Spider veins - a sign of several diseases

January 31, 2010

  • Spider veins - a sign of several diseases
  • What are spider veins

 spider veins
 Spider veins, to describe which also uses the term telangiectasia, are the weakest manifestation of venous insufficiency Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease  Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
 . This small group of thin blood vessels just below the surface of the skin that resemble stars, tree branches or spider web. They usually have a red, purple or blue and clearly visible; spider veins often appear on the thighs, legs and face. Sometimes they cover quite large areas of the skin, but are typically only a cosmetic problem, rarely causing a more or less severe physical symptoms.

Thin veins and capillaries that make up spider veins directly connected to the larger veins and their causes, as well as the cause of varicose veins is venous reflux. They need no treatment.

For the diagnosis is usually enough simple medical examination. To reveal more serious underlying medical conditions may need ultrasound.

 Spider veins - a sign of several diseases

Causes and risk factors

The appearance of spider veins can be associated with a genetic predisposition, pregnancy, obesity, hormonal changes or work, due to which the patient has to stand or sit for long periods. Triggers this disorder may also be ultraviolet radiation, especially in people with fair skin, and some drugs. Spider veins can appear at the site of injury, sometimes many years after the injury. Like varicose veins Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
 , Spider veins is much more common in women than in men.

 Spider veins - a sign of several diseases


For the treatment of spider veins are commonly used non-invasive and minimally invasive techniques.

 Spider veins - a sign of several diseases


During this procedure, directly forming spider veins vein injected with a solution (usually a concentrated salt solution or specific substance) .  It damages the walls of the small veins, which is why they are inflamed and are connected with each other .  Then, the vein is slowly converted into the scar tissue and a few weeks later become unnoticeable .  Sclerotherapy, which was held for the first time in the early twentieth century, usually performed in a doctor's office and takes less than half an hour .  It is considered safe and effective, but sometimes in order to achieve a good result required procedure several times .  During the procedure, the patient may experience burning or tingling at the point where an injection, but it usually takes a few minutes .  Side effects are rare; they are usually minor and temporary .  In particular, the side effects of the procedure are: superficial phlebitis, wounds and bruises on the skin, diskoloratsiya .

 Spider veins - a sign of several diseases

Treatment of laser and intense pulsed light

By means of a laser or intense pulsed light impact on the skin surface, causing the walls of veins are connected to each other. The laser can be directed very precisely, so that damage to the surrounding tissue will be minimal. During the procedure the patient feels weak or moderate burning. Depending on the size of spider veins on the legs in order to achieve the desired effect may require from two to five treatments lasting 15-20 minutes. Treatment of spider veins on the face usually takes less time. Within a few days or weeks after the procedure can be observed skin redness. This procedure is non-invasive, safe, and in most cases very effective.

Troxevasin - indications for venotoniki

October 7th, 2012

 troksevazin readings
 Troxevasin is available as capsules for oral and gel for external use. Both of these dosage forms are often used together - this enhances the therapeutic effect. Troxevasin tones vein walls, removes stagnation of venous blood, tissue edema, and trophic disorders.

 Troxevasin - indications for venotoniki

Troxevasin varicose veins

Often the walls of veins thinner, expanding the lumen of veins walls bulge in the form of pockets. In such venous blood stagnates as fail Venous valves in the vein walls - they allow the blood to flow back down rather than to climb up toward the heart. Through the thin walls of the veins leaking liquid part of blood - there are swelling. Swelling compress the soft tissues, including the arteries and tissues do not get enough nutrients and oxygen - it leads to disruption of supply of tissues (trophic disorders). The skin in the area of ​​the changed veins appear phenomenon dermatitis, trophic ulcers are formed.

Troxevasin in this case it is better to assign topically as a gel while inside a capsule. General and local effects on veins makes it easier to bring them back to normal, if the disease has just begun, and improve the condition of the veins in the event of significant changes.

Troxevasin tones the walls of capillaries and larger superficial veins, the blood slowly starts to move in the right direction, reduces swelling, heaviness in the legs passes and night cramps calf muscles, characteristic of varicose veins.

 Troxevasin - indications for venotoniki

Troxevasin with thrombophlebitis

Thrombophlebitis - an inflammation of the vein wall to form a thrombus at the site of inflammation. Thrombophlebitis is a complication of varicose veins, but may also occur in venous injuries, such as after intravenous injection or infusion. The resulting blood clot blocks a vein lumen and the blood does not move in the right direction. Blood clots can break off and travel through the blood vessels, blocking the flow of blood in them. This complication is called thromboembolism Thromboembolism: severe complications  Thromboembolism: severe complications
 . Obstruction of the pulmonary artery thrombus can lead to sudden death, and blockage of blood vessels of the intestine to peritonitis. Therefore, thrombophlebitis must be prevented and treated.

With this task can handle troksevazin. With long-term applied to the skin over the place where there is a change veins gel for external use it to prevent the formation of blood clots in the veins. If thrombophlebitis has already begun, it is prescribed in addition to the gel and capsules for oral administration. Troxevasin inhibits platelet aggregation (their ability to gather in large numbers at the site of violating the integrity of the veins and bonds) and prevents the formation of these clots. If the clot has formed, it contributes to its resorption.

 Troxevasin - indications for venotoniki

Troxevasin hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is a stagnation in the veins of the rectum. This leads to a change in venous blood stagnation therein and forming hemorrhoids. This disease can occur unnoticed for years with minimal symptoms, and the formation of hemorrhoids. But if the infringement of hemorrhoids or thrombosis when there is swelling, inflammation, often necrosis (death of tissue) that cause severe pain - so develop acute hemorrhoids.

In acute hemorrhoids troksevazin Troxevasin - will help if there are problems with veins  Troxevasin - will help if there are problems with veins
   used in the form of capsules for oral administration. Gel troksevazin mucous membranes are not applied, so hemorrhoids is not applicable. Troxevasin administered as part of an integrated treatment of acute hemorrhoids - it goes well with any medication and makes it easier to remove the swelling, pain, prevent the development of tissue necrosis.

 Troxevasin - indications for venotoniki

In what other cases appointed troksevazin

Troxevasin prescribed for vascular disorders occurring diabetes mellitus Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 Atherosclerosis, including vascular disorders in ocular tissues. Long-term courses of capsules proksevazina can prevent the progression of these diseases.

In some diseases, patients develop increased permeability of the capillaries, leading to the appearance of the skin point and larger haemorrhages. Such diseases are known as hemorrhagic diathesis. In some infections, infectious agents have a toxic effect on the capillaries. This is typical of influenza, measles Measles in children - may cause serious complications  Measles in children - may cause serious complications
 , Scarlet fever and others. In all these cases, the application troksevazin avoids complications.

Gel troksevazin help with soft tissue injuries; he has a tonic effect on capillaries, which reduces tissue swelling and contributes to a more rapid resorption of hematomas.

Tproksevazin help in diseases of the veins. Gel troksevazin quite possible to have a first aid kit in your home and apply for bruises and sprains.

Galina Romanenko

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  • troksevazin
