Tonsillectomy - when to carry out the operation? - Tonsillectomy

August 30, 2009

  • Tonsillectomy - when to carry out the operation?
  • Tonsillectomy

Inflammation of the tonsils

Inflammation of the tonsils can be acute (tonsillitis) or chronic (chronic tonsillitis). Chronic tonsillitis may begin after frequent sore throats or gradually, imperceptibly for the patient. While tonsils do their job for the prevention of infections, chronic tonsillitis is considered to be compensated and it is possible to treat a variety of conservative methods (lubrication, washing, physiotherapy and so on).

But if the inflammation has gone away and tonsils will not contain a healthy lymphoid tissues to fight infection, and themselves become the focus of persistent infection in the body, then this is called decompensated chronic tonsillitis, it is subject to surgical treatment.

 Tonsillectomy | Tonsillectomy - when to carry out the operation?

What is a tonsillectomy when she shows, and is contraindicated

Tonsillectomy - is a surgical operation that is complete removal of the tonsils with a connective tissue capsule.

The indications for tonsillectomy are:

  • recurrent (repeated) angina with a sharp rise in temperature;
  • paratonsillar development and retropharyngeal abscesses (limited capsule ulcers) against sore throats;
  • complications of chronic tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils  Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils
   the internal organs (heart, kidney, joints, etc.);
  • When conservative treatment does not work, and site of infection becomes permanent;
  • for violations of the body's defenses.

In mechanical airway closure large tonsils (snoring during sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 Accompanied by the interruption of breathing every few minutes), but the safety of their functions performed partial removal of the tonsils - tonzillotomiya.

Contraindications for tonsillectomy are blood diseases (such as violation of her bleeding), severe heart disease and kidney disease, accompanied by a decrease in the function of these organs, angina (spasm of the blood vessels supplying the heart muscle with blood), severe hypertension and diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 , Active tuberculosis, acute infectious diseases, menstruation and the last months of pregnancy.

 Tonsillectomy | Tonsillectomy - when to carry out the operation?

Types of tonsillectomy

Tonsillectomy can be performed in different ways, but almost always under general anesthesia. The most common ways - excision of the tonsils with scissors and wire loop electrocautery (the impact of high frequency electric current), tonsillectomy using ultrasound, infrared or carbon lasers, radio frequency exposure, frost and so on.

 Tonsillectomy | Tonsillectomy - when to carry out the operation?

Technique classic tonsillectomy

First, make an arcuate incision on the edge of the palato-lingual bow, then a narrow blunt instrument penetrates through the slit of the tonsil capsule separated from the amygdala arches all over, grab the amygdala clamp is applied to the loop and cut it (loop). On bleeding vessels impose clamps and joints treated with a special niche tonsils stop bleeding paste.

Tonsillectomy requires experience of such operations, and attention as near the poles of the tonsils are internal and external carotid arteries.

 Tonsillectomy | Tonsillectomy - when to carry out the operation?

After surgery, tonsillectomy

After surgery, the patient is placed on the right side, on the neck put an ice pack (it narrows blood vessels and prevents bleeding) and prescribe antibiotics to prevent possible infection. On the first day allowed to drink a few sips of water, then mashed appointed and liquid food cold.

After four or five days a niche tonsils cleaned, delayed wound surface.

 Tonsillectomy | Tonsillectomy - when to carry out the operation?

Complications arising during operation

One of the most common and dangerous complications associated with tonsillectomy is bleeding, which is often seen in patients with rheumatism Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart  Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart
 . There are many ways to stop and prevent bleeding, so now practically does not meet the severe consequences of this complication.

Another fairly common complication is the spread of infection to cervical lymph nodes (lymphadenitis). Lymphadenitis subside under the influence of anti-inflammatory therapy one week after surgery.

