The monthly cycle - "tuning" of the body for pregnancy

April 10, 2012

 monthly cycle
 The monthly cycle, as they call it woman is none other than the menstrual cycle. The monthly cycle plays the role of the biological clock in the female body. This is how it occurs, normal or abnormalities can assume not only the pathology in the reproductive organs, but also in all other. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that all women closely monitor your menstrual cycle and keep a calendar month. This calendar will help sort out the violations of the menstrual cycle, not only the woman herself, but also the doctor. In addition, knowing your menstrual cycle, a woman may be more or less accurately determine favorable days for conception.


What is the monthly cycle

Monthly (menstrual) cycle - a periodic change in a woman's body, which are aimed at the possibility of fertilization. The monthly cycle is counted from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next. The length of the menstrual cycle is individual and each woman is twenty-one - thirty-five days. The ideal is considered to be twenty-eight day menstrual cycle. Shorter, or, conversely, longer menstrual cycle are classified as disease and require careful examination and treatment. Minor violations of the menstrual cycle may be caused by external factors, such as stress, fatigue, lack of vitamins, travel, climate change and others.



Each monthly cycle ends with bloody uterine secretions Discharges in women when there is cause for concern  Discharges in women when there is cause for concern
 They called menstruation. The normal menstrual period lasts from three to seven days, and the total blood loss was 50-150 ml. Menstruation occurs about once a month, and their absence may be suspected pregnancy.

Spotting, which is shed from the uterus to contain pieces of the functional layer of the mucous membrane (endometrium). Monthly gynecologists are called "weeping of the uterus for pregnancy failed." That is menstruating proves that fertilization has occurred, the egg was lost, and prepared to conceive Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
   endometrium "forced to leave during the night" that was cut to give a new opportunity to prepare the uterus for pregnancy.



Menarche, or first menstruation, which is a major sign of sexual development, and indicate that the girl entered the reproductive period and is ready for the possibility of conceiving and carrying a child. As a rule, menarche begins at the age of eleven to fourteen years, but in the northern countries of the border shifted to a fifteen-seventeen. On the occurrence of the first menstruation affect heredity, diet, ethnicity, past illnesses and social factors. Becoming a regular menstrual cycle in girls lasts from one and a half to two years. By that time, about 80% of women have ovulatory cycles.


The end of the menstrual cycle

With age, the function of the ovaries gradually begin to fade. Number of hormones produced decreases begins failures in the menstrual cycle, and then break off periods. This period in a woman's life is called menopause and after menstruation - menopause. On average, the cessation of the menstrual cycle account for forty-five to fifty-eight years. If menstruation ceased in forty years before, talk about early menopause, if they continue after fifty-eight years old, you want to exclude cancer of the uterus.


The phases of the menstrual cycle

Monthly cycle consists of three phases, which are regulated by hormones:

  • Follicular phase

In the follicular (first) phase of the menstrual cycle the dominant follicle matures. The first phase of follicle stimulating hormone is regulated by the pituitary gland, under the influence of which the ovaries to produce estrogen.

  • Ovulatory phase

During the ovulatory phase of the dominant follicle bursts and comes out of it a mature oocyte ready for fertilization. This period is considered the most favorable for conception.

  • Luteal phase

After ovulation has occurred Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 The walls of the follicle burst subsides, and in its place is formed by the corpus luteum. This process is regulated by the pituitary luteinizing hormone. The corpus luteum begins to produce progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 , Which takes place under the influence of growth and the loosening of the lining of the uterus (preparing for implantation of a fertilized ovum). If conception has not occurred, menstruation begins.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • menstrual cycle

The ideal schedule of basal temperature: to help the gynecologist

June 8, 2012

 an ideal schedule of basal temperature
 Measuring basal body temperature refers to the functional diagnostics tests and is used in obstetrics and gynecology since time immemorial. Despite the fact that the scheduling of basal body temperature is a fairly old technique, but until today it has not lost its relevance. Doctors often prescribe the measurement of basal body temperature and drawing up its schedule for various pathologies. And for women, respectively, the question arises, how it should look like a perfect schedule of basal temperature and what factors affect it change?

 The ideal schedule of basal temperature: to help the gynecologist

What is basal temperature

Basal temperature - is the temperature, which can be measured in three places, either in the rectum or vagina, or oral cavity. Measurement of the temperature should be carried out after a long uninterrupted sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   at least three-six hours. Due to the fact that it practically does not affect the external factors and it is called basal body temperature.

The ideal graph of basal body temperature indicates the absence of hormonal problems in the body, the normal menstrual cycle and in the presence of regular ovulation. Knowing the rate of basal temperature indicators in certain phases of the cycle (the follicular, ovulatory, and luteal menstrual) can suspect the presence of any disease already on the schedule. Of course, scheduling basal body temperature refers to a fairly unreliable method, but significantly facilitates the diagnosis of various hormonal disorders.

 The ideal schedule of basal temperature: to help the gynecologist

Indicators ideal schedule of basal temperature

To properly evaluate the basal temperature, you need to understand in terms of the ideal graph:

  • The temperature in the first (follicular) phase of the cycle

Indicators of basal temperature in the first phase of the menstrual cycle are within 36 5-36 8 degrees. Exceeding these figures may be either with a lack of estrogen, or with inflammation of the appendages.

  • Temperature before and during ovulation

Before preceding ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 , About a day or two, there is some reduction in her. This is called ovulatory retraction. The sharp rise in temperature (above 37 degrees) indicates ovulation has occurred. The jump in temperature should be not less than 0, 2-0, 4 degrees.

  • The temperature in the luteal phase

In the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature rises to 37, 2 37, 4 degrees. This rise should last the entire phase, on average, not less than fourteen days. If the basal temperature in the luteal phase of the cycle is quite low (compared with follicular), this may indicate a lack of functioning of the corpus luteum and the lack of progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology

  • The temperature the day before menstruation

Before the beginning of menstruation, for about a day or two, there is some decrease in basal body temperature (up to 37, 0-37, 1 degree).

  • The temperature during menstruation

During menstruation there is a further drop in temperature. In the case of high levels (37, 0 degrees and higher) should be suspected inflammation of the appendages.

Of these figures it is clear that the ideal schedule of basal temperature curve has the form of a two-phase, with a sharp rise in temperature (above 37 degrees) in the luteal phase of the cycle and some of its decline the day before ovulation.

 The ideal schedule of basal temperature: to help the gynecologist

Factors affecting the schedule of basal temperature

Even with an ideal graph of basal temperature within one or two cycles may cause deviations therein. The reasons for the changes are quite varied:

  • stress, chronic fatigue Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience  Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience
  • changing climatic conditions;
  • Choose catarrhal diseases accompanied by elevated temperature;
  • eve alcohol intake;
  • sexual acts (especially in the morning);
  • insufficient sleep duration;
  • failure to comply with the rules of the temperature measurement (the rise of bed before measurement);
  • birth control pills;
  • change thermometer (measurement should be carried out by the same thermometer).

Based on these factors, even in gynecological healthy woman may be deviations in the schedule of basal temperature.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • basal temperature
