Ovulation is the process of release egg from the ovary. Get out of the ovary can only fully mature egg and the maturation of its place under the influence of several hormones. Does a maturing egg, and it leaves the ovary, progesterone ratio, which is the main active ingredient utrogestan?
The process of egg maturation and ovulation
The process of maturing egg laid in the basis of the menstrual cycle. The ovaries in newborn girl laid the egg, surrounded by follicles. These ova begin to mature only after the menstrual cycle is formed, that is, in adolescence. Oocyte maturation occurs during the first half of the menstrual cycle under the influence of pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). With the growth and maturation of the egg and increases the amount of produced by cells of the follicle female hormone estrogen, cause the cyclic variations occur in women in the first half of the menstrual cycle. First of all under the influence of estrogen grows mucous membrane of the uterus (the endometrium) ready to accept a fertilized egg.
Once information that egg is ripe to fall into the central nervous system, under the influence of hormonal changes: the pituitary gland begins to produce FSH is much less, but it increases the secretion of other pituitary hormone - luteinizing hormone - LH. Under the action of LH (at the peak of its concentration in the blood), the follicle bursts and the egg goes to the "journey", entering first into the abdominal cavity, and then into the fallopian tube where it might happen a meeting with the sperm.
A menstrual cycle begins the second half. At this time, on the site of the ruptured follicle forms a temporary endocrine gland the corpus luteum, which produces another female sex hormone - progesterone. Under the influence of progesterone the endometrium ceases to increase in volume and begins to secrete - to produce the secret required for the development of a fertilized egg. If pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum increases its volume, and produces a lot more progesterone. In the future, progesterone is produced by the placenta mature. It will be a lot up to the birth and before the birth progesterone decreases sharply.
If pregnancy has not occurred, the corpus luteum begins to reduce its function of progesterone is becoming less and without hormonal support comes rejection of the endometrium and menstruation.
As utrozhestan affects ovulation
The active ingredient is utrogestan progesterone. The main hormones that stimulate oocyte maturation and ovulation
Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
are the pituitary hormones. Under the influence of FSH egg matures, and under the influence of LH - the follicle bursts and the egg is released from the ovary, ie ovulation.
Between female hormones and pituitary hormones there is the following relationship: the more sex hormones produced, the less gonadotropic pituitary hormones that stimulate their production. Conversely, if the female hormones is small, the number of pituitary gonadotropins increased.
And as utrozhestan - a progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
, It means that when large numbers during ovulation will inhibits the production of pituitary LH and ovulation may be delayed. But this slight impact that gynecologists generally do not take into account.
Why appointed utrozhestan
Utrozhestan assigned in the case where the second half of the menstrual cycle, progesterone is produced insufficient. This situation leads to infertility. Therefore, progesterone treatment is carried out in a specific pattern, starting from the day of ovulation.
The instructions to utrozhestanu appoint him to the 16-17-day menstrual cycle
The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
. Such an appointment is really normalizes the menstrual cycle if it violated "the fault" of progesterone.
What matters and preliminary survey of women as utrozhestan
Utrozhestan - corrects the deficiency of progesterone
It has a number of contraindications for use. It can not be applied at an elevated blood clotting, severe liver disease, malignant tumors of the breast and female genital organs. Precautions utrozhestan appointed and a number of other diseases.
Utrozhestan no sense to use as hormonal contraceptive, since hormonal contraceptives contain very different dosages of progestogen. That is why they work reliably. A utrozhestan can inhibit ovulation if the woman already has some menstrual irregularities.
Galina Romanenko