Heparin ointment can be used to prevent the formation of clots or thrombi to dissolve already formed in areas close to the body surface. Even topical application of heparin is well absorbed into the bloodstream and exert its effect, and other active ingredients enhance its therapeutic effect.

What part of the heparin ointment
The structure of heparin ointment contains three active substances: anticoagulant heparin, direct action, expanding small superficial blood vessels benzyl (dilated blood vessels in better absorbed heparin) and a local anesthetic benzocaine. One gram of heparin ointment containing 100 units of heparin, 0, 8 mg and 40 mg of benzyl benzocaine.
Included in the heparin ointment components perfectly fit together. In general for external and local application of heparin ointment relieves swelling of the tissues, prevents the formation of blood clots or dissolves, anti-inflammatory and analgesic and anti-proliferative (prevents overgrowth of connective tissue cells) action.

Heparin ointment for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis
Varicose veins are formed in the stagnation of blood in the venous system, the valves inside the veins can not cope with their work and allow blood to move backwards. As a result of the overflow of venous lumen expands, wall thinning, and themselves become tortuous vessels. Superficial varicose veins visible through the skin in the form of blue sprigs. Stagnation of blood contributes to edema
Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
tissues and disorders of nutrition, which leads to the formation of venous ulcers.
In the very governmental congestion contributes to the development of inflammation and the formation of blood clots in the field of inflammation
. This happens in the following way: to the wall of the vein inflamed injured rush platelets, where they are aggregation (bonding and formation of multicellular conglomerates); simultaneously activated blood factors that promote the formation of the protein of fibrin, which forms insoluble filaments enmesh platelet aggregation; then ready to clot is reduced, it becomes dense and closes the damaged vein wall, and together with her and her clearance
. Similarly, the same change occurring in the veins of their walls trauma during intravenous
. Blood clots can break away from the surface of the walls of veins and "travel" through the blood vessels (thromboembolism)
. This is very dangerous as there can be instantaneous blockage of vital blood vessels and the death of the patient
If varicose veins
Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
timely and regularly applied to the skin heparin ointment and gently rub it, it is possible to prevent the formation of blood clots. If thrombophlebitis has already begun, the heparin ointment will fully or partially dissolve blood clots, prevent the development of thromboembolic events. The ointment is applied twice or three times per day for 0, 5-1 g for an area of skin to 3-5 cm in diameter until until it is improved.

Heparin ointment for superficial injuries
When superficial injuries, such as bumps, drops and so forth, violated the integrity of the small blood vessels, and blood goes into the subcutaneous tissue, infiltrating the soft tissue. On the surface of the skin with the visible redness and swelling of tissues, which quickly turned into a blooming bruise: blue in first place, and then acquires a greenish color, and yellow to complete resorption. If subcutaneous hemorrhage was significant, then in its place are formed blood clots, which then grow to form fibrin connective tissue - such changes are already lifetime.
Flowering bruising can last a long time, in order to speed up the process and prevent the formation of connective tissue used heparin ointment which promotes the rapid resorption of blood clots. Heparin ointment also has an antiproliferative effect (prevents the multiplication of tissue cells) - This feature helps prevent the formation of persistent changes at the site of injury.

Heparin ointment for chronic and acute hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids develop as a result of varicose veins in the rectal area and the stagnation of venous blood in them. In most cases, hemorrhoids is a chronic disease. Which goes unnoticed. But sometimes the veins, which form hemorrhoids, violated or they form clots. In this and in another case, there is a sharp malnutrition surrounding tissue, which is accompanied by severe pain (acute hemorrhoids).
In chronic hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
heparin ointment for the prevention of thrombosis employed, and in acute - to relieve edema, resorption of blood clots and pain relief. Ointment impregnated rectal swabs
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and introduce them into the rectum once daily until until it is improved. It usually takes three days to two weeks.
Ointment Heparin has been widely used for the prevention and treatment of superficial thromboses and for the resorption of hemorrhages.
Galina Romanenko