- Pinched nerve - what to do when severe pain?
- Symptoms
- First aid
- Treatment
Treatment for a pinched nerve - take comprehensive measures
Treatment requires a pinched nerve regularity and performance of all doctor's appointments. In addition, it is necessary to completely change the lifestyle. On the one hand, a pinched nerve requires low physical activity, and on the other - regular physiotherapy sessions.
Symptoms of a pinched nerve
Pinched nerve can occur in the neck, back, waist, arms or legs. At the same time, as a rule, there are strong paroxysmal pain along the pinched nerve. Sometimes the pains are constant. In the course of the affected nerve may appear slight reddening and swelling of tissues.
When such symptoms should see a doctor, and not to treat yourself with home remedies.
Consult your doctor to determine the cause must be a pinched nerve. Only in the case of establishing the true reason of infringement of the right may conduct adequate treatment.
General principles of treatment of a pinched nerve
Treatment of patients with acute exacerbation of pain begins with the removal of the pain, which are used as drug and non-drug agents. After relieving pain are treated with the underlying disease that caused the pain. When osteochondrosis prescribe drugs that improve blood circulation and metabolism in nerve cells (neurons). If this injury, then held her treatment. If necessary, turn to surgery.
After the reduction of pain immediately appointed rehabilitation treatment - massage, manual therapy, physiotherapy. After a full course of treatment may conduct spa treatment.
Pain Therapy
Begin holding analgesic therapy with bed rest and proper placement of the patient - a manifestation of pain is largely dependent on the patient's posture. For example, for low back pain (lumbago) is recommended to lie still on the back, on a firm surface, and the patients immediately notice a decrease in pain. From food exclude sharp, salty, smoked dishes and strong broths.
Appointed painkillers. Begin with the appointment of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs - NSAIDs. These drugs relieve pain and inflammation and thus bring real relief to patients. However, NSAIDs have side effects, and the most unpleasant of which is their irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, which occurs due to suppression of prostaglandin synthesis - substances that protect mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) from any impacts. Therefore NSAIDs in any dosage form for systemic treatment (including by injection) is best given after a meal. NSAIDs should not be prescribed and for a long time - all their side effects are amplified. For the first generation of NSAIDs include Voltaren
Voltaren - relieve inflammation and pain
(diclofenac), ibuprofen, indomethacin, aspirin, phenylbutazone and others. NSAIDs second generation produce fewer side effects on the gastrointestinal tract, these include Nimesulide, Arcoxia, movalis
Movalis - relieve symptoms of inflammation
The pain intensified, and by muscle spasm, for removal of whom are appointed by such drugs as Mydocalmum
Mydocalm: drug from muscle spasms
For the purpose of anesthesia administered as procaine blockade, courses of acupuncture and acupressure, physiotherapy (UHF, electrophoresis with novocaine and other painkillers drugs).
Treat diseases caused by a pinched nerve
This treatment is only possible after a proper examination and diagnosis of the disease. If the cause of nerve entrapment was osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
Then prescribe drugs that improve blood circulation. Osteochondrosis begins with the fact that the tissues of the spine become less supplied with blood, ie nutrients and oxygen, so the cells of these tissues begins metabolic disorders. To improve the metabolism of the neurons (nerve cells) are assigned to B vitamins to restore cartilage and bone prescriber - chondroprotectors (arthritis, Don, structum, terafleks, chondroitin, and others.), Which simultaneously improves blood circulation and metabolism in tissues .
If the cause is a pinched nerve trauma, depending on its nature a conservative or operative therapy.
If compressed nerve growing tumor, it is removed. When squeezing the nerve scars also carried out an operation - nerve trunk was isolated from the surrounding tissue, releasing from pressure.
Rehabilitation treatment
Rehabilitation treatment involves manual therapy, massage, exercise therapy, restorative physical therapy sessions, reflexology (acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion).
Begin to such treatment in the hospital, and then to finish the cure in an outpatient setting. Once the pain is fully held, we can recommend the patient spa treatment. In addition, the patient should avoid strenuous exercise, but did not lead a sedentary lifestyle, and be sure to engage in physical therapy.
Galina Romanenko