If the sore back of the head - it can be dangerous

December 8, 2014

 if the sore back of the head
 If the sore back of the head, the feeling may not be the most pleasant. In addition, they are always joined by fear, as is not always clear what are these pains are connected. In any case, the pain in the neck are dangerous because they can lead to a stroke, why suffer many internal organs and tissues.


Why sore back of the head

Pain in the back of the head can cause different diseases and conditions:

  • a sharp rise in blood pressure (BP) - there is an urgent throbbing headache that is often localized in the neck and requires emergency care, or else the vessel can burst and blood out of it gets into the brain tissue, causing numerous violations (hemorrhagic stroke); or due to a sharp spasm of blood vessels of the brain can be disrupted blood flow to a certain area of ​​the brain that lead to the death of brain tissue of this area (ischemic stroke);
  • mental stress, stress, physical stress; headache occurs when the muscles of the head voltage; at the same time a feeling of squeezing the hoop or a helmet on his head; Pain may start with the neck and then spreads to the entire scalp;
  • neuralgia occipital nerve in the background of cervical osteochondrosis Cervical osteochondrosis - the lot of office workers  Cervical osteochondrosis - the lot of office workers
   - Are the main feature of paroxysmal pain in the neck, radiating to the neck, back, ear, jaw; pain worse when turning the head, coughing and sneezing; during prolonged pains of this nature occurs in patients with hypersensitivity in the entire back of the head;
  • vertebral artery syndrome - osteoarthritis develops in the background while squeezing the vertebral artery; pain in the neck may appear suddenly (if suddenly there was infringement of the roots), but more often it is chronic in nature; usually half a head ache, so these headaches are called migraine neck; Pain is almost always accompanied by dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of coordination; with strong attacks can occur sudden loss of consciousness, loss of vision, hearing, and sometimes even swallowing and breathing (vertebral artery carries blood to areas of the brain, where the vital centers).


How can we help if the pain back of the head

Since the causes of pain can be different, and should also help to provide in various ways. For example, if the headaches associated with increased blood pressure, the patient is better to take an elevated position, the feet warm (it diverts part of the blood from the heart and brain), remove tight clothing, open the window. Headache can try to remove with the help of drugs prescribed by your doctor: calming (sedative) and blood pressure-lowering drugs. If the pain in the back of the head does not pass, you should call an ambulance, and if the doctor ambulance stop an attack is not possible, the patient should be hospitalized.

When the pain in the neck associated with neuro-psychic or physical overexertion, help relaxation and soothing drugs (for example, the infusion of valerian root).

When neuralgia occipital nerve in the background of cervical osteochondrosis help painkillers. Most often in that case prescribe nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs - NSAIDs. For drugs in this group include diclofenac, ibuprofen, nimesil, ketonal, ketorol and others. To remove severe pain in the neck and applied novocaine blockade - the introduction of local anesthetics directly into the sore spots. Very good relieve pain novocaine blockade with the addition of hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient  Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient
 . The analgesic effect occurs immediately after the - the pain goes away, increases the mobility of the cervical spine.

The structure of the complex treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease - exercise and medication  Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease - exercise and medication
   be sure to include muscle relaxants (eg Mydocalmum) - they relieve tension from the muscles of the neck and the back, which helps to reduce pain. It is equally important to maintain a normal blood flow in the cervical spine. For this purpose, administered vasodilators (e.g. Cavintonum, nicotinic acid), agents that improve the fluidity of the blood (e.g., pentoxifylline) and venous outflow (troksevazin, detraleks Detraleks - improves the function of blood vessels  Detraleks - improves the function of blood vessels
   and others).

The syndrome of the vertebral artery is appointed by immobilization of the cervical spine - wearing special orthopedic collar. Pain in the back of the head removed drugs from the group of NSAIDs. To improve cerebral circulation appointed vasodilators (cavinton, cinnarizine), to relieve vertigo - betahistine. Muscle tension can be removed using a neck massage, gentle methods of manual therapy, physiotherapy and reflexology. While improving the state appointed physiotherapy.

If the sore back of the head, that without medical help is necessary.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • headache

Pain tolerance - the ability to endure

May 3, 2014

 pain tolerance
 Everyone at some point in their lives faced with the pain and forced to endure it to a certain extent. But how do you deal with the pain, may well depend on you, because everyone has pain tolerance is different.

