Acute laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx, often develops in children. Normally vocal folds look smooth, pinkish-gray, pearl color and are responsible for the formation of sounds. Inflammation leads to loss of gloss and smoothness, thickening of the folds, causing hoarseness of the voice changes to a complete loss. Children up to three years the short distance between the folds and highly developed interstitial tissue, which has a pronounced hydrophilic properties, and therefore they have developed rapidly swelling
Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
laryngeal respiratory failure (false croup). That is why the disease is most difficult to carry infants with paratrofiey second - third degree.
Etiology, pathogenesis, and clinical manifestations
Laryngitis caused by a viral or bacterial infection, injury, burns the throat and strain its ligamentous apparatus. Acute laryngitis in infants often caused by viruses, with the rapid development of symptoms.
There are laryngitis without stenosis and constrictive. Laryngitis without stenosis manifested fever and hoarseness. Catarrhal syndrome may be faint or absent. Constrictive laryngitis, shortness of breath accompanied by varying degrees.
- Stenosis of the first degree
The child's condition moderate, well-being suffers slightly. There is a slight hoarseness, cyanosis nasolabial triangle, retraction of the jugular fossa during breathing.
- Stenosis of the second degree
The child's condition moderate, well-being suffers. The child is restless, whiny. A marked nasolabial triangle cyanosis, breathing involves the jugular and supraclavicular fossa.
- Stenosis of the third degree
The child's condition is heavy. He feels much suffering, he slowed down and scared. There general cyanosis. The breathing involved jugular and supraclavicular fossa, intercostal spaces muscles. Noisy breathing, stenotic, which can be heard at a considerable distance from the child.
Diagnosis and treatment
Diagnosis is based on characteristic clinical data, in the form of hoarseness, rough, barking cough and difficulty breathing. ENT examination confirms the diagnosis. Acute laryngitis for young children - a very dangerous condition that can lead to death, and therefore the treatment should be comprehensive and timely. Therapeutic and protective regime lies in the psychological and voice alone. Meals should be neutral, soft, warm, non-irritating. Be sure the appointment of drinking regime in which the child receives a warm alkaline mineral water without gas and a half liters per day, depending on age, fractional: one teaspoon or tablespoon every five - ten minutes.
At the first sign of stenosis, at any time you need to urgently call the emergency doctor on the house. Before the arrival of the doctor need to remain calm. The child must be in the hands of the mother.
Well help inhalation wet steam, at home they spend in the bathroom, letting the hot water through the shower. Once the room is filled with steam, mother and child in clothes that you can easily change clothes, go there. The child is not afraid, need to bring favorite toys or books. Coming out of the bathroom, you need to quickly change out the baby into dry clothes, drink warm water. Such inhalation should be performed on ten minutes, ten - fifteen minutes before the arrival of the ambulance.
Stenosis of the larynx is required hospitalization in profile hospital since deterioration can develop very quickly and require assistance or laringostomii resuscitation.
Forecast laryngitis
Laryngitis - deadly
without signs of stenosis and the right treatment is favorable. Improving the condition occurs during the day. Improper or late treatment of stenotic laryngitis - a dubious prognosis, possibly fatal.
Svetlana Shimkovich