Fungal angina - a disease which is caused by fungal microorganisms of the genus Candida. This disease is common among members of all ages, but is especially prevalent fungal angina in young children because their immune system is not yet fully formed, and in the body of the child's infection can cause even microorganisms that adults who normally do not cause harm.
The most common causative agent of fungal angina is a type of Candida Albicans, in more rare cases, the disease leads to the following types of fungi like Candida Glabrata or Candida Tropicalis.
Symptoms of fungal angina
The most common symptoms of fungal angina is a light coating on the tonsils and throat pain - usually weaker than in viral or bacterial tonsillitis. Generally fungal angina usually occurs with relatively mild symptoms, especially at first. Patients may complain of heaviness in the head, discomfort when swallowing, sometimes their body temperature rises a little, but a fever in this disease is rare.
If fungal angina is not treated, it can spread to the entire oral cavity; in such cases there is a white film on the tongue, gums, cheeks inner sides. Finally, some patients may experience decreased sensitivity to the taste, and at removing plaque mucosa may bleed. In severe cases, the infection can spread and hit the esophagus.
Fungal angina in young children, in addition to these symptoms, often causes severe irritation
Irritability - you try to control my temper
; sick children are especially capricious during feeding, because it hurts to swallow food, but they are not yet able to say this. If the child is breastfed, it can infect my mother, and it often happens that a fungal angina for a long time can not heal, because it is constantly transmitted from the mother to the child, and vice versa. A few days after exposure to the causative agent of fungal angina lactating women may notice symptoms such as redness, itching, increased sensitivity, peeling, slight or moderate pain in the nipples.
If you suspect a fungal angina is necessary to seek the advice of your doctor.
Causes of fungal angina
Any infections caused by Candida, including fungal angina usually develop when the immune system is weakened due to illness or taking any medications. Some of the possible causes of fungal angina:
- Vaginal candidiasis. This disease can be transmitted from mother to child during childbirth and lead to fungal angina in newborns;
- Cancer. Over time, certain cancers, and methods of treatment result in a weakened immune system; fungal angina may be just one of the consequences of cancer;
- Diabetes. People with uncontrolled diabetes, sugar in the saliva exceeds the norm, because of what creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of Candida;
- HIV / AIDS. Immunodeficiency virus gradually destroys the immune system cells, and eventually the body loses the ability to fight infections. Fungal angina can be one of the first signs that HIV / AIDS has already begun to have a significant impact on human health - sometimes it takes a few years after infection;
- Antibiotics, corticosteroids, and immunosuppressants.
Treatment of fungal angina
If the sore throat is caused by a fungal taking antibiotics or other drugs to get rid of the disease, it is sufficient to adjust the dose of medication; sometimes you have to assign a patient to another medication.
In cases where a fungal angina is caused by other factors, in selecting the optimal method of treatment should take into account the patient's age and overall health. To reduce the risk of possible complications with this disease is strongly recommended to see a doctor, even though in many cases it can be treated with home remedies. Especially recommended in the treatment of fungal angina children home remedies - this helps to avoid various side effects that may cause antifungals. However, if a week is not observed any improvement, you should see a doctor, so he appointed a special drugs designed to combat fungal microorganisms.
Some of the home remedies that can be used to treat fungal angina:
- Chesok is one of the most effective natural antifungal and antibacterial agents. In the treatment of fungal angina you can just eat fresh garlic or taking garlic capsules
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- Yogurt helps to restore the balance of microflora, for example after prolonged antibiotic treatment, and its use is recommended in the treatment of various fungal infections. However, it is important to apply for these purposes only plain yogurt with no sugar and flavorings; sweet yogurt can only aggravate the symptoms of fungal angina, stimulating the proliferation of pathogens. It is believed that the most effective in the treatment of fungal infections is yogurt with probiotics;
- Add 5-7 drops of tea tree oil in a glass of cold water, and this water rinse the throat. It is important to keep the water with tea tree oil is washed well with the rear surface of the throat, but it can not swallow. Do gargling twice daily for two to three minutes.
Until full recovery is not recommended to use any mouthwash. If necessary, they can be used instead of Echinacea broth and / or mint
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Some experts also advise to recovery abstain from foods such as candy, cakes, ice cream and other sweets (sugar promotes the growth of Candida), any of the products, in the manufacture of which use yeast, acidic foods, pistachios, peanuts and peanut butter, eggs, soy products kofeinizirovannye beverages, products containing a large amount of dietary supplements. It is worth noting that the risk of the use of these products in the fungal angina (except for the sweets) has not been confirmed scientifically. Moreover, most doctors believe that the treatment of fungal angina plays an important role a balanced diet and strict dietary restrictions are undesirable.
As a rule, special treatment of fungal angina is required only in patients with a weakened immune system - people with normal immune disease passes without the help of antifungal drugs. In most cases, itraconazole is effective - it kills the fungus an antifungal agent, and prevents the spread of infection throughout the body. In severe forms of fungal angina can be assigned to intravenous fluconazole, and patients with advanced HIV infection who developed fungal angina, may be needed such potent drugs as amphotericin.
To provide effective treatment of angina in fungal children
Sore throat in children - a common disease
Who are still breastfed, often have to be treated as a child, and his mother - is to prevent re-infestation of both patients.
In most cases, the prognosis of fungal angina is very favorable. Only patients with very weak immune system, the infection may spread to other areas of the body, which sometimes leads to serious complications.