Blepharoplasty - plan of operation is strictly individual

May 28, 2009

 Blepharoplasty - a plastic operation involving correction of age changes eyelids by removing excess skin and fat. With age, the eyelids stretch, and the small muscles that support them are weakened. As a result, fat accumulates causing such unpleasant age-related changes like swollen eyelids, bags under the eyes. These age-related changes is not only spoil the appearance, making the person look older, but can sometimes affect vision. Blepharoplasty is designed to eliminate or correction of just such problems.

 Blepharoplasty - plan of operation is strictly individual


Blepharoplasty helps eliminate a number of age-related changes in the age, which not only spoil the appearance, but also violate the vision - for example, do not allow to fully open his eyes. The procedure involves excision of excess tissue of the upper or lower eyelids, due to which the eyes look younger. Blepharoplasty is recommended in the following cases:

  • Puffy skin around the eyes, swollen upper eyelids
  • Ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelid
  • The excess skin of the upper eyelids, breaking vision
  • Pendulous lower eyelids
  • Excess skin of the lower eyelids
  • Eye bags

 Blepharoplasty - plan of operation is strictly individual

Potential risks

Like any plastic surgery, blepharoplasty is associated with a number of potential risks - including infection or a reaction to the drugs for local anesthesia during surgery. For other potential risks blepharoplasty include:

  • Temporary numbness of the eyelid skin
  • Dry, irritated eyes
  • Temporary changes or blurred vision
  • Violation of the functions of the century
  • Scarring
  • Damage to the eye muscles
  • Slight risk of blindness due to a hemorrhage in the eye

 Blepharoplasty - plan of operation is strictly individual

Preparation for the procedure

Preparing for blepharoplasty, you must:

  • Stop taking aspirin Aspirin - NSAIDs  Aspirin - NSAIDs
 , Ibuprofen Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug  Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug
   and any other medications anyway affecting blood coagulation. It is recommended to stop taking these drugs for two weeks before the blepharoplasty. After the procedure, you can only take pain medication prescribed by the doctor.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking can adversely affect the recovery of the body after surgery.

 Blepharoplasty - plan of operation is strictly individual

Blepharoplasty procedure

Blepharoplasty is usually performed under local anesthetic: a drug, an anesthetic is injected into the eyelid skin to minimize pain.

  • Upper eyelid blepharoplasty involves the implementation of a small incision in the skin along the crease of the upper eyelid, through which removes excess fat, concentrated under the skin and some muscle tissue and skin. Then the incision is sewn with special surgical thread small stitches, leaves almost invisible scar.
  • Blepharoplasty lower eyelid involves lancing under the lash line or inside the lower eyelid, and then remove or move fat and muscle tissue. Depending on the location of the cut seam can be located either in the natural crease of the lower eyelid, or within a century.

Typically, blepharoplasty duration of no more than two hours, depending on the amount and location of tissue to be removed. Prolonged stay in hospital after the procedure is not needed, the patient returns home the same day.

 Blepharoplasty - plan of operation is strictly individual

After the procedure

After plastic surgery to prevent dryness of the eyeball and protect them from drug used special lubricating properties, which may cause temporary blurred vision. Immediately after blepharoplasty may experience excessive tearing, sensitivity to light, double vision - these side effects are quite fast. Stitches left after blepharoplasty, first red and quite noticeable, and eyelids may be swollen and numb for a few days. Swelling and bruising under the eyes when blepharoplasty lower eyelids may persist for a week or more after surgery. Typically, to eliminate such side effects of blepharoplasty recommended cold compresses or imposition of ice.

Pain after blepharoplasty are minimal, for their suppression is recommended to take a mild pain reliever such as acetaminophen (Tylenol). Ibuprofen, aspirin and other medications that affect blood clotting and can provoke bleeding after blepharoplasty prohibited for at least two weeks.

Throughout the recovery period, which occupies an average week, observe a special mode:

  • Avoid heavy lifting and vigorous exercise (running, aerobics)
  • To protect the skin from the age of the sun and wind, wear sunglasses
  • Ready for bed Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Occupy a position that the head remained slightly elevated
  • Exactly follow the doctor's instructions for skin care age
  • Seek medical attention if symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
 , Breach of heart rate, blurred vision.

