Tablets Milgamma taken in various diseases of the nerves, which are accompanied by pain (with the defeat of the sensory nerves) or movement disorders (with the defeat of the motor nerves). In any case milgamma improve the condition of the patient.
Milgamma tablets - composition and their effect on the body
The composition of tablets (better - coated tablets) Milgamma includes B vitamins, which have a direct impact on the nervous tissue - vitamins B1 and B6 in very high dosages.
Vitamin B1 tablets Milgamma stored in the fat-soluble state as benfotiamine. It regulates carbohydrate and protein metabolism in nerve cells (neurons), is involved in lipid metabolism, has an antioxidant action (inhibits toxic free radicals produced in the course of biochemical reactions in the cells). Vitamin B1, also has a regulating effect on the nerve impulses and promotes analgesia.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is a coenzyme for enzymes many nerve cells, so virtually participates in all biochemical reactions that are included in all kinds of metabolic
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
. In addition, it is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine (neurotransmitters called biologically active substance, by which nerve impulses are transmitted from cell to cell). Thus, the effect of vitamin B6 enhances (potentiates) the effect of vitamin B1 for the regulation of nerve impulses of neurons. The analgesic effect of both vitamins and mutually reinforced.
Milgamma has analgesic effect, improves blood flow to nerve tissue, metabolic processes in the nerve cells, accelerates the recovery processes in the nervous tissue, it has a beneficial effect on inflammatory and degenerative dystrophic diseases of nerves and musculoskeletal system.
Which diseases are taking pills Milgamma
Milgamma tablets prescribed for the treatment of nervous system diseases of different origin for removing such symptoms as pain and movement disorders.
Tablets Milgamma used for inflammation and pain along the sensory nerves - nervitah and neuralgia. When this improvement neurons (they have improved metabolic processes) leads to improvement of the neural tissue in general, reduce inflammation and pain. If a very strong pain (such as trigeminal neuritis in), then initiate treatment with Milgamma administration by intramuscular injection. Sometimes, only one - two injections for the pain subsided, and you can go on the pill. Will also milgamma neuritis visual and auditory nerve.
Apply Milgamma and motor nerve disorders, such as paresis of the facial nerve, which leads to immobilization of facial muscles and asymmetry. When expressed as violations of the treatment can be started with the injection, and then go on the pill.
In diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
and abuse of alcohol can cause neuropathy - multiple lesions of the peripheral nerves. These diseases are difficult to treat, and milgamma
Milgamma: therapeutic vitamins
tablets in the form of courses of treatment may improve the condition of these patients.
Take tablets Milgamma also at pains in muscles caused by neurological disorders - myalgia.
Radicular syndrome arising from the infringement of the spinal nerves, are perhaps the most common cause of purpose Milgamma tablets. If the patient's condition is not too severe, the Milgamma appointed immediately in the form of tablets. When strong pain is better to start with intramuscular Milgamma, and then when the pain diminished, go to the reception drops.
Another disease in which the taking pills Milgamma - shingles
Ringworm - not only infectious disease
. The disease is caused by a type of herpes virus that can exist for decades in the human body after undergoing chickenpox, hiding in clusters of nerve cells. When the body is weakened (this happens often in the elderly), the virus begins to multiply and move along the nerve, causing the skin surface characteristic blisters. Shingles is accompanied by severe pain, milgamma can improve the condition of these patients.
Sometimes neurological disease caused by deficiency of vitamin B. In such cases, as is shown receiving Milgamma tablets.
Take pills (pills) Milgamma one 1 - 3 times a day - the dosage and duration of treatment prescribed by a doctor. To wash down pills to be more fluid.
Milgamma tablets is quite effective in treating many neurological diseases, especially in the complex treatment.
Galina Romanenko