Why back pain or knee injury one man only annoying, but other arguments just before the agony? It turns out that the individual's tolerance to pain is as unique as the man himself, and formed some amazing biological factors, as well as some of the psychological, that we can actually try to control.


Feeling the pain

There are two stages (step) until the sensation of pain. First, a biological step, for example, tingling of the skin or increasing headache Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
 . These sensations signal the brain that the body is having trouble. The second step is the perception of pain by the brain itself. What do we do - do not pay attention to these feelings and to continue our work or to drop everything and focus on what is sore?

Pain is a biochemical and neurological transmission of unpleasant sensations in the brain and at the same time emotional experience. Chronic pain is actually changes the way how the spinal cord, the brain and the nerves treated unpleasant irritation causing increased sensitivity to pain, but at the same time the brain and emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
   can temper or enhance pain. Past experience and injuries also affect human sensitivity to pain.

Pain management and people's perception of its symptoms is a big problem in the country (USA), where more than seventy six million people indicated that the pain lasts more than twenty four hours, according to the American Foundation for the pain. The constant pain reported:

  • 30% of adults aged 45 to 64 years;
  • 25% of adults aged 20 to 44 years old;
  • 21% of adults aged 65 years and older.

More women than men report pain (27, 1% compared with 24, 4%), although whether women suffer pain better than men, is still scientific debate.


Increased pain

The pain causes significant emotional, physical and economic losses are spent on studies of pain, medical expenses, lost income and lost productivity in the amount of one hundred billion dollars each year.

Statistics pain grows in the United States, because the age and overweight contribute to pain and discomfort. Americans are living longer, and two thirds of the population are either overweight or obese. The most common type of chronic pain in the United States is a pain in the back Back pain: Do not start the process  Back pain: Do not start the process
 ; the most common acute pain is musculoskeletal pain from sports injuries.


Factors that increase sensitivity to pain

The ability to endure pain depends on the emotional man, his body, and the physical data on lifestyle. Here are a few factors that can affect the human pain threshold:

  • Depression and anxiety can make a person more sensitive to pain.
  • Athletes can endure more pain than people who do not play sports.
  • People who smoke or are obese are more susceptible to pain.
  • Biological factors - including genetics, trauma, such as spinal cord injury as well as chronic diseases such as diabetes, which causes damage to the nerves - also forced to be sensitive to pain.



Some amazing biological factors may also play a role in tolerance to pain. For example, recent studies show that one side of your body may experience pain differently than the other side.

In a study published in December 2009, it has been shown that the right-handed participants could tolerate more pain in his right hand than the left. This study also showed that women are more sensitive to pain than men; but women and men are equal in their ability to tolerate pain intensity.

The dominant hand - the right if you are right handed, for example - may interpret pain faster and more accurate than the nondominant side, which may explain why the dominant side can withstand more pain. The dominant hand may also be linked to the corresponding side of your brain, which interprets the pain, the researchers note.


Redheads are more sensitive to pain?

Another surprising factor is that hair color may reflect the pain threshold. In 2009, researchers reported in the Journal of the American Dental Association that the red people are more sensitive to pain and maybe they need more anesthesia for dental procedures.

Why red? Redheads, the researchers say, tend to have a mutation in a gene called melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R), which makes their hair red. MC1R receptors belong to the group comprising pain receptors in the brain. The researchers suggest that a mutation in this gene influences susceptibility to pain.


How to better cope with pain

The biological characteristics of a person can influence what develops if he or she is resistance to pain relief, which could mean that one day a cure is no longer helped relieve pain. This is similar to the "vicious circle", which is necessary to break. You use more drugs and become more tolerant of pain, while becoming less active, making feel more pain.

We can not change our genetic receptors, and even changing the color of hair or something, which hand you write will not be able to reprogram your sensitivity to pain. However, there are coping mechanisms that can influence the perception of pain by the brain.

The researchers focused on how to change the interpretation of the psychological pain by training the mind. You can change the perception of pain by the brain without changing its perception at the level of the nerves. Alternative means such as relaxation techniques, biofeedback, designed to teach people how to distract the mind from focusing on pain.

Users can expand their capabilities by learning relaxation techniques Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!  Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!
 Such as respiratory practice during vaginal delivery, for example. When it comes to pain, the mind can be more matter. Meditation, a distraction and a positive attitude - this is specific things that people can do for yourself to relieve the pain.
