Treatment for otitis media - methods and tools

June 6, 2014

  • Treatment for otitis media - methods and tools
  • Internal

 Treatment of otitis
 Regardless of the cause of the external, or otitis externa, moisture and irritation of the skin slows down the healing process, so before you start the treatment of otitis media, care must be taken that the ear was dry, as well as to eliminate possible sources of irritation.


Treatment of external otitis

When you swim (although by this time the disease is better to abstain), be sure to wear a hat that covers the ears well. Taking a shower or bath, use a thick earplugs designed specifically to avoid getting water in the ears. Instead, they can also be used pieces of cotton wool soaked in petroleum jelly - it repels water well.

Do not scratch the ears inside, or clean their cotton buds - it will only increase the irritation, and is likely to aggravate the symptoms of the disease. As a result, the effectiveness of any treatment is significantly reduced.

Patients who use hearing aids, while they have to wear as little as possible - at least as long as no stop discharge from the ears, and did not pass a strong pain in the ear.

Typically, external otitis is held for a few days without treatment. If for 2-3 days does not improve, seek medical advice.

Typically, physicians prescribe drops for the treatment of otitis media containing antibiotics. Sometimes antibiotics are used in combination with a corticosteroid to quickly relieve inflammation caused otitis. In addition to these drugs, may be used non-prescription analgesics such as acetaminophen or aspirin.


How to treat otitis media

When otitis of the middle ear Otitis media - children's problem  Otitis media - children's problem
 As in otitis externa Otitis externa - all the dangers of the disease  Otitis externa - all the dangers of the disease
 Often turn out to be very effective home remedies for treatment. For example, a cold compress with otitis will help reduce inflammation and relieve pain, as well as a warm compress has an analgesic effect and accelerates the healing process. Attach the ear piece of clean cloth or gauze soaked in cold or lukewarm water, and keep a compress for 15-20 minutes, two or three times a day. Packs can be kept longer, but, as otitis media is most often affects children, they even during his illness, it can be difficult to make a long stay in one place. It is also possible to make liquors or alcoholic compresses. It is advisable to enclose a damp cloth polyethylene, to not fall into the ear moisture - it can help create a favorable environment for bacteria. Remember that the use of compression is contraindicated in pus from the ears.

For the relief of pain and inflammation can take paracetamol or OTC nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NVPV). Aspirin is contraindicated in children under the age of 16, but many other NSAIDs at low doses it is safe.

Only one of the five affected children is assigned to the treatment of otitis media with antibiotics. Typically, primarily doctors prescribe ear drops from otitis media with amoxicillin. Treatment of otitis media in adults may also be carried out with antibiotics, but they require multiple medications are less frequently than children.

Improvement should occur within two days after the start of treatment. If not, call your doctor - he may prescribe other antibiotics.

General anti-infectives for the treatment of otitis media can cause side effects such as diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, itching, but they held shortly after the end of treatment, or even earlier. However, in rare cases, these medications leads to side effects such as hives, abdominal pain, black stools or blood in the stool, fever, or chills. When such symptoms should consult a doctor. If a child after taking antibiotics there are signs of an allergic reaction, as difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat, call an ambulance. Fortunately, the vast majority of patients, including infants tolerate antibiotics in moderation is good, without any health effects.


Physiotherapy with otitis

Generally, physiotherapy used in chronic otitis Chronic otitis media - how to recognize complications in a timely manner  Chronic otitis media - how to recognize complications in a timely manner
   - It is not only in itself gives a good result, but also increases the effectiveness of other therapies. Physiotherapy techniques may also be used to treat acute otitis Acute otitis media: to heal, to not become a chronic disease  Acute otitis media: to heal, to not become a chronic disease

Light therapy has long been used to treat various forms of otitis media. It can be used infrared radiation, which has a mild anesthetic effect, or UV radiation - it stimulates the immune system, helping the body fight disease.

