Peripheral neuropathy - a condition caused by damage to one or more peripheral nerves, which led to a breach of the exchange of signals between the central and peripheral nervous systems. On the occurrence of peripheral neuropathy may affect a number of factors - one of the most common causes of chronic peripheral neuropathy is considered diabetes. Peripheral Neuropathy Symptoms depend on the type of damaged nerves (autonomic, motor or sensory nerves) - may be damaged as separate nerves, and all the peripheral nerves.
The human nervous system - is the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system, which is a "network" of the peripheral nerves that transmit information from the brain and spinal cord to other parts of the body, including the arms, legs, internal organs . The peripheral nervous system includes three types of human nerves - so-called sensitive or sensory nerves, motor and autonomic nerves.
- The electrical pulses transmitted by sensory nerves, makes you feel cold, heat, pain.
- Motor nerves associated with muscles - electrical impulses transmitted by motor nerves, regulate muscle activity.
- Autonomic nerves - it's nerves that transmit impulses to the internal organs and glands, they help control some functions of the body, not consciously controlled. For example, this heartbeat, breathing, salivation, fluctuations in blood pressure and so on.
The term "peripheral neuropathy" is indicated by damage to one or more of the peripheral nerves. This damage gives the impulse transmission from the central nervous system to the peripheral nervous system. Accepted provide two basic types of peripheral neuropathy:
- Acute peripheral neuropathy is accompanied by the sudden appearance and rapid worsening of symptoms
- Chronic peripheral neuropathy develops gradually over several months
From the standpoint of the number of damaged nerves isolated:
- Mononeuropathies, accompanied by damage to only one nerve
- Polyneuropathy - a condition in which damaged some of the peripheral nerves
The causes of peripheral neuropathy
Damage to peripheral nerves may be caused by many different factors. Among them:
- Diabetes - the most common cause of chronic peripheral neuropathy. High blood sugar
Blood sugar - a very important indicator
without proper treatment of diabetes results in damage to the nerves.
- Vitamin deficiency - a lack of vitamin B12 in the diet, or folate (folate) can cause nerve damage, and peripheral neuropathy.
- Medications - often cause nerve damage drugs used during chemotherapy and for the treatment of HIV infection.
- Toxins - some poisonous chemical compounds, including funds for the extermination of insects or solvents (solvents)
- Some types of cancer
- Alcohol abuse: the high level of alcohol in the blood can cause damage to nerves (a condition called alcoholic neuropathy).
- Chronic kidney disease - an imbalance of salts and electrolytes in the blood caused by renal failure, can cause peripheral neuropathy.
- Injuries resulting in damage to the nerve endings - for example, bone fractures, injuries causing nerve compression.
- Infections - some infections, including HIV, Lyme disease, herpes lishey can lead to peripheral neuropathy. A condition in which nerve damage caused by an infection, called Guillain-Barre syndrome.
- Connective tissue diseases - such as rheumatoid arthritis
Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
or systemic lupus erythematosus.
- Some inflammatory diseases - including sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis - how to protect themselves?
(Boeck's disease) and celiac disease (celiac disease).
In rare cases, the cause of peripheral neuropathy can not be established - a condition called idiopathic peripheral neuropathy.
Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy depend on what kinds of damaged peripheral nerves - Neuropathy can affect one or all three types of peripheral nerves. Moreover, in many of the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy caused by a number of damaged nerves, and the factors which cause damage.
If there is damage to sensory nerves, such a condition is known as sensory neuropathy. This disease can cause the following symptoms:
- Tingling and numbness in parts of the body
- Loss of ability to feel pain
- Loss of the ability to distinguish between changes in temperature
- Loss of coordination (the ability to determine the position of the joints)
- Burning or shooting pain, aggravated by night
As a rule, the first sensory neuropathy affects the hands and feet - the most simple activities such as walking or moving objects hands complicated. In the absence of proper treatment of sensory neuropathy can spread to other parts of the body.
For motor neuropathy - a condition caused by damage to the motor (motor) nerves - characterized by the following symptoms:
- Muscle weakness, causing difficulties when making even small movements (such as fastening buttons). Sometimes motor neuropathy, muscle weakness observed in the chest and throat, causing difficulty with breathing and swallowing reflexes.
