Calendar of conception - is inaccurate, but popular - Other methods

April 16, 2013
  • Calendar of conception - is inaccurate, but popular
  • Menstrual cycle
  • Calendar of calculating ovulation
  • Ovulation Calendar
  • Japanese calendar
  • Tests
  • Other methods

 other ways of determining ovulation

Other methods of determining ovulation

Each month, one of the ovarian follicle matures - a bubble, which is filled with fluid, it contains an egg. Gradually this generation increases in size, its walls become thinner, and in the middle of the menstrual cycle, it is broken, and the egg is released into the abdominal cavity. Such a moment is called ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?

Then the egg falls into the uterine (fallopian) tube, and if it is there during the day will meet the sperm, fertilization occurs. Embryo after three or four days down to the uterus, where the implantation process. If conception was not, then the egg in the fallopian tube die in twenty-four hours.

For a more precise determination of the time of ovulation, you can see a doctor. There are several methods you can use to learn the phase of the menstrual cycle and set a time that is favorable for conception:

  • Cytological examination of vaginal smears and definition kariopiknoticheskogo Index (CPI);
  • The study of the mucus from the cervical canal (cervix);
  • Ultrasonic monitoring.

Pap smears from the vagina based on the definition in these different cells. In women of childbearing age in the normal menstrual cycle Menstrual cycle and its characteristics  Menstrual cycle and its characteristics
   with ovulation in the smear are determined by the intermediate and superficial cells. On the basis of the ratio of different cell types based the calculation of the CPI. This rate changes depending on the phase of the cycle. Also it can be used to identify disease.

Great diagnostic importance is the study of the cervical mucus. For the detection of hormonal fluctuations during the cycle is determined by:

  • Symptom "fern leaf". The doctor takes a pair of tweezers mucus from the cervical canal Cervical canal - the path traversed by every person  Cervical canal - the path traversed by every person
   and puts on special glass. This feature is based on the crystallization of discharge, because of what glass you can see the tree pattern that resembles fern leaves. Symptom is defined between the seventh and twenty-first day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
   and is most pronounced at the time of ovulation;
  • Symptoms "pupil." In the first phase of the ovulatory menstrual cycle the external opening of the cervical canal is gradually increasing, and it appears clear the mucus. This phenomenon is most pronounced at the time of ovulation. After the release of the egg slowly closes the channel, and the amount of mucus decreases;
  • Symptom relief of cervical mucus. The doctor grabs her tweezers, throws his jaws and determine on which stretched the length of the mucus. The more a woman's body estrogen content, so this symptom is more pronounced. At the time of ovulation mucus is stretched to its maximum length.
  • Ultrasonic monitoring - this observation during the menstrual cycle changes that occur in the ovaries and uterus. The method allows to assess the state of women's internal reproductive organs and detect anomalies. With it, you can watch the growth of follicles and ovulation, as well as to identify violations and sometimes the last to find out the cause. This method is more reliable than others.

To determine the ovulation better not to use one method, and a combination thereof. This will more accurately determine the best time for conception.

It is important to remember that while having sex during ovulation, even for healthy couples pregnancy takes several months. Also, there are many factors that reduce the possibility of fertilization even in good times. If pregnancy does not occur too long, you should consult your doctor for advice. After the examination, the doctor will find out the cause of this, prescribe treatment of any disease, if they are identified, and will help to more accurately determine the time of ovulation.

Article Tags:
  • conceiving

How to Get Pregnant: folk remedies - are they effective?

June 29, 2008

  • How to Get Pregnant: folk remedies - are they effective?
  • Without the help of doctors
  • Herbal remedy
  • How to increase the probability of conception

 how to get pregnant folk remedies
 The birth of a child - is without a doubt a miracle that wish to experience almost all women. But sometimes the joy of motherhood is postponed for an indefinite period, and then have to worry about: what is wrong, who is to blame and what to do? Reasons for the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur can be varied, from the pathologies of various organs and systems to the unfavorable time of conception, stressful situations. Of course, to determine the cause and prescribe treatment can only physician, but does not cost anything to help themselves folk remedies that are used since ancient times for a successful conception.

Herbal treatment has always been a highly effective, natural remedies are considered more preferable to drugs with a chemical basis, but only if they are careful application, subject to receiving mode and dosage.

 How to Get Pregnant: folk remedies - are they effective?

How to stimulate fertility?

Excellent stimulant of sexual function of both men and women, an assistant in the ovaries - a rich source of vitamin E. Vitamin E has always been considered a rose flower from which you can make a "rose water" and drink it. The next source of vitamin E - buckthorn: you can drink the juice of sea buckthorn oil, eat fresh berries. Pumpkin pulp - another storehouse of this vitamin. In addition, pumpkin contains many other vitamins and minerals, it fills the shortage of nutrients the body. If pregnancy occurs, pumpkin prevents the risk of toxicity and increases milk production in lactating women.

A remarkable remedy for infertility is considered grass knotweed. Knotweed has a therapeutic effect on the uterus and ovaries, facilitates conception. It can be drunk as a tea, if you make 1 teaspoon of dry grass with one liter of boiling water. A more concentrated infusion: 2 tablespoons herb knotweed, 2 cups of boiling water. Insisting 4 hours, strain, cool and drink 4 times a day before meals for half a glass.

Fresh juice of wheat grains also helps cure infertility. His need to drink half a cup half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day.

 How to Get Pregnant: folk remedies - are they effective?

Magic Herbs

Even the ancient physicians called Sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
   magic herbs. The ancient Greeks considered sage one of the best remedies for female infertility Female infertility - whether all known to science?  Female infertility - whether all known to science?
 And in ancient Egypt after the wars and epidemics with high mortality, women even obliged to take a decoction of herbs and sage seeds to increase fertility. However, with sage we need to be very careful to comply strictly with the dosage - sufficient for welding 1 teaspoon in a glass of water and take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day for 11 days after the cessation of menstruation. Repeat 3 months if the pregnancy does not occur, you need to make a break for 2 months. Sage contains special plant hormones that are similar in structure to estrogen - the female sex hormones. Infusion of sage seed generates a woman called "the suction effect" of the cervix, which facilitates the passage of sperm towards the egg.

Difficulty conceiving on a background of inflammation of the ovaries Inflammation of the ovaries - the invisible disease  Inflammation of the ovaries - the invisible disease
   It can be corrected by infusion of a mixture of grass mother and stepmother, chamomile, clover, herbs centaury and marigold flowers. 50 grams of each plant mix and pour 0, 5 liters of boiling water. The mixture is to insist for 3 hours and take on a third cup 5-6 times a day. Drink infusion of 1-2 months, but during the treatment should refrain from sexual activity.

One of the very effective tools that have helped many mothers present - ortiliya sided, popularly known as upland uterus Borovoy of the uterus: applied only after a visit to the doctor  Borovoy of the uterus: applied only after a visit to the doctor
 . This tool has been successfully used for all diseases of female genital sphere, and in particular, helps conception. To prepare the broth should take 2 tbsp. spoon of leaves and flowers upland uterus, pour 30 ml of water and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Then you give the broth infuse for 30 minutes and strain. Take it should be 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease course can last from a few weeks to 3-4 months.

Besides herbal infusions additional funds believed to attract good luck into the house with the help of willow twigs. Witch doctors advised women who want to become pregnant to put in my house flower ficus and care for him as a child.
