"Disease mood": dysthymic disorder

October 31, 2010

  • "Disease mood": dysthymic disorder
  • Diagnosis and treatment of dysthymic disorder

 illness mood dysthymic disorder
 The gloomy, listless, passive, sad, slack - these words probably best describe the condition of people suffering from dysthymic disorder. When dysthymic disorder affects not only emotionally, but also the physical condition of the person. For several years, a person does not feel joy - only ongoing depression.

Dysthymic disorder, also known as dysthymic, is a chronic, mild depression form. This is considered a chronic disorder, as appears at an early age, and remains on for several years of human life. Notice dysthymic disorder is difficult - even the person suffering from dysthymia can be considered a permanent depression and bad mood is quite commonplace.

In addition to the bad mood, dysthymia is characterized by typical symptoms of depression - low self-esteem, lack of energy, sleep disturbances Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . However, people seem perfectly healthy.

If left unattended dysthymia, if left untreated, the disorder can become a much more serious type of depression - MDD, major depressive disorder. The combination of dysthymia and MDD is known as "double depression." A person suffering from this type of depression, may become a threat to themselves or others. In this condition require hospitalization.

 "Disease mood": dysthymic disorder

Dysthymic disorder symptoms

The main symptom of dysthymic disorder - chronic depression that a person experiences on a daily basis for several years. For children and teenagers up to this period of the year, for adults - up to two years. Furthermore, dysthymic disorder accompanied by a number of other symptoms:

  • The inability to enjoy life and have fun.
  • Poor appetite or overeating.
  • Insomnia.
  • Lack of energy, constant fatigue
  • Low self-esteem
  • Lack of interest in anything whatsoever
  • Inability to concentrate, difficulty in decision-making
  • The feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness
  • Feeling guilty
  • Physical disorders - headaches, seizures, digestive problems, are not treatable.

 "Disease mood": dysthymic disorder

Reasons dysthymic disorder

The exact cause of dysthymic disorder are not clear so far. Researchers associated with dysthymia develop a number of key factors.

  • Chemical bonding: studies have shown that people suffering from dysthymic disorder, disrupting the natural mechanism of generation of the chemical serotonin, responsible for emotions and decision-making.
  • Genes: the chance of dysthymic disorder is higher in those people whose family members have previously suffered from depression. Biological and genetic factors increase the risk of an average of three times, and other factors - such as stress or the environment - can serve as initiators of disorder.
  • Setting: a situation which is difficult to handle, lack of emotional support lead to the development of dysthymia. In particular, this factor is important at an early age - a lack of love and attention from parents, physical or sexual violence, excessive psychological pressure on the part of parents lead to the development of low self-esteem and negative perceptions.

 "Disease mood": dysthymic disorder

How to detect dysthymia?

Women more than men, are at risk of the appearance of dysthymic disorder. Understanding symptoms and recognition of changes in the early stage helps determine dysthymic disorder. Lack of treatment, substance abuse can cause more serious health problems.

  • Changes in appetite: lack of appetite or overeating. Without treatment, these changes can lead to serious disorders - such as anorexia or bulimia.
  • Changing sleep habits, depression and too long sleep are closely related. Son to suffer from depression - is a kind of opportunity to escape everyday stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 . Even a long sleep does not bring relief, people suffering from depression, still feel tired and sleepy. Contrary to prolonged sleep - sporadic or chronic insomnia.
  • Passive attitude: often by people suffering from depressive disorder, can hear complaints about the constant fatigue. Most of the time these people feel unhappy, are not able to enjoy the activities that are enjoyed before, they tend to isolate themselves from others.
  • The feeling of insecurity even in simple conversation with a person suffering from dysthymia, you can find his image of himself: poor self-esteem, lack of confidence, a feeling of worthlessness always accompany dysthymic disorder.
  • Lack of attention and concentration: a person suffering from dysthymic disorder, is having trouble trying to concentrate, process information, take a decision. In addition, many people have problems with memory, constantly forgetting information.
  • Changes emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 : Constant sadness for no apparent reason, tearfulness, irritability symptoms Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , A feeling of helplessness and hopelessness, lack of attention to their appearance and hygiene standard - the most common emotional changes when dysthymic disorder.