- Reduced muscle mass due to inactivity
- Muscle cramps
- The paralysis of the muscles (muscles can not move, and the body stops moving as a result)
Autonomic neuropathy, in which the autonomic nerves are damaged, accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Dizziness, fainting (blood pressure lowering)
- Reducing the ability to sweat
- Inability to stand heat
- Incontinence caused by the disturbance monitor bladder function
- Bloating, constipation or diarrhea
- Impotence (lack of erection)
Diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy
If peripheral neuropathy is suspected on first physical examination to determine the signs of the disease - such as numbness in the extremities, muscle weakness. To determine the cause of neuropathies, some may require blood tests - for example, analysis of blood sugar in diabetes, determination of levels of vitamin B12 and folate levels in blood, analysis of the kidneys and so on. The main methods of diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy include:
- Nerve conduction studies. Such a study to determine the rate of transmission of electrical impulses along the nerves. Special electrodes placed on the skin in the area under study proleganiya nerve and transmit very weak electrical impulse that stimulates the nerve. Other electrodes defines the electrical activity of nerve impulse transmission and speed. At this speed the peripheral neuropathy typically reduced.
- Electromyography. This study is to determine the so-called electrical activity of muscles. Very thin needle electrode inserted through the skin into the muscle motion that reads needle connected to an oscilloscope. This device allows you to determine the response to stimulation of muscle nerve endings. If peripheral neuropathy electrical activity of muscles is broken.
- Nerve biopsy. The procedure of obtaining a tiny piece of the nerve fiber for further examination under a microscope. Normally, cells are taken for biopsy of nerve fibers around the ankle or wrist. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, samples are taken for investigation by making a small incision in the skin.
- A skin biopsy. A relatively new technique for diagnosing peripheral neuropathy, suggesting taking skin samples for examination under a microscope. Including a skin biopsy to determine the density of nerve fibers - with peripheral nerve neuropathy density typically less than the normal.
Other methods of diagnosis
- To identify the deficiency of vitamins, inherent diabetes, impaired liver or kidney disease, and other diseases associated with metabolic disorders, and abnormalities in the immune system perform a blood test.
- Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid helps to identify the impact of antibiotics on the condition of the peripheral nervous system and the development of neuropathy in particular.
- Muscle strength refers to the integrity of the motor nerve fibers.
- Damage to sensory fibers can be identified by examining a patient's response to the vibrations, the touch, the change of body position and temperature.
- Computed tomography helps determine bone and vascular abnormalities.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) determines the quantity and quality of muscle tissue, as well as the amount of fat tissue replacing muscle and prolonged compression of the nerve fibers.
Treatment of peripheral neuropathy
Before the treatment of peripheral neuropathy, cure diseases, its cause, and improve the overall condition of the body - support the permissible level of blood sugar
Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
Healthy weight, and the transition to a balanced diet. Limitation or elimination of alcohol helps to reduce the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Also prescribe immunosuppressive drugs, such as prednizol, cyclosporine and azathioprine.
Treatment of peripheral neuropathy has two purposes - treatment of the disease, which led to damage to the peripheral nerves and caused neuropathy, and the suppression of unpleasant symptoms, which may be accompanied by the development of neuropathy. To successfully restore the activity of any peripheral nervous system disease caused by neuropathy - whether diabetes or deficiency of vitamin B12 - must be cured. In diabetes, it is important to monitor the level of blood sugar to prevent nerve damage in the future. If peripheral neuropathy is caused by a trauma, nerve compression, may require physical therapy or surgery. Finally, the alcoholic neuropathy only abstinence from alcohol helps prevent the development of disease.
To suppress the pain at the peripheral neuropathy may be used anticonvulsants (eg, gabapentin or carbamazepine), tricyclic antidepressants, amitriptyline. Medications to suppress the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy depend on the type of disease and caused its causes.
The success of the treatment of peripheral neuropathy depends on the cause this condition causes. In general, if a problem is identified at an early time, and successfully resolved, the chances of restoring the normal function of the peripheral nervous system are very high - for example, with proper treatment of diabetes or elimination of deficiency of vitamin B12. However, in some severe cases, peripheral neuropathy, even with the elimination of the causes of nerve damage may be irreversible.
For the treatment of peripheral neuropathies has also been successfully applied mexiletine (used to normalize the heart rhythm), antiepileptic drugs, antidepressants, and anesthetics.
To improve the stability of posture and gait recommend wearing orthopedic shoes, which also helps to prevent foot injury. Surgery provides immediate relief from mononeuropathies. Removal of malignant tumors helps to reduce harmful pressure on the nerve endings. Also, other treatments are used, inter alia, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.