Salmonella: unknown facts

April 26, 2009

 Unknown facts about salmonella
 Salmonella bacteria is the most common cause of foodborne illness. In order to reduce the spread of salmonellosis, it is necessary to take certain precautions concerning the production and consumption of food.

 Salmonella: unknown facts

What is salmonella

Salmonella - is a gram-negative bacillus that can cause diarrhea in humans. This microscopic living creatures that are transferred to other people or animals through the feces of people or animals.

The Salmonella family includes over 2,300 serotypes of bacteria; they are single-celled organisms, too small in order that they can be seen without a microscope. Two serotypes, Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium are the most common; It is the causative agents for more than half of all cases of human salmonellosis. Strains which do not cause symptoms in animals can cause disease in humans, and vice versa. The presence of Salmonella in food usually does not affect the taste, smell or appearance. The bacteria live in the intestines of infected animals and humans.

Salmonella is known as a causative agent for more than one hundred years. It was opened by an American scientist, Dr. Daniel Salmon.

Infection with Salmonella is called salmonellosis. According to various reports, annually registered in the world a few million or tens of millions of cases of salmonellosis; at least a few thousand people a year die from the disease.

 Salmonella: unknown facts

Symptoms of infection

Although some people salmonellosis Salmonellosis - features of the disease  Salmonellosis - features of the disease
   asymptomatic in most patients within 8-72 hours after infection with symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. Other symptoms of salmonellosis Symptoms of salmonellosis - the definition of disease severity  Symptoms of salmonellosis - the definition of disease severity
   It may be chills, headache, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms usually disappear in four to seven days. Many people with salmonellosis recover without treatment and did not go to the doctor. However, caused by Salmonella infection can be dangerous life, especially for infants and young children, pregnant women and their unborn babies, as well as the elderly and people with weakened immune systems (the latter includes patients with HIV / AIDS, cancer, diabetes, kidney, as well as those who have recently had an organ transplant).

 Salmonella: unknown facts

Long-term effects of infection with salmonella

Usually, people with a history of salmonellosis, fully restored, although it may take several months before the normal intestinal motility. A small number of patients infected with salmonella may appear joint pain Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
 , Eye irritation and painful urination. This is called Reiter's syndrome. It can take several months or years, and sometimes the result is difficult to treat chronic arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications

 Salmonella: unknown facts

How to prevent infection

Salmonella contamination can occur by eating all is not well processed foods of animal origin such as meat, poultry, milk and dairy products, eggs and seafood. You can also become infected by eating fruits and vegetables, which traces the feces of infected animals.

To prevent Salmonella contamination, you should follow these rules:

  • Wash your hands for twenty seconds with warm water and soap before and after you touch food, after the toilet, changing diapers or playing with pets.
  • Wash utensils, equipment and surfaces that were food after cooking one dish, and before you start to cook the other (this is especially important if you are butchered raw meat).
  • Keep raw meat and seafood separate from other foods.
  • If possible, use a separate cutting board for raw meat, poultry and seafood.
  • Always wash any utensils and surfaces after they have been in contact with raw meat.
  • Cook raw beef, pork and lamb so that its internal temperature reaches at least 63 C.
  • The internal temperature of the food ground beef should reach at least 71 C, dishes of poultry meat - 74 C.
  • The minimum internal temperature for egg dishes - 71 C, for fish dishes - 63 C.
  • Thoroughly reheat leftovers before eating meals - they should reach an internal temperature of at least 71C.

Article Tags:
  • salmonellosis

Macropen: broad-spectrum antibiotic

November 6, 2011

 Antibiotics are a wide range of activities now often used to treat the common cold. The result of this treatment is addictive pathogens to the antibiotic and the loss of sensitivity to it. That is what makes the issue all new types of antibiotics.

 Macropen: broad-spectrum antibiotic

The mechanism of action macrofoam

Macropen is a broad-spectrum antibiotic to which most are sensitive pathogens causing infectious-inflammatory diseases of various organs and systems. A feature of this formulation is that it is active against microorganisms producing penicillinase - degrading enzyme natural and semisynthetic penicillins. Therefore, it is able to inhibit the activity of microorganisms which are not sensitive to penicillin.

Macropen available in tablets for oral administration and granules for suspension, so it is often used to treat patients on an outpatient basis, for example, in the treatment of the most common infections - upper respiratory tract, and broncho-pulmonary system. Almost all bacterial infectious agents causing these infections, showing high sensitivity to makropenu.

 Macropen: broad-spectrum antibiotic

Application macrofoam

It is used in the treatment of suppurative tonsillitis, acute sinusitis, otitis media and sinusitis, acute exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and the middle ear, acute and chronic bronchitis and focal pneumonia. In the treatment of acute diseases of the macrofoams sometimes begin to take, without waiting for the results of tests on the sensitivity of pathogens to antibiotics, and after the results of treatment is adjusted. In the treatment of the chronic diseases treatment always start only after the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Often prescribed macrofoams and for kidney and urinary tract - cystitis and pyelonephritis, both acute and chronic. Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys carried long, while great importance is the fact that the sensitivity of pathogens to this antibiotic is maintained for a long time.

Many pathogens, sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
 Chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis) also sensitive to makropenu. At the same time he is able to work on micro-organisms that are "live" inside the cells of the human body, killing them (chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma).

Inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract and sometimes require antibiotics - macrofoams suitable in this case. And with such acute intestinal infections Acute intestinal infections - the most common disease in the autumn and summer  Acute intestinal infections - the most common disease in the autumn and summer
 As dysentery, salmonellosis Salmonellosis - features of the disease  Salmonellosis - features of the disease
   it is simply irreplaceable.

Macropen prescribed for infected wounds, burns, erysipelas, abrasions, and other chronic inflammatory diseases of the soft tissue. He was appointed after a minor outpatient surgery for chronic inflammatory diseases, for example, after the opening of carbuncles, abscesses, mastitis. Suppresses macrofoams also the livelihoods of pathogens of scarlet fever, Legionnaires' disease, brucellosis, whooping cough, diphtheria.

Treatment makropenom appoint a doctor, and preferably after a preliminary study of the biological material to identify the infectious agent and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

 Macropen: broad-spectrum antibiotic

Side effects and contraindications while taking macrofoam

Macropen well tolerated at high efficiency and has very little side effects. First of all, the side effects from the digestive organs. It may slightly irritate the stomach and intestines, whereby there appetite disorders, nausea, diarrhea, discomfort discomfort and pain in the upper abdomen. Macropen has a toxic effect on the liver, which can lead to transient disturbances of its function, which manifest themselves in the form of a yellow skin and sclera, and violations of biochemical parameters of liver function.

Macrofoams contraindicated if you are hypersensitive components of the drug, in the human liver and kidneys, as well as during pregnancy and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding. When pregnancy macrofoams can only be applied in the case of vital necessity, on doctor's prescription, which must weigh the benefits of this treatment for the mother's body and the possible harm to the body of the child, since it is possible that macrofoams may have adverse effects on the fetus. Nursing mothers, if necessary, receive macrofoam desirable to temporarily interrupt breastfeeding because it is excreted in the milk.

Macropen not compatible with all drugs, so before taking his need to inform the doctor about all medications taken.

Macropen - an antibiotic, and may prescribe antibiotics doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • macrofoams