As a rule, to the scars left after blepharoplasty, become completely invisible, it takes several months (up to six months). During this time it is necessary to protect the delicate eyelid skin from exposure to UV light, which can make the scars more visible - wear sunglasses, sunscreen use cosmetics.

Article Tags:
  • eyelids,
  • plastic face

Liposuction chin: a magnificent oval face

November 15, 2011

 Chin Liposuction
 Chin sometimes appears with absolutely normal weight. It can be hereditary feature of the structure of the face and was already in his youth, in the absence of excess fat in the chin appears ugly fat fold. Often the chin appears in the process of aging and sagging facial soft tissues. In all of these cases, a liposuction.

 Liposuction chin: a magnificent oval face

What methods can be performed liposuction of the chin

Just as in the other parts of the body, the chin liposuction may be performed non-surgical and operating methods. Non-surgical methods are preferred at a young age, when stored tissue elasticity. In this case the skin after removal of the fat does not sag and is pulled under the influence of ultrasound, laser or radio waves.

Operating liposuction in the chin often held syringe, so there can not accumulate large amounts of fat. But it may also be conducted by any other method - using vacuum, ultrasound, laser or radio waves. In any case, such an operation more than help with the formation of the age double chin. Often it is combined with simultaneous lifting (tightening) of the lower third of the face and neck or circular face lift and neck lift - it all depends on the state of the patient's tissues. As a result of this operation is tightened oval face, removed the double chin, the skin becomes smoother and more youthful appearance.

 Liposuction chin: a magnificent oval face

Chin Liposuction - indications and contraindications

Liposuction chin shows:

  • - When a grease in this area with a normal or slightly elevated body weight;
  • - With congenital structural features of the face as chin appears in his youth;
  • - With omission of facial tissues in the process of aging and sagging chin with the accumulation of fat in this area.

Contraindicated chin liposuction at the general adiposity (it is recommended to the patient to lose weight), any diseases that violate the general condition of the patient, in violation of the integrity of the skin or skin diseases Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin  Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin
   at the site of the alleged effects. It is impossible to make such operations as during menstruation and while taking oral contraceptives (after the termination of their admission must be at least 15 days).

When non-surgical liposuction contraindications include severe liver disease and kidney with a violation of their function, pregnancy, bleeding disorders, the presence in the body of metal structures.

 Liposuction chin: a magnificent oval face

How is non-invasive liposuction of the chin

The method is based on the fact that under the influence of ultrasound, laser beam or radio waves going destruction of fat cells and their transformation into the fat emulsion. This emulsion permeates the intercellular space, then gradually displayed in a natural way - through the lymphatic system and the veins and. Thereafter the fat to the liver, it decomposes to metabolites and excreted.

Non-surgical liposuction procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require anesthesia. To remove this manner, even a large amount of fat require one or two treatments.

For all types of impact (ultrasound, laser or radio waves) is just a devastating effect on adipose tissue, bone, cartilage and muscle tissue is not destroyed. A connective tissue in the skin (collagen and elastin fibers that form the skeleton of the skin) under the influence of such a reduced surface area of ​​the skin is reduced, that is non-invasive lifting occurs. The lifting effect is most evident when RFAL, least of all - in ultrasound.

But sometimes the types of non-surgical liposuction can produce complications. For example, non-invasive laser liposuction can cause burns on the skin surface.

 Liposuction chin: a magnificent oval face

How is the operating chin liposuction

Operating chin liposuction can be performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. But if a patient simultaneously requires a face-lift, the anesthesia is most often general and the operation is performed in a hospital. During operation in the skin around the chin makes a small incision into which a cannula is inserted (through which suctioned fat). A method of crushing and extraction may vary from simple vacuum unit, or simply a syringe to the modern radio-frequency setting, which first destroys the fatty tissue and then removes it from the body, pulling at the same time the skin and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin proteins that make up collagen and elastin fibers of the skin. Therefore, radio lifting sometimes do not even need surgery for skin tightening.

A feature of liposuction is that fat in liposuction will never be delayed.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Liposuction
