Age farsightedness - all different

November 20th, 2014

 farsightedness age
 Farsightedness develops after age 40 years. At the same time, closer to the eyes is the object, the harder to see. But not all the people in 40, 50 or even 60 years are far-sighted. Of great importance in the development of age-related farsightedness are heredity and lifestyle.


What is the age farsightedness and why it develops

The human eye is arranged so that it can be considered objects arranged as far and close. Much of this depends on the elasticity of the lens and the contractility of the ciliary muscle of the eye that changes the curvature of the lens, making it a little more round, then more flat. The lens is a lens in which the refracted rays. When the ciliary muscle contracts, the tension of its fibers attached to the lens is reduced, the lens becomes circular, its radius of curvature is reduced. The result is a clear view of objects on the retina, located at a short distance, allowing them to consider well.

With age, a person is reduced elasticity of the lens and the contractile ability of the ciliary muscles, the lens can not acquire a round shape, which means that a person can not see objects located at a short distance. This state has been called presbyopia Hyperopia - than it is fraught?  Hyperopia - than it is fraught?
   or presbyopia. With presbyopia, the rays entering the eye crossed not so, as expected, on the inside of the eye - the retina, but behind it, so the subject is considered vague outlines.


How does presbyopia

The first symptoms of presbyopia appear after 40 years. The man notices that it becomes difficult to read a book with fine print, especially in low light. It is the natural aging process of the body, but it takes different people at different ages, due to the genetic characteristics of an organism and the degree of "exploitation" of the organ of vision.

With age, the eyes get tired quickly when working in close proximity to the eyes, especially at night, in poor light. There is a need to distance itself from the text at arm's length to read it. Therefore, the disease is called presbyopia long arms. If a person's work is connected with constant examining of objects at close range, some of the stress may appear severe headaches and blurred vision even more - all nearby objects will be seen vague. In accordance with the individual characteristics of the human degree of presbyopia will be more or less rapidly, and gradually increase the reading will be possible only with glasses.

Presbyopia develops over time in people who have normal vision and, and myopia and hyperopia.

So, if in his youth the man had hidden farsightedness, which was compensated by a good contractile ability of the ciliary muscle (accommodation), the age farsightedness becomes apparent due to the decrease of the ciliary muscle function.

When hyperopia increases the risk of glaucoma Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness  Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness
   - Increased intraocular pressure.

The degree of presbyopia may be weak (2, 0 diopters - D), medium (up to 5 D 0) and high (greater than 5, 0 D). The measured value of the refractive diopters (1 D - is the power of a lens with a focal length of 1 m). The strength of refractive glass glasses when presbyopia is expressed by a positive number.


Correcting farsightedness age

As soon as there are signs of eye fatigue when viewing close objects, there is a need for vision correction. For the correction of presbyopia uses convex glass, enhancing the refractive power (refraction) of the eye. With age, the degree of farsightedness usually increases and corrective glasses periodically change. Today, instead of glasses seniors can wear contact lenses Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses?  Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses?

For the treatment of presbyopia now also use bifocal glasses sferoprizmaticheskie (BSPO) to relieve tension with the eye's lens and the regular wear significantly reduce the risk of progression of farsightedness. On the lower part of the glass in such glasses glued sferoprizmaticheskie elements (TEs). In BSPO look away through the upper part, and near - from the bottom. Such glasses several times reduces the eye strain.

In the best position are those with low and medium short-sightedness Myopia - when visual acuity falls  Myopia - when visual acuity falls
   - The age of wearing corrective glasses for reading they can significantly move away. If a farsighted man all his life took place in the glasses, presbyopia that will only worsen the vision and require stronger the diopter.

Treatment of age farsightedness may include drug treatment (vitamin-mineral complexes that support the tone of eye muscles), physiotherapy techniques (electrical stimulation, ultrasound), as well as exercise trains the muscles of the eye.

Treatment of presbyopia must be complex.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • farsightedness

Retinal detachment - when the leaves sight

March 26, 2009

  • Retinal detachment - when the leaves sight
  • Diagnostics

 Retinal detachment
 Retinal detachment - a disorder in which the retina detaches from the blood vessels that provide it with oxygen and nutrients. The longer a patient with this problem does not get treatment, the higher the risk of permanent vision loss. Fortunately, retinal detachment often there are clear warning signs. With early diagnosis and treatment of vision can be saved.

 Retinal detachment - when the leaves sight


Retinal detachment occurs painlessly, but before that happens, almost always symptoms. Symptoms of impending retinal detachment may be:

  • The sudden appearance of a large number of pollutants in the field of view - it's like a little point and hairs that seem to float before my eyes;
  • Sudden flashes of light in one or both eyes;
  • Partially obscured sight.

When any of these symptoms should seek medical attention immediately.

 Retinal detachment - when the leaves sight


Retinal detachment may occur as a result of:

  • Changes jelly-like substance that fills the eyeball;
  • Injuries;
  • Diabetes;
  • Inflammatory diseases.

 Retinal detachment - when the leaves sight

How is retinal detachment

Retinal detachment may occur when ocular fluid flows through the holes in the retina, and accumulates under the retina. These holes are formed as a result of aging or due to certain diseases of the retina. As soon as the fluid builds up under the retina, the retina can be separated from the layer of blood vessels. Delaminated area is deprived of blood flow and stops functioning and the person loses his sight.

Retinal detachment may be a result of the aging process. As we age, the vitreous may change the texture and decrease in volume, or to become more liquid. Gradually, this can lead to retinal detachment.

 Retinal detachment - when the leaves sight

Risk factors

The following factors increase the risk of retinal detachment:

  • Age older than 40 years;
  • Previous retinal detachment in one eye;
  • Retinal detachment is a family history;
  • Severe myopia Myopia - when visual acuity falls  Myopia - when visual acuity falls
  • Previously undergone surgical operations on the eye, such as cataract surgery Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?  Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?
  • Serious eye injury.

 Retinal detachment - when the leaves sight


If the hole in the retina have not led to its detachment, the treatment can be used the following procedure:

Laser surgery (photocoagulation). During photocoagulation using laser surgeon attaches the retina to the underlying tissues.

Cryopexy - the use of very low temperatures to freeze the retina around the hole formed therein. After the frost formed on the retina of the scar tissue, through which it can be attached to adjacent tissues.

Pneumatic retinopexy - a procedure in which the vitreous injected bubble oxygen or other gas. Over the next few days, the bubble is gradually expanding, closing the hole in the retina and pressing the adjacent tissue to loose particles of the retina. Since the liquid leaving through the aperture stop, formerly accumulated liquid absorbed under the retina and the retina is attached again to other tissues.

Draining and replacement of the vitreous. During this procedure removes the vitreous and replaces it with a gas or liquid.

Surgical operations for retinal detachment is not always successful. In addition, the elimination of direct retinal detachment does not guarantee normal vision. Restoring vision may take several months, and in some people it never fully recovered.
