Throat cancer - men at risk - What is cancer of the throat and its causes

October 15, 2009

  • Throat cancer - men at risk
  • What is cancer of the throat and its causes

What is cancer of the throat and its causes

Under the throat is usually meant the pharynx and larynx. Throat - this is the initial part of the digestive tube, located between the mouth and esophagus. Simultaneously Throat is part of the breathing tube connecting the nasal cavity to the throat. Larynx - is the upper respiratory system, which is both a body of phonation.

Cancer of the throat may occur in the nasopharynx, oropharynx and hypopharynx. The most common cancer of the nasopharynx (mostly men), which grows out of the roof and the side walls of the pharynx. Laryngeal cancer ranks first among malignant tumors of the upper respiratory tract, it also occurs more frequently in men over 35 years.

All cancers are characterized by proliferation of immature (undifferentiated non-essential properties, they are also called atypical) cells, which begin to multiply rapidly, germinating in the organ itself, and the surrounding tissue and spread through the blood vessels in distant organs (metastasize).

Substances that can cause a degeneration of cells are called carcinogens. Chemical carcinogens (various aromatic compounds, plastics and metals, nicotine) can react with cellular DNA causing their malignant transformation. Can cause transformation of cells as physical (e.g., ionizing radiation) and biological (some viruses), hormones (for example, sex hormones play a major role in the formation of breast cancer) factors and genetic predisposition of the person.

 What is cancer of the throat and its causes | throat cancer - men at risk

Nasopharyngeal cancer

Nasopharyngeal cancer goes through four stages of development:

  • Stage I: The tumor is within the same anatomical part, without ulceration, metastases Metastasis - danger everywhere  Metastasis - danger everywhere
  • Stage II may have two options: a) tumor spreads within two anatomical parts with severe infiltration (penetration) soft tissue wall of the nasopharynx, the tumor occupies more than half of the lumen of the nasopharynx; b) corresponds to the first stage of the tumor, but there is a single metastasis to nearby lymph nodes;
  • Stage III: a) tumor fills the lumen of the nasopharynx, it is possible ulceration; b) corresponds to a tumor stage I or II, but has expressed metastases in the lymph nodes;
  • Stage IV: a) tumor extends beyond the nasopharynx, it grows into the surrounding tissue, including the nasal bone, the skull, the middle ear; b) correspond to the size of the tumor stage I-III, but there are numerous distant metastases.

Patients usually complain of the growing difficulty of nasal breathing and nasal discharge mixed with blood. If the tumor is located near the Eustachian tube, it may be a one-sided hearing loss. Later joined twang and mild headache which increases sharply during the propagation of the tumor.

 What is cancer of the throat and its causes | throat cancer - men at risk

Cancer of the larynx

Laryngeal cancer as well as nasopharyngeal cancer, takes place in four stages of development. The main signs of cancer Fifteen signs of cancer that women ignore  Fifteen signs of cancer that women ignore
   the larynx is a sense of unease, choking and pain when swallowing. However, these signs appear already in advanced process. No signs of the disease in the initial period is a common cause of late treatment to the doctor.

But if affects the vocal cords, the signs of the disease appear even with small amounts of tumor. The earliest symptom is persistent hoarseness, increasing with increasing tumor turning into Athos (complete lack of voice). Sometimes a cough, shortness of breath and choking when eating.

At any location of the tumor appear cough, sometimes with blood, breath Breath (halitosis) - is sometimes useful to close the mouth  Breath (halitosis) - is sometimes useful to close the mouth
   due to the collapse of the tumor, bleeding and frequent infections accession.

 What is cancer of the throat and its causes | throat cancer - men at risk

Diagnosis of throat cancer

Cancer of the throat may suspect an audiologist or dentist during the examination. To clarify the diagnosis conducted additional research: ultrasonic, radiographic (including magnetic resonance imaging) and laboratory (smear from the throat or a piece of tissue under a microscope to detect abnormal cells).

 What is cancer of the throat and its causes | throat cancer - men at risk

Treatment of throat cancer

In the treatment of any type of cancer using three methods: Chemotherapy Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?  Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?
 , Radiation therapy (the abnormal cells are destroyed), and surgery, during which removed the tumor and nearby lymph nodes. Like any other cancer, throat cancer treated better in the initial stages. With proper and adequate treatment of these patients may recover completely.

