, in such a case will Trichopolum in combination with antibiotics.

Trichopolum appointed as a regular course of treatment (250 mg twice daily), the duration of treatment determined by the doctor.

Trichopolum - a drug that has long been used to treat many parasitic and bacterial infections, including those treated with them, and acne vulgaris.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Trichopolum
