The 16th week of pregnancy: the main thing - peace of mind

January 6, 2011

 16 Weeks Pregnant
 This is the most quiet and comfortable for the child and mother's period. From the 13th week, the placenta begins to function, so the child becomes more secure: the placenta from the mother to him almost do not penetrate any harmful substances. Baby continues to grow and develop, the mother generally also doing well, although the emergence of something what problems still possible.

 The 16th week of pregnancy: the main thing - peace of mind

What problems can occur in women in the 16th week of pregnancy

The state of health of a woman in this period (called the heyday of pregnancy) is generally good. Accordingly, and also a great mood. But some pregnant women already beginning to be felt growing uterus. Most often it manifests itself constipation.

Constipation is also amplified by the fact that during pregnancy produced a large number of the female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 Which inhibits muscle contraction. For pregnancy is good (inhibited muscle contractions of the uterus, is prevented miscarriage), and for intestinal not - violated his physical activity that contributes to constipation.

If a woman before pregnancy was suffering from a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by constipation, it can significantly worsen constipation. Contribute to the emergence of constipation and various disorders of the central nervous system caused by increased stress and neuro-psychiatric loads.

 The 16th week of pregnancy: the main thing - peace of mind

How to deal with constipation during pregnancy

Constipation is not as harmless as it seems, the fact that they contribute to the delay in the mother's toxic decomposition products of food, and this has a negative impact on the system of mother - placenta - fetus. These are usually persistent constipation, but if the problem is constantly engaged, then it can be solved.

First of all, you need to clearly know that during pregnancy the chair should be every day. Solve this mainly due to properly corrected power. Power of a pregnant woman suffering from constipation should include foods that would increase the volume of stool, but would not cause flatulence while (accumulation of large amounts of gas in the intestines). For this purpose most often enrich food vegetables. But sometimes it is possible to pick up the food at once: one for women are good raw vegetables, the other - just stewing or steamed. To combat constipation are also fruits (eg, apples), dried fruit (dried plums), milk drinks and so on.

Another prerequisite for overcoming constipation is a physical activity. If a woman moves a little, then her entire skeletal system (including the muscles that are within the internal organs) gradually stops working. Therefore, constipation required walking and physiotherapy sessions (there are special exercises to reduce constipation).

If all this does not help, an obstetrician-gynecologist or therapist prenatal drug therapy may be given. Today, drugs are available that can be applied to pregnant women. They pull water from the surrounding tissue, thereby loosening the stool, an increase in their volume and the promotion of the intestines. Independently take any laxatives (including plant) is absolutely contraindicated to pregnant women, as it may enhance motor activity of the intestine, not only, but also of the uterus.

 The 16th week of pregnancy: the main thing - peace of mind

The development of the fetus in the 16th week of pregnancy

The kid grows and develops, it reaches a height of 16-17 cm, weight - 120 g Well defined external genitals - while ultrasound is already possible to determine the sex of the fetus. Kid actively moving, his skin Tokay, smooth, but still fat is still there. On the skin there are the first soft hairs. Actively growing thyroid The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
 . Nevertheless, the endocrine system as a whole is only developing but is not yet operational. The same can be said of the senses.

But good works the cardiovascular system: four heart (in an adult it is the same) tirelessly pumping blood to tissues and organs, bringing nutrients and oxygen and taking away the products of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   and carbon dioxide.

At full capacity the system works the mother-placenta-fetus, ensuring proper metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and gas exchange between mother and fetus, as well as supply of both organisms, hormones necessary for development of pregnancy.

Pregnancy - is a complex physiological state, which is supported mainly by natural means. However, of great importance and the correct behavior of a pregnant woman - her food, peace of mind and a combination of motor activity with recreation.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • second trimester

Traditional methods of determining pregnancy - not exactly, but it is interesting

October 4, 2014

 Common methods for determining pregnancy
 Traditional methods of determining pregnancy are numerous, but not always accurate. Some of them are quite understandable from a scientific point of view, others - no. However, today women use them for fun. But the most popular modern method of determining pregnancy is a home pregnancy test.