Dyslexia - a unique gift or a punishment?

July 5, 2009

   Dyslexia - a violation of the ability to read and write, as well as memorizing spelling. This is due to the fact that the brain confuses or mixes letters and words. Children with dyslexia often have a bad memory for words.

Dyslexia does not mean that the child's ability to learn is below average. In fact, many people who suffer from dyslexia have outstanding intellectual abilities. But their inability to read well may complicate the study of many areas of knowledge.

 Dyslexia - a unique gift or a punishment?

What is the cause of dyslexia

Scientists are not sure what causes the disease. But it is often inherited, that is, can be a genetic disorder. Additional studies revealed problems in the brain connects letters and words with corresponding sounds.

Dyslexia has nothing to do with poor eyesight. Also, people suffering from dyslexia, see letters and words, just like the others, but not in the reverse order.

What causes the symptoms of dyslexia

Signs of dyslexia in young children of preschool age are:

  • The child thinks for a long time before you say anything.
  • Slow to learn new words.
  • Have difficulty rhyming.
  • Have difficulty in performing multi-tasks.

A child of school age can manifest the following symptoms of dyslexia:

  • Problems in reading single words, such as the words on the cards.
  • Problems in correlation with the respective sounds of letters.
  • Confuses small words.
  • Following the letters backwards.
  • He writes words backwards.

If a child has one of these symptoms, it does not mean that he was ill dyslexia. Many children under the age of 77 years read the letters backwards. But if a child has more of the attributes, as well as problems with reading, or if the family were dyslexics, it is necessary to take the child for a visit to the doctor.

 Dyslexia - a unique gift or a punishment?

How are diagnosed with dyslexia

A doctor or a specialist school (for the correction of infringements of reading and writing) know what the signs and symptoms of dyslexia teachers and parents noticed the child. The expert also asked the child. The child may be asked to undergo tests for proficiency in reading and writing skills. Tests can show the characteristics of the child in terms of his personality, his ability to learn, solve problems and use of words. Also, the child can be tested for the level of IQ.

These tests help determine whether the child has dyslexia or whether he has other problems in terms of learning.

 Dyslexia - a unique gift or a punishment?

As dyslexia is treated

The treatment program includes a series of training methods to help teach a child to read. These techniques include:

  • Child taught to relate letters to sounds and make the sounds of speech.
  • With the help of teacher a child learns to read aloud.
  • The child listens to the job and repeats them.

In the treatment of dyslexia usually do not require medicines or receiving psychological counseling.

Dyslexia - a disease which, during life, usually not fully reversible, but timely treatment in early childhood can significantly improve the situation. Also, an important role is played by the support of family members, teachers and friends.

 Dyslexia - a unique gift or a punishment?

What other diseases are associated with dyslexia

Dyslexia can be accompanied by other disorders associated with cognition, or emotional disabilities. Some of these problems may be the result of how the child's brain is formed and how it functions. Some emotional disturbances of children with dyslexic may be the result of the emergence of a sense of his own helplessness due to failures in school and at home. But in the course of diagnosing dyslexia need to make sure that the inability to read is not caused by other reasons.

Syndrome of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) y Some dyslexic children also present syndrome of attention deficit hyperactivity. But these are two completely different diseases, and one of them may be the cause of another.

Violation of the "control" functions. "Control" function - the ability to use a set of skills to solve problems and achieve goals. This includes the ability to block or delay the response, make a plan, or a sequence of actions and record important information for future use. These skills are necessary for the conduct of organizational, planning, impulse control, suppression of emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 , The development of selective attention and creative thinking.

Memory impairment. Upset ability to listen, remember and repeat hear phonemes or words. Very often, children with this disorder for a long time remember how the sounds in words correlated with the corresponding letters. Often they can not even remember a short list of tasks.

Problems with math. Some children dyslexics difficult given the study of mathematical concepts and terminology. Also, they sometimes do not recognize mathematical symbols. That is, there are similar problems with reading. Furthermore, serious problems can cause the solution of complex tasks set out in the form of the proposal, due to boredom with the study of language.

Emotional and behavioral disorders. In dyslexic children increases the risk of behavioral disorders, anxiety, withdrawal, low self-esteem and depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
