Progesterone - norm and pathology - What is Progesterone

February 7, 2010

  • Progesterone - norm and pathology
  • What is Progesterone

What is Progesterone

Progesterone - a steroid (ie, having descended from cholesterol) hormone produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary (which is developed on the site of the ruptured follicle after exit from the egg - ovulation) by the adrenal cortex, the seminal vesicles in men and the placenta. Formulations of progesterone and its synthetic analogues are used as medicaments. Determination of progesterone in blood or its main metabolite (metabolite) in urine pregnanediol is of great diagnostic value, particularly in miscarriage Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?  Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?
   and infertility.

Education progesterone ovarian pregnancy is regulated by luteinizing hormone (LH) of the pituitary gland (the main endocrine gland located in the brain), and pregnancy - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is called the pregnancy hormone.

Production of progesterone depends on the woman's menstrual cycle: the number of its sharply increased in the second half of the menstrual cycle after ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 . During pregnancy, the amount of progesterone in the blood is increased ten times. The collapse of progesterone occurs mainly in the liver, where it is decomposed into a number of biologically inactive substances, chief among which is pregnendiol.

 What is Progesterone | Progesterone - norm and pathology

The mechanism of action and the basic functions

The mechanism of action of progesterone is performed for all the general principle of steroid hormones. Progesterone penetrate the tissue cells and interacts there with proteins resulting complex is transferred to the cell nucleus and stimulates the production of specific proteins and changes in the functional state of various organs.

Progesterone is involved in changes in the uterine mucosa associated with the menstrual cycle: under its influence during the second half of the menstrual cycle occurs proliferation endometrium needed to introduce the embryo. Also changes the functional state of the fallopian tubes, vagina and breasts.

One of the main physiological functions of progesterone is the inhibition of contractility of the muscles of the uterus, especially during pregnancy.

Reduced secretion of progesterone by the corpus luteum (outside pregnancy) results in the failure of the second half of the menstrual cycle and inadequate preparation of the mucous membrane of the uterus for pregnancy.

 What is Progesterone | Progesterone - norm and pathology

Effect of progesterone in the blood on the body

Progesterone levels during the first half of the menstrual cycle (in this period are basically other hormones - estrogens) is 0, 4-0, 8 ng / ml, and in the second half - from 3 to 30 ng / ml (depending on the day cycle). At the peak activity of the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone (days 18-23, the 28-day menstrual cycle), progesterone levels below 7 ng / ml indicates luteum hormone deficiency. As a result of such failure, it is relatively increased in the blood of other female sex hormones - estrogens, which could lead to the development of hormone-dependent diseases (mastopathy, endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
 , Uterine fibroids, and so on).

If you violate follicle ovulation (release of an egg from the follicle) may not occur, and therefore, is not formed and yellow body, which should produce progesterone. Such single-phase menstrual cycle leads, firstly, infertility, and secondly, - the widening of the uterus and its appendages mammary glands.

In normal pregnancy progesterone in the blood increases from 15 to 25 ng / ml in the first 12 weeks and at the end of pregnancy can reach 200 ng / ml. Lack of education of progesterone in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy can lead to miscarriage.

 What is Progesterone | Progesterone - norm and pathology

Formulations of progesterone

Natural progesterone is prescribed for therapeutic purposes in various diseases that are associated with deficiency of this hormone. Examples of formulations containing natural progesterone can serve utrozhestan Utrozhestan - corrects the deficiency of progesterone  Utrozhestan - corrects the deficiency of progesterone
 , Which is used in endocrine infertility, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual irregularities, breast, progesterone deficiency during menopause, threatened abortion.

Synthetic progesterone have been applied mainly in hormonal contraceptives. Current drugs of this series have high activity, which allows them to be used in very small doses, minimizing potential side effects.

Article Tags:
  • progesterone

Menstruation after childbirth - if the bleeding became heavy

February 25, 2010

 menstruation after childbirth
 Menstruation after childbirth restored in different women in different ways, at different times. On average, a full recovery of the menstrual cycle after birth must be from eight to fourteen months, although cases are known as a record of rapid (two months), and a record of slow (up to forty-two months) recovery cycle.


Postpartum hemorrhage

Many women often mistake the bloody discharge from the vagina for menstruation. But in fact it is a residual postpartum uterine bleeding, not menstruation. Typically, spotting continues for two to three months after childbirth.


Breastfeeding and menstruation

As mentioned, the timing of the reversal of the menstrual cycle after birth every woman unique. This is due, usually with lactation. The fact that after the birth in women produced hormone prolactin, which stimulates the milk production in the female body. At the same time inhibits the formation of prolactin hormones in the ovaries, and thus prevents the egg maturation and ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   - Exit egg from the ovary.

If the baby is fully breastfed, menstrual cycle his mother often recovers after the start of weaning. If a child is on mixed feeding, that is, in addition to breast milk in the baby's diet consists of a mixture, the menstrual cycle is restored within three to four months. When the artificial feeding when the baby receives only milk mixture Dairy mixture - selection of useful power  Dairy mixture - selection of useful power
 , Menstruation recovered usually the second month after birth.



Since the restoration of menstruation - is primarily a hormonal process, its speed is related to the speed of recovery in hormonal levels of the female body after childbirth. But this rate depends primarily on how the breast feeding (cm. Above). Restoration of menstruation indicates that a woman is able to conceive again, although ovulation is possible without menstruation.


Menstruation after pregnancy

  • After pregnancy, menstruation is often more painful than before, and menses are more abundant.
  • Often menstruation after birth precedes premenstrual syndrome - a condition which manifests itself not only irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Bad mood or inclination to tears, and the whole complex of symptoms, including breast tenderness, headache, fluid retention and swelling, joint pain Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
 , Allergic reactions, attention, insomnia.
  • In the case of breast-feeding the baby, doctors recommend using konratseptivami, even in the absence of menstruation, since, as mentioned above, ovulation can occur without menstruation.
  • Non-breastfeeding mothers is also recommended to use contraception, including barrier methods to prevent pregnancy, and birth control pills.
  • The menstrual cycle is normalized after a full restoration of all systems of the body of a woman when the uterus returns to its normal state and begins to work as before.

Some people believe that if the menstrual period before birth were abundant, long and painful after birth, this problem should disappear. In fact, often the nature of menstruation after delivery is changing. Menstruation after childbirth may become more regular than they were before pregnancy, as well as less painful or completely painless. The fact that painful menstruation usually is caused by a bend of the uterus, which hinders the outflow of menstrual blood. During childbirth uterine bend naturally disappears, changes in the relative positions of the abdominal cavity, whereby the position of the uterus becomes more physiologic and pain during menstruation disappear.

Article Tags:
  • menstrual cycle after birth