Treatment for otitis media laser also decided to refer to the methods of physiotherapy. Such treatments are used rarely - where otitis media is highly suppuration that can not be eliminated by other means. To treat otitis externa, can require up to seven sessions of laser therapy and to treat otitis media - to ten sessions.

Sometimes otitis appointed electrophoresis - the introduction of medicines under the influence of a weak electric current. This technique allows to deliver drugs directly to the source of infection, thereby making it possible to reduce the total dose of medication and to reduce the risk of side effects. Electrophoresis is commonly used for the treatment of complications of otitis.

Herpes angina - an inflammation of the tonsils

April 2, 2014

 herpes angina
 Herpes angina called acute infections, causing inflammation of the tonsils caused by a Coxsackie virus. In most cases, the cause of herpes sore throats are Coxsackie viruses type A, but sometimes it may cause other viruses of this group, and various enteroviruses. These viruses can be transmitted by airborne droplets, through contact with mucous secretions or feces of an infected person.


Symptoms of herpes sore throat

The incubation period after exposure to the virus is from one to two weeks - at this time there are no symptoms, but a person can spread the infection already. Typical symptoms of herpes sore throat in children:

  • Heat;
  • A sore throat;
  • Small bubbles formed on the palate and tonsils. These bubbles are reminiscent of those that appear in infections caused by herpes virus (hence the name), and are usually stored up to one week;
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

Some patients also receive a skin rash.

Herpes sore throat in adults also causes sore throat and leads to the appearance of bubbles on the tonsils, but often occurs in the lighter forms than in children - with a slight fever, and sometimes entirely without heat. In addition, if the adult is a disease most often develops winter or early spring, the herpes sore throat in children often occurs during the summer months.



Because herpes is a self-limiting disease angina for its diagnosis is usually not carried out special laboratory tests. As a general rule, in order to identify herpes sore throat, the doctor is enough to inspect - the characteristic blisters on the tonsils are very accurate diagnostic criterion. Assays for the detection of pathogens gepresnoy angina are assigned only to patients with weakened immune systems, as well as those at the time of the infection being treated for any other illnesses. In the remaining cases of such analyzes is almost does not make sense - often improvement comes before the results are known.


Than to treat a herpes sore throat

In people with healthy immune systems cure herpes angina limited to the use of funds for the relief of symptoms of the disease. To do this, you can take, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin (remember that it is contraindicated in children younger than 16 years). Gargling successfully used in different types of angina, it will be useful and herpes angina. You can also do inhalations, hot packs to the throat and take a variety of folk remedies for sore throats, for example, garlic with honey or aloe Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
   (aloe gel or finely chopped garlic mixed with a tablespoon of honey), onion juice and honey mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, mint and chamomile tea, hot milk with honey. Treatment of herpes sore throats in children Sore throat in children - a common disease  Sore throat in children - a common disease
   It requires mandatory compliance with bed rest, at least, before significant improvement occurs. For patients of all ages is very important to drink plenty of fluids, and eat right during his illness, he continued to receive the body necessary for normal functioning of the substances. In this disease are not used antibiotics or antivirals. In rare cases when small children because of the pain in his throat refused to eat and drink, they may need intravenous fluids. To prevent this, it is usually fairly regular use of pain medications.



The prognosis of herpetic angina Herpangina - a mild form of the disease  Herpangina - a mild form of the disease
   favorable. Even with the lack of treatment (eg, treatment of herpes sore throats in adults who can not or do not want to take sick leave, often comes down to the reception and antipyretic analgesic before, during and after the operation) angina is approximately one week. Only in rare cases, it leads to such complications as viral meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
 But it can usually be completely cured before it will lead to some serious consequences for health.


Is it possible to prevent the disease herpes sore throat?

The only way to protect against this disease is to avoid exposure to the virus, the causative agent. However, this is easier said than done, because, as mentioned above, the infected person becomes contagious even during the incubation period when he did not know about his illness. Coxsackie virus vaccines do not exist.

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  • sore throat
