Acute otitis (ear infection) occurs because of the introduction of an infection. Depending on the type of diseases the symptoms can vary. The doctor after examining the patient prescribe treatment. The choice of drugs will depend on the characteristics of the pathological process and the human condition.
Types of diseases
Acute otitis media may be the outer and middle. When otitis externa affects the pinna and external auditory canal tissue. The disease can occur in the form of a boil in the ear canal. In this case, it is represented by an acute purulent inflammation of the sebaceous gland and hair follicle and the surrounding connective tissue that develops in the osteochondral department. Outdoor diffuse otitis media - is widespread purulent inflammation of the skin in the ear canal, in such a process may involve the bone department, subcutaneous layer and the eardrum.
Another form of the disease - otitis media. In this pathology in the acute inflammatory process involved the mucous membranes of the middle ear (the auditory tubes, the tympanic cavity, pneumatic cells and caves of the mastoid process of the temporal bone).
Furuncle in the outer ear canal arises from the introduction of infection, often causing a state of staphylococci. The development of the outer diffuse otitis media occurs when infection of the skin in the ear canal due to mechanical, thermal and chemical damage to it, as well as suppurative otitis media. Most often this disease is caused by pyogenic streptococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The formation of this pathology contribute to allergic reactions, the carbon exchange and decreased resistance to various adverse factors.
Otitis media usually cause Haemophilus influenzae, moraksella, Staphylococcus aureus and pyogenic streptococcus. Viral infection also plays a role in the occurrence of this form of the disease.
Symptoms of acute otitis media
The main manifestation of the boil - a sharp pain in the ear. She often gives in the mouth, neck and spreads all over the head. When talking and chewing pain becomes stronger as it occurs when the ear is pulled and pressed against the tragus. Sometimes fever and chills.
In diffuse external otitis there is itching, appear purulent discharge from the ear. When pressed on the tragus a person experiences pain.
Middle acute otitis media in adults accompanied by pain, feeling of stuffiness and noise in the ear. The man notices that become worse to hear. There syringmus that is resonating own voice in a sick ear. Often such complaints arise in the period of acute respiratory infection or after it.
During the middle of acute otitis media are three stages. It:
- Stage catarrh. Appears ear pain, decreased hearing, and increased body temperature. General condition (malaise, weakness, fatigue) due to the severity of respiratory disease;
- Stage purulent inflammation. It is divided into neperforativnuyu and perforated. During the first of these pain, weakness and malaise grow. Body temperature is even higher, hearing loss becomes more noticeable. When the disease becomes perforating step (eardrum perforation occurs), then the pus appears in the external auditory canal. Pain is reduced, the temperature drops, and symptoms of intoxication weakens;
- Stage resolution process. There are several possible outcomes. If the integrity of the eardrum and hearing are reduced, then such a state is considered recovery. Sometimes acute process becomes chronic. Perhaps the formation of complications (mastoiditis, labyrinthitis, and others).
For the diagnosis of the doctor is necessary to clarify the complaint, as well as how the disease develops. He then examines the patient.
If the boil is located at the entrance of the ear canal, it can often be seen without additional tools. In other cases, use special ear funnel.
Than to treat acute otitis
Boils in the ear canal prescribe antibiotics that are effective against staph (ampicillin, oxacillin). In more severe cases, the use of Augmentin and preparations of cephalosporin group.
The external auditory canal is administered to reduce inflammation turunda which is impregnated with boric alcohol and glycerin
Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair
. Acute otitis includes anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. When the pain becomes stronger and boil
Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress
ripe, the doctor may discover it.
In diffuse external otitis
Otitis externa - all the dangers of the disease
When there is a discharge from the ear, the external auditory canal washed with furatsilina (then it is necessary to dry). Your doctor may prescribe ear drops (eg Polydex). If itching is used white mercury ointment, solution of salicylic alcohol, and ointments with glucocorticoids.
Treatment of acute otitis media in adults with lesions of the mucous membranes of the middle ear in the first stage includes the use of several drugs. Appointed eardrops with analgesic and anti-inflammatory action, nasal decongestants. If the body temperature above 39 ° C, it is recommended to use antipyretics.
In severe acute medium otitis appointed by the intramuscular or intravenous antibiotics (amoxicillin, amoksiklav
Amoxiclav - an effective tool against infections
, Macrolides, cephalosporins). If the disease is easier, the antibacterial drugs taken orally.
If no spontaneous perforation of the tympanic membrane, and intoxication symptoms persist, the body temperature increases, the surgical treatment. The doctor in this case performs paracentesis (artificial rupture) eardrum.
If you experience symptoms of acute otitis need to see a specialist. The doctor will examine the person and prescribe the appropriate treatment of diagnosis. Timely treatment can help prevent the development of many serious complications.