Homeopathic medicines in bipolar disorder

March 25, 2012

 homeopathic remedies bipolar disorder
 Homeopathic remedies that are prescribed for bipolar disorder, may be different, depending on the age and sex of the patient. Also taken into account when choosing a drug specific symptoms. The following are homeopathic remedies that are most often prescribed for bipolar disorder.

 Homeopathic medicines in bipolar disorder

  • Platinum Metallicum. This drug is prescribed to people suffering from bipolar disorder with symptoms such as worsening of thinking, indifference, apathy, crying. Also indications for the use of Platinum Metallicum are twitching eyelid, a long noise and headaches.
  • Agaricus Muscarius: This tool is only recommended for severe forms of bipolar disorder, especially if symptoms such as confusion, severe depression, indifference to work, lethargy and problems with reading. It is also possible abnormal appetite and eyelid twitching.
  • Phosphorus: Homeopaths prescribe this medication if the patient suffers from intense fear, uncertainty and anxiety experience. Phosphorus is also prescribed to patients who are restless by nature and easily irritated.
  • Crocus Sativus: This tool is suitable for the treatment of patients with bipolar disorder in the manic phase. Such patients are many laugh and sing. Also indications for the use of Crocus Sativus in the treatment of bipolar disorder are abrupt transitions from mania to depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 , Hallucinations and delusions.

The described formulations are widely used in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Eat them only after consulting with an experienced homeopath. Homeopathic preparations usually have side effects and do not interact with other drugs. But if you take any medication, you still tell your doctor.

Article Tags:
  • homeopathic medicine

Haloperidol - is irreplaceable in psychosis

May 2, 2010

 Psychotropic drugs - a drug designed specifically to treat mental illness Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?  Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?
   and have found wide use since the middle of last century. A distinctive feature of psychotropic drugs is their positive effect on mental function, providing a positive therapeutic effect in disorders of the central nervous system (CNS).

 Haloperidol - is irreplaceable in psychosis


Neuroleptics or antipsychotic drugs called psychotropic drugs used mainly for severe CNS disorders, such as psychosis. The main mechanism of action of these drugs - effect on neurotransmitters - substances, which are transmitted by nerve impulses. Neurotransmitters can be different (noradrenaline, serotonin, dopamine and others), and they all have different effects on the CNS.

 Haloperidol - is irreplaceable in psychosis

Neuroleptic haloperidol

Haloperidol - neuroleptic belonging to the group of butyrophenones has a strong antipsychotic effect. The drug is a specific blocker of dopamine receptors, i.e. the transmission delay of dopamine nerve cells at synapses - junctions of nerve cells to each other. At the same time inhibited and transmission at the synapses of another neurotransmitter - noradrenalin (it is a by-calming effect). In small doses, the drug has activating effect.

The drug has also expressed antiemetic, analgesic, anticonvulsant, analgesic and antihistamine (reduces the formation of histamine - the main substance of allergic reactions) action. Removes persistent personality changes, delirium, hallucinations, delusions, increases interest in the environment. It eliminates excessive motor activity, behavioral disorders (impulsivity, difficulty concentrating, aggressiveness).

Haloperidol is also the blockade of dopamine receptors of the hypothalamus - part of the brain responsible for the endocrine system. Therefore, long-term use of this drug is accompanied by changes in hormonal levels: by the hypothalamus in the pituitary gland (the main endocrine glands, influencing the work of other glands), increased production of prolactin (a hormone under the influence of which formed the breast milk) and reduced the amount of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, whose task is to stimulating the production of sex hormones. As a result, there are side effects such as increased production of breast milk, and decreased sexual activity.

Haloperidol is available in tablets and oral solution, the solution in vials for intramuscular injection.

 Haloperidol - is irreplaceable in psychosis

Indications and contraindications for use

Haloperidol shows:

  • acute and chronic psychosis (CNS conditions under which disrupted the orientation of the patient in the world around him) of different origin, accompanied by delirium Brad - not only crazy  Brad - not only crazy
   (actions arising under the influence of false inferences) and hallucinations (patients see, hear and feel what is actually there);
  • in acute anxiety-depressive syndrome with excited (agitated depression);
  • with organic (with a change in the structure of the brain) diseases of the central nervous system, accompanied by psychosis;
  • in severe motor and mental arousal of different origin;
  • when tics, stuttering, long-lasting hiccups;
  • chorea (a disease accompanied by involuntary movements of the muscles);
  • nausea and vomiting, especially after surgery or chemotherapy;
  • in preparation for narcosis (to enhance its effectiveness).

Haloperidol is contraindicated in:

  • in case of hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • in disorders of consciousness of different origin;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • depression - long continuing depressed mood (aft agitated depression);
  • in hysterical states;
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • children up to 3 years.

C care haloperidol prescribed for severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, epilepsy, glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure), abnormal liver function and kidney function, increased thyroid function, breathing problems, an enlarged prostate with urinary retention, chronic alcoholism.

 Haloperidol - is irreplaceable in psychosis

Side effects caused by haloperidol

When haloperidol may experience the following side effects:

  • CNS: in the beginning - insomnia or drowsiness, then - movement disorder, tremor, increased muscle tone, headache, restlessness, anxiety, agitation, anxiety, euphoria (a joyous elevated mood) and depression, seizures, convulsions, development of a paradoxical reaction - exacerbation psychosis and hallucinations;
  • from the gastrointestinal tract: loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, abnormal liver function;
  • on the part of the cardiovascular system: low blood pressure, irregular heart rhythm;
  • With the genitourinary system: urinary retention, peripheral edema, pain in the breasts, gynecomastia (breast enlargement in men), menstrual disorders, decreased potency;
  • the part of the blood (rare): reduction of certain types of white blood cells (agranulocytosis, leading to decreased immunity), anemia;
  • From the senses: cataracts Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?  Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?
 , Blurred vision;
  • Allergic reactions: skin rash, increased reaction to sunlight rarely - bronchospasm and laryngeal.
  • Other effects: alopecia, weight gain.

With an overdose of all the side effects worse treatment - only in the hospital.

Haloperidol effective psychotropic drug Psychotropic drugs and their effect on the brain  Psychotropic drugs and their effect on the brain
 Which can be administered only by a physician.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • haloperidol
