The cure for sinusitis: what tools are effective

March 21, 2013

  • The cure for sinusitis: what tools are effective
  • Macropen
  • Rinofluimutsil
  • Sinupret
  • Dolphin
  • Bioparox

 cure for sinusitis
 Colds do not always have consequences, sometimes after they develop inflammation of the maxillary sinuses - maxillary sinusitis. If it does not cure, the disease enters the chronic form. Therefore it is very important to choose a cure for sinusitis, which really helps.


In order for the patient to take the most effective drugs, you need to consult a doctor. The doctor will determine the severity of the disease, and therefore determines whether the required antibiotics man.

In less severe acute sinusitis Acute sinusitis - occurs as the inflammatory process  Acute sinusitis - occurs as the inflammatory process
   usually prescribed only symptomatic medication. If signs of disease persist for more than five days or the human condition is getting worse, then in such a situation will require systemic antibiotics. Also, antibacterial agents are needed in more severe disease.

When choosing a medication should be considered susceptible to the microorganism that most often cause sinusitis. Therefore, these antibiotics are commonly used:

  • Amoxicillin. If within three days after the beginning of treatment the patient feels not improved, the drug was replaced with amoxicillin-clavulanate or a cephalosporin antibiotic;
  • Macrolides (azithromycin, clarithromycin, macrofoams). They are used when the patient can not tolerate antibiotics penicillin (e.g., amoxicillin) and cephalosporins can not be assigned due to possible cross-allergies to them;
  • Fluoroquinolones (levofloxacin, sparfloxacin) - drugs that are used when other antibiotics ineffective.
  • Topical (local) antibiotics (eg, bioparoks) is prescribed for mild sinus as the main drug. In more severe cases, they are used in addition to systemic antibiotic therapy.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

When sinusitis Sinusitis - when a puncture is required  Sinusitis - when a puncture is required
   violated the outflow mucus Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman  Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman
   of the maxillary sinuses, and such conditions - a perfect breeding ground for microorganisms. In order to restore the natural process of self-purification of the maxillary sinuses, administered vasoconstrictor drugs (decongestants).

These tools are used in the form of drops or sprays and influence the tone of blood vessels in the nose. Decongestants help to reduce the cavernous tissue of the nasal cavities, which is located in its mucosa. The nasal passages are expanded, and because of this improved breathing.

Vasoconstrictors differ from each other in intensity and duration. The most common drugs of this group:

  • Phenylephrine (trade names: vibrotsil, adrianol);
  • Oxymetazoline (nazol);
  • Xylometazoline (galazolin, Otrivin, dlyanos, tizin xylo);
  • Naphazoline (Sanorin).

Form release of such funds is very important. Conventional droplets difficult to dose: when they are used much of the drug will flow from the nasal cavity to the throat. Because this is difficult to achieve a therapeutic effect, and sometimes there is a risk of overdose. If a person injects vasoconstrictor drops from the bottle to be to squeeze the fingers, the situation is also accompanied by similar drawbacks. Therefore it is better to use sprays in solid bottles.

Decongestants can not be used for more than ten days (the recommended duration of administration of certain drugs may be less). Prolonged use of nasal edema develops, changes the structure of the mucosa.


In the treatment of sinusitis Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician  Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician
   Corticosteroids are used in the form of a nasal spray. The most commonly used drug Nasonex active substance is mometasone.

Corticosteroids in anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. They also reduce the production of secretion glands of the nasal mucosa and eliminate the swelling of tissues.

These agents can be used in mild sinusitis as monotherapy, i.e., without any additional medication. In other cases, corticosteroids are appointed as an auxiliary medication during the treatment with antibiotics.

Mucolytic drugs

These drugs reduce the viscosity of mucus. Acetylcysteine ​​- the best known agent, it can also interact with the oxidizing toxins, i.e. preparation possesses additional antioxidant effect.

For the treatment of sinusitis using herbal preparations which have mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect. Sinupret - the most common means of this group. It reduces the swelling of the mucous membrane that lines the nasal cavity, and facilitates expectoration of secretions from the sinuses. Also, Sinupret has mukokokineticheskoe effect: the drug increases the activity of cilia and thus speeds up the release of abnormal secretions.


Immunomodulators - substances that regulate the immune system. When sinusitis appoint agents of bacterial origin that stimulate cellular and humoral immunity.