Pregnancy traditional methods of urine

It has long been observed that during pregnancy hormones changes under the influence of the acidity of urine. With this feature people linked "laboratory" methods of determining pregnancy:

  • still delivered in a glass jar with urine put a drop of 5% alcohol tincture of iodine. If the drop is uniformly distributed over the volume, then there is no pregnancy, and if at least for a time to focus on the surface - there is;
  • white sheet of paper to moisten morning urine of women, and then drop it on the drop of 5% alcohol tincture of iodine; if the color was brown drops, then there is no pregnancy, if the drop was painted in lilac or purple color, the pregnancy is;
  • in a jar with a morning urine woman pour a teaspoon of baking soda; If pregnancy is not present, the acid reaction of the urine give the reaction with soda: there will be bubbles and foam; Pregnancy urine becomes alkaline, and no reaction - soda simply falls to the bottom of the can.

All of these tests can be positive and in some pathological (e.g., inflammatory) processes in the urinary system - in this urine also becomes alkaline.


Traditional methods for determining pregnancy in appearance and condition

These methods can be quite accurate, modern women use them to determine pregnancy in the earliest dates:

  • the very first sign of pregnancy can be lethargy, fatigue, feeling of constant lack of sleep combined with unmotivated irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   and even aggression;
  • changes in the senses: acute sensitivity to bright lights, loud noises, and especially smell, taste preferences vary (sometimes opposite);
  • heightened sexuality Nine ways to experience their sexuality  Nine ways to experience their sexuality
   It can also be an early sign of pregnancy Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?  Early signs of pregnancy: to believe or not to believe?
  • hormonal shift may be from the first weeks of pregnancy causes symptoms of nausea and even vomiting, increased salivation often appears; a state of discomfort passes only in the second trimester;
  • From the first days of pregnancy a woman absolutely can not stand the stuffiness, lack of fresh air can cause her dizziness, palpitation and even fainting;
  • in the later stages of pregnancy a woman nagrubaet breasts, nipples made sensitive and even painful;
  • a person may be swelling, redness pallor replaced later on the face may appear pigmented spots;
  • the absence of regular menstruation (if they were regular) indicates the presence of the pregnancy term of about the middle of the previous menstrual cycle.


Traditional methods of determining pregnancy modern women

In the arsenal of modern women have a more accurate method of determining pregnancy. You can determine pregnancy basal temperature Basal temperature - try to move less  Basal temperature - try to move less
 But this is only possible with regular menstrual cycle, and in that case, if the measurement of basal body temperature and conducted before pregnancy. The basal temperature is measured in the morning before the woman got out of bed, into the rectum. This temperature accurately reflects the hormonal changes women throughout the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy.

Basal temperature rises during the second half of the menstrual cycle and reduced for 2-3 days prior to menstruation. If pregnancy occurs, it is not reduced, and in some cases even improved.

Knowing your menstrual cycle, a woman has alleged before menstruation may notice pregnancy.


Pregnancy traditional methods - home pregnancy test

Modern women without pregnancy test can not do, so this method has long been popular, as is done in the home. Pregnancy test in the first days usually negative, as it detects the presence of hCG in a woman's body (human chorionic gonadotropin), which begins to stand out shell of the embryo after its introduction into the uterine wall, and this is about the 10th day. At 12-14 days of pregnancy can be detected using the most sensitive home test.

Home pregnancy test is performed by using special test strips. The strips are easy to use and with proper compliance with the instructions give a very accurate result. The test strip is dipped into the urine of the morning dose, and again in accordance with the instruction look at her appearance changes. In the presence of hCG in urine on the test strip color appears clear.

Traditional methods of determining pregnancy will always involve women as suggest pregnancy in the earliest possible time.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • the first signs of pregnancy