Tonsillectomy - is a necessary measure, it is carried out only if the tonsils have harmful effects on the body.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • treatment of throat

Pharyngitis - recommended home mode - Causes and types

January 15, 2009

  • Pharyngitis - recommended home treatment
  • Causes and types

Causes and types

Pharyngitis - an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat. There are acute and chronic pharyngitis. The cause of almost all pharyngitis is infection. There are viral, bacterial, fungal pharyngitis. In addition, inflammation of the throat can cause allergic processes, trauma (eg, in contact with a foreign body) and various irritants (such as hot liquid, acid, alkali and so on).

Chronic pharyngitis are divided on the nature of developing mucosal changes in the catarrhal (simple), atrophic ("shrinking" pharyngeal mucosa) and hypertrophy (growth of the mucous membrane of the pharynx). All these forms of chronic inflammation are often combined.

 Causes and types | Pharyngitis - recommended home treatment


The most common strep throat is manifested in the form of a simple catarrh on the background of an acute respiratory infection (ARI). It called it different viruses (rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, influenza viruses Influenza - expect the unexpected but always  Influenza - expect the unexpected but always
 , Parainfluenza et al.). Usually viruses cause only a primary disease, "paving the way" for the subsequent bacterial infection pathogens which always live in the nasopharynx, but only when the disease is caused by weakening of the body.

Symptoms of acute pharyngitis are dryness, discomfort and pain in the throat when swallowing. All of this is usually combined with a general malaise and a slight rise in temperature. This inflamed the back wall of the pharynx and the palatine arch, but there are no typical of angina Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?  Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?
   signs of inflammation of the tonsils.

 Causes and types | Pharyngitis - recommended home treatment

Chronic pharyngitis

For chronic catarrhal pharyngitis is not characterized by fever and deterioration of general condition. But in my throat kept dry, scratchy, sensation of a lump, always want to cough. Cough in chronic pharyngitis, dry, superficial and haunting. In chronic atrophic pharyngitis pharyngeal mucosa thinning and dry, covered with prominent blood vessels, so it is very vulnerable. In hypertrophic form on the mucous membrane of lymphoid tissue growths appear, randomly scattered on the back of the throat. During exacerbation of these growths become red and swollen.

Chronic pharyngitis is often one of the manifestations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.). In this case, without addressing the underlying cause of the disease, any methods of local treatment failure and provide short-term effect. Smoking and the removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy) also lead to the development of inflammatory (usually atrophic) changes in the mucosa of the pharynx.

 Causes and types | Pharyngitis - recommended home treatment

Treatment of pharyngitis

In acute exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis is not accompanied by severe disorders of the general condition, it is enough to bed or home mode, sparing diet (eliminate cold, hot, sour food, alcohol and tobacco), hot foot baths, plenty of warm alkaline drinking (mineral water, milk honey), steam inhalation (a breath of cooked potatoes), rinse the throat (eg geksoralom).

Currently, there are many antimicrobials for topical application, which include one or more antiseptics, essential oils, local anesthetics, at least - antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   (bioparoks) or sulfonamides. Thus Hexoral (available as a solution for rinsing and aerosols) and is low in toxicity while still active against most fungi bacteria - pathogens pharyngitis. In addition to antimicrobial, Hexoral has hemostatic and analgesic effect.

Some anti-inflammatory drugs for external use are highly allergenic and irritant (eg iodinol, ingalipt), so may not be suitable for all patients.

There are medications, (e.g. imudon) containing extracts from bacteria and fungi, which often cause infections of the nasopharynx. Imudon activate phagocytosis (phagocytic cells - cells that "eat" pathogens), strengthens local immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
 His appointment and sometimes even more effective than traditional treatments.

Antimicrobial drugs can be administered in the form of rinses, inhalation, and tablets and lozenges for sucking.

Candies or lozenges for sucking lately gained popularity. They are convenient to use, but generally have relatively low activity, so they should be used only in mild forms of the disease.

With long flowing chronic pharyngitis in addition to local treatment appointed restorative treatment (vitamin-mineral supplements, echinacea, etc.) - without a good immunity in this case can not cope.

Article Tags:
  • pharyngitis