Broncho-Munil and ribomunil - one of the most well-known immunomodulatory drugs. They are used in the complex treatment of sinusitis, as well as to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

Irrigation Therapy

In the treatment of diseases of the paranasal sinuses are widely used means for washing the nasal cavity. They are made on the basis of sea water, which is required to sterilize and modify the content of salts to the desired concentration.

For washing the nasal cavity used drugs Marimer, akvalor, Aqua Maris and Dolphin. They reduce the viscosity of mucus, increase the activity of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium and to a small extent narrow the blood vessels of the mucous membrane.

For the treatment of sinusitis, there are many tools, but before their use is best to consult with a specialist. When treatment failure is performed sinus puncture or washed them with a special catheter. Surgery is performed only in cases where the above measures do not lead to recovery.

Laryngitis - deadly

January 18, 2009

  • Laryngitis - deadly
  • Causes and types

   Laryngitis - an inflammation of the larynx, which develops from prolonged stress voice, irritation or infection. Inside there are vocal cords of the larynx - two mucosal folds, in each of which are ligaments and muscles. Normally, these folds easily opened and closed and their motion and vibration to form sounds. Inflammation and irritation of the ligaments that are observed in laryngitis, causing deterioration in the ability to produce sounds. As a result, the voice becomes hoarse. In some cases, laryngitis voice becomes almost indistinguishable.

Laryngitis may be acute or chronic. In most cases, triggers laryngitis is an infection or tension of the vocal cords. Such laryngitis passes pretty quickly and is not dangerous. Constant hoarseness due to laryngitis may be a sign of serious underlying diseases.

 Laryngitis - deadly


Usually, the symptoms of laryngitis are less than two weeks. However, it happens that they are preserved for months. Symptoms of the disease are:

  • Hoarse voice
  • Weak voice or temporary loss of voice
  • Tingling sensation in the throat
  • A sore throat
  • Sensation of dryness in the throat
  • Dry cough

Usually with laryngitis can be managed with simple home remedies such as hot drinks and reducing the load on the vocal cords.

If the voice is hoarse or too weak for more than two weeks, you should consult a specialist.

Contact your doctor immediately if your child has symptoms of laryngitis and one or more of the following symptoms:

  • High and / or whistling sounds while inhaling
  • Increased salivation
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Heavy breathing
  • Body temperature above 39C

These may be symptoms of croup - inflammation of the larynx and located underneath the airways.

 Laryngitis - deadly

Acute laryngitis

The causes of acute laryngitis Acute laryngitis when neck pain  Acute laryngitis when neck pain
   can be:

  • The viruses that cause colds
  • The voltage of the vocal cords
  • Measles and mumps
  • Some bacterial infection - in rare cases

 Laryngitis - deadly

Chronic laryngitis

Chronic laryngitis is called, which lasts more than three weeks. Chronic laryngitis can cause damage to the vocal cords or the build-up to them. The causes of chronic laryngitis and damage to the vocal cords can be:

  • Regular inhalation of irritants such as chemical fumes, smoke or allergens
  • Acid reflux, also called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Regular stress on the vocal cords (for example, singers)
  • Smoking
  • Much less cause chronic laryngitis:
  • Bacterial or fungal infections
  • Infections caused by certain parasites
  • In addition, the causes of chronic laryngitis and / or permanent hoarseness may be:
  • Cancer
  • The paralysis of the vocal cords, which can result from trauma, stroke, Stroke - a serious brain injury  Stroke - a serious brain injury
 Tumors in the lungs or other disorders
  • Age-related changes of the vocal cords

 Laryngitis - deadly


Acute laryngitis usually does not require medication. To cope with chronic laryngitis Chronic laryngitis Disease teachers  Chronic laryngitis Disease teachers
 , Patients sometimes need to quit smoking How to Quit Smoking: Tips for Women  How to Quit Smoking: Tips for Women
 , Drink, or to treatment for GERD. For the treatment of this disease prescribed intake of the following medications:

Antibiotics are appointed when laryngitis is caused by a bacterial infection.

Corticosteroids in some cases, help to reduce the inflammation of the vocal cords. However, these drugs are taken only when the tedious cure laryngitis urgently - for example, if the patient is required to use his voice to perform their professional duties.
