How to treat breast cysts? This issue is of concern to many women - in recent years has been an increase in the incidence of breast cancer associated with an increase in both psycho-emotional stress in women and to improve their detection. Treatment of breast cysts conducted by trained breast surgeon.
How to treat breast cysts - basic principles
Since breast cyst - a hormone-dependent disease associated with high concentration in the blood of female sex hormones estrogen and pituitary hormone prolactin, mostly medical treatment of this disease - are appointed by the various courses of treatment drugs, contributing to reduce the content of estrogen and prolactin in the blood. Appointed as anti-estrogenic diet and drugs, the recovery of metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
Large cysts treated by piercing the wall with a needle, and removing the contents of a cyst in the administration of substances promoting the bonding of its walls.
Hormone therapy
As medical treatment of small cysts of the breast using various drugs, including homeopathic remedies. In general, they are of vegetable origin. The most frequently used mastodinon, Indinol
Indinol - drug or another fiction?
and mastiol EDAS-927.
Mastodinon - a combined homeopathic preparation plant (Vitex sacred, vasilistnikovidny cohosh, European cyclamen, chilibuha Ignacy, colorful iris, lily tiger), which comes in the form of tablets and drops of oral German pharmaceutical company Bionorica. It reduces the secretion of prolactin by the pituitary gland - the main endocrine gland located in the brain. It helps to restore the normal secretion of pituitary gonadotropins (TG) - They actively affect the ovaries in different periods of the menstrual cycle and stimulate the secretion of female sex hormones estrogen (in the first half of the cycle) and progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
(second half cycle). Restoration of normal hormonal levels helps to ensure that the cyst gradually dissolves, and its walls are glued together. Appointed mastodinon not less than three months, as its therapeutic effect is not earlier than 1, 5 months.
Indinol - it is anti-estrogenic and anti-cancer drug of plant origin, which is produced by domestic pharmaceutical Miraksbiofarma capsules for oral administration. Active ingredient Indinol is indole-3-carbinol, which is derived from cruciferous plants. Indinol restores proper metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
in the body, including the formation and excretion of estrogen. This contributes to the gradual resorption of breast cysts. In addition, Indinol has an antitumor effect - it promotes the death of cancer cells and neutralizes the effect of biologically active substances that stimulate the development of mammary tumors. Assign Indinol when breast cysts for a long time - up to six months.
Mastiol EDAS-927 - a combination homeopathic medicine that is available in granules domestic pharmaceutical company Edas. It consists of: hemlock spotted, potassium iodide, calcium fluoride, creosote, silitseya and arborvitae. With prolonged use it promotes resorption of cysts and mammary gland bonding of their walls.
Restoring proper metabolism in the breast cysts
For this purpose, apply the enzymatic drugs (such as Wobenzym), and drugs for the normalization of liver function (eg essentiale).
Wobenzym - the combined drug, which is composed of highly active enzymes of plant and animal origin. Available Wobenzym tablets, enteric-coated German pharmaceutical company Mukos Pharma. Prolonged use of treatments Wobenzym normalize metabolic processes in the body, has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, restores the normal fat metabolism, stimulates antitumor immunity, reduces the synthesis of endogenous cholesterol. By reducing cholesterol and decreasing estrogen synthesis. Duration of treatment is determined by a doctor, it can range from two weeks to six months.
Essentiale - hepatoprotector it, that is a drug that protects liver cells from the external and internal influences and contributes to the restoration of their functions, including the excretion of cholesterol.
Treatment of breast cysts appointed mammologists after a preliminary examination of the woman.
Galina Romanenko