Why sore breasts? - Says a doctor - What causes chest pain?

May 13, 2007

  • Why sore breasts? - Tell a doctor
  • What causes chest pain?

 chchto causes chest pain

What causes chest pain?

Pain or breast tenderness may be caused by many reasons. Here are some of them:

  • Hormonal changes during menstruation
  • Retention in the body fluid that occurs during menstruation
  • Damage breast
  • Gestation
  • Breast-feeding
  • The infection of the breast
  • Breast cancer (rare cause of chest pain)

If chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
   does not disappear for a long time or occurs frequently, it is necessary as soon as possible to see a doctor.


As a doctor can determine the cause of the pain in your chest?

The doctor is required to ask you a few questions to determine the cause of pain, and to choose a method of treatment (if needed). Also, the doctor will ask you to describe the pain you feel and where it is, and feel the breasts, to determine the presence of seals.

If you are under 35 years old, and the doctor found no tumors and seals, further testing may not be necessary. If you are over forty, the doctor will recommend a mammogram Mammography - protection against breast cancer  Mammography - protection against breast cancer
   (X-ray examination of mammary glands).

If the doctor has found one or more seals, it is recommended to conduct one or more tests:

  • Mammography
  • Breast sonogram. This painless test for image compression using sound waves.
  • Breast biopsy. To do this, a fragment of breast tissue is taken and examined under a microscope.


How to treat chest pain?

There are various treatments for breast pain depending on its cause. Discuss with your doctor all the possible treatment options and choose the most optimal. Here are some possible treatments for breast pain:

  • Wearing a supportive bra
  • Medication which sink counter
  • Admission danazol (brand name: Danocrine) for the treatment of severe pain

In some unusual cases also used other methods of treatment, but there is no evidence of their effectiveness:

  • Abstain from caffeinated beverages
  • Reducing salt intake
  • Vitamin E and vitamin B6
  • Diuretics

As a rule, the correct treatment of chest pain disappears after a few months.

Article Tags:
  • chest pain

The seal in the breast - a cause for concern - What to do

September 2, 2014

  • The seal in the breast - a cause for concern
  • What to do

 seal in the breast that do

What to do if you find a seal in the breast?

Go to a doctor immediately - as we have said, the seal in the chest, most likely, not cancer, but if it is malignant, timely diagnosis and treatment can be literally a matter of life and death.

During the conversation, the doctor may ask you when you first noticed the seal, do you have some other symptoms when you were last month (if not menopause), whether you are taking hormones Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives  Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives
   (eg, combined oral contraceptives or drugs for hormone replacement therapy), did you have before the seal in the chest, ill if someone of your close relatives with breast cancer. Then the doctor will palpate the breast and underarm, that is, examine this area manually. During the examination, he may ask you to raise your hands, press them to a trunk, sit or lie down.

What happens next depends on what the doctor finds. If the seal is movable and not so great if the patient is younger than 40 years, she has come monthly, and she has recently noticed a lump in the breast, it can offer her again examined after the next menstrual period.

If the seal is fixed, a family history of breast cancer patients have, and if there are other reasons to suspect that the tumor can be cancerous, the doctor immediately referred for further evaluation. This is performed as in a conventional hospital or clinic or in a specialized medical center - depending on where there is the necessary equipment and experienced specialists to diagnose various diseases of the mammary gland. Often, the survey had to wait a few weeks, but sometimes it can be appointed and urgent examination. Even if you are sent to the diagnosis almost immediately after the visit to the doctor, try not to worry: the majority of people in such cases are not detected breast cancer.



For the diagnosis of seals in the chest using the following methods:

  • Mammography - X-ray studies of breast cancer. It is usually prescribed only for women over 35, because younger women's breast tissue is denser and mammography difficult to get a clear image.
  • Ultrasound can be administered to young women, but often this method is used for screening women older than 35 years. Ultrasound to determine the size and location of the tumor, as well as to establish a dense it or inside it has a liquid.
  • A biopsy is commonly used in cases where mammography and ultrasound can not determine the nature of the seal. To take a tissue sample (or in the case of cyst fluid) for assays seal administered thin hollow needle. To the doctor can quickly get into the tumor using ultrasound. The resulting tissue is examined in the laboratory, and a few days later, the results reported by the patient.


Treatment seal breast

Most benign breast seals do not need to be treated, unless they are very large and does not cause pain. If they cause the pain associated with the menstrual cycle (which usually appears during the second half cycle), it is enough to receive OTC analgesics and use cold compresses. Supportive bra and comfortable clothing also help relieve pain in the chest Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases

To relieve chronic pain associated with fibroadenoma, or mastopathy, a doctor may prescribe receiving danazol. It is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, and among its possible side effects - nausea, and weight gain. Some experts recommend that women suffering from chest pains, reduce caffeine intake, and saturated fats, but the effectiveness of such measures has not yet been proven.

Large fibroadenomas, causing chest pain, was removed surgically. The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia. An alternative method of treatment is to destroy the fibroadenoma laser. Thin device that generates a laser beam is introduced into the seal, and the laser destroys its cells inside. However, the safety and efficacy of this type of therapy in some specialists doubt, moreover, the majority of women who undergo this procedure, saying that it is very painful.

For the treatment of large cysts, the procedure in which the contents of the cysts were removed using a thin needle. If blood is present in the fluid, or if the cyst were found dense patches, content is required to send to the laboratory for analysis.

If the patient diagnosed with cancer, its treatment method is selected mainly depending on the stage of the disease. Most patients with this disorder prescribe surgery. During the operation, the surgeon can remove the tumor and a small portion of healthy tissue around it (this is possible at the earliest stages of breast cancer). Other operations in this disease - partial, full and a modified radical mastectomy. In the first case the removed region of the breast, which was diagnosed with cancer and a portion adjacent healthy tissue. At full mastectomy patient mammary gland completely removed; in some cases through the individual sections are cut as few lymph nodes.

A modified radical mastectomy involves the complete removal of the breast where the tumor was cancerous, and many lymph nodes in the armpits, and sometimes part of the chest wall muscles. In the treatment of breast cancer can also be used radiotherapy Radiotherapy in cancer treatment: irradiation aid  Radiotherapy in cancer treatment: irradiation aid
 Chemotherapy (which can be done either after or before surgery - in the latter case it is necessary to reduce the size of the tumor) and Hormone Replacement Therapy Hormone therapy - is it possible to fool nature?  Hormone therapy - is it possible to fool nature?

Article Tags:
  • mammary gland