Article Tags:
  • throat cancer

Bone cancer sarcoma with an unclear outlook - Types

April 7, 2011

  • Bone cancer sarcoma of uncertain outlook
  • Kinds

Types of malignant bone tumors and their main characteristics

There are primary and secondary, that is metastatic (from some other body) malignant bone tumors. Primary bone tumors are made up of different tissues that make up the bones as the body: bone (osteogenic sarcoma), cartilage (chondrosarcoma), or fibrous connective tissue (fibrosarcoma) hematopoietic (Ewing's sarcoma), vascular (angiosarcoma).

Metastasize to bone mainly lung, breast, prostate and thyroid glands to produce typically multiple nodes or diffuse (all over the bones) growths.

The tumors are usually located in the inner parts of the bone, in the long bones - at their ends. Location of the tumor can give it certain characteristics. Local reaction bone tumor is expressed in bone resorption in the area of ​​its location. In a case there is a pathological fracture of the affected bone tumor, and then the growth in its place such as bone callus.

The clinical picture of different malignant bone tumors may be similar, and includes pain, swelling soft tissue surrounding the bone, sometimes broken without any visible reason.

 Forms | bone cancer sarcoma of uncertain outlook


Osteogenic sarcoma - a malignant tumor Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad
 That develops from bone. Radiologically it has three types: osteolytic (bone dissolving), osteoblastic (with the growth of bone tissue), and mixed. Osteolytic sarcoma occurs as a single, irregular shape vaguely outlined the focus of bone destruction.

Osteoblastic sarcoma detected in the form of various foci seal cancellous bone (cancellous bone located within the bone). In the future, tumor bone fills the medullary cavity and germinate in the cortex (it is more dense and is located on the outside), merging with it. Then the tumor masses extend beyond the bone and soft tissue are determined on the background of a seal of different shapes. When mixed osteosarcoma on the radiograph can detect tumor bone formation, giving the seal portions pronounced bone structure, and next to them - foci of bone destruction.

 Forms | bone cancer sarcoma of uncertain outlook


Hondroasarkomy develop from cartilage and represent more than 11% of cases of malignant bone tumors. It is located primarily in the proximal (located close to the center of the body) parts of the long bones in the pelvis, sternum, ribs. During her can be long, and the intervals between relapses (exacerbations) may exceed 5-10 years. Repeated relapses timing light progressively shorter intervals.

By maturity (the less mature cells of the tumor, so it is more malignant) distinguish chondrosarcoma high, medium and low level of maturity. The prognosis of chondrosarcoma more favorable than in osteosarcoma Sarcoma - a full recovery possible  Sarcoma - a full recovery possible

 Forms | bone cancer sarcoma of uncertain outlook


Fibrosarcoma develops from connective tissue. There are extra- and intraosseous tumor. Vnekostnaya tumor - periosteal fibrosarcoma delineated on the radiograph as a more or less clearly defined, round, oval or krupnobugristogo formation adjacent to the bone. Often on the background of the formation of various sizes are visible calcification. Bone structure remains unchanged. There are only small bone defects as a result of atrophy (reduction in volume), the pressure is slowly growing tumor. When acquiring infiltrative tumor growth (penetrating) the nature, it can grow not only in the surrounding soft tissue and bone.

Intraosseous fibroids are much rarer, mostly on the lower extremities. Often, they are placed in the knee area and have an X-ray picture similar to the picture osteolytic osteosarcoma.

Treatment of bone tumors is mainly surgical - carried out the amputation bone, removal of nearby lymph nodes. If there is a single metastasis Metastasis - danger everywhere  Metastasis - danger everywhere
   lightweight, they are also removed efficiently. In some cases, surgery is performed before radiation therapy. After surgery, treatment is carried out in different ways depending on the stage of the disease and the nature of the tumor radiation therapy, chemotherapy, Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?  Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?
   or a combination thereof.

Bone cancer (more correctly, sarcoma) - it is a serious illness with an uncertain prognosis.

Galina Romanenko
