Treatment of depression - pills needed - Treatment of severe depression

October 5, 2006

  • Treatment of depression - pills needed
  • Treatment of severe depression

 treatment of depression

Treatment of severe depression

Fortunately, all the victims of depression manifested not all of these symptoms, but only some of them. There are mild and severe depression.

For the treatment of severe depression commonly used antidepressants, but they can help in the fight against certain types of mild depression. Antidepressants are not is a stimulant, but nevertheless, they take off or reduce the symptoms of depression and help the patient to return to normal, and normal life.

Antidepressants are also used to treat psychiatric disorders, which are based on fear and anxiety, for example, some phobias. Antidepressants relieve the symptoms of panic, including heart palpitations, a feeling of paralyzing fear, dizziness, chest pain, nausea, and respiratory disorders.

The doctor prescribes a particular antidepressant, guided by the individual symptoms of the individual patient. Results antidepressants are not immediate. In most cases, changes for the better should be expected after one - three weeks.

Some depressive symptoms disappear at an early stage; others - much later. For example, to improve mood changes occur in the body, in particular recovering energy level returns to normal power mode and sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . If after five - six weeks of antidepressant there is no change, the doctor prescribes another medicine - because different people have different susceptibilities to different antidepressants.

 Treatment of severe depression | depression treatment - pills needed

Treatment of "seasonal" depression

If some people face depression just once in a lifetime or only after serious mental turmoil, the others have to conduct long-term debilitating struggle with depression or experience this condition frequently (eg annually).

Some people with age more and more cases of depression and increases its duration. The most effective treatment for such patients - chronic administration of antidepressants. They help reduce the frequency and severity of depression. Long-term side effects of drugs used today are unknown, so they can take what you want for a long time.

The dosage depends on the type of antidepressant drugs, the chemical characteristics of individual processes in the human body, its age and, in some cases, body weight. Usually, a small dose initially prescribed antidepressant, and then gradually increased until the desired result, of course, if there are no side effects.

A variety of antidepressants allows everyone to find a suitable remedy. Antidepressants different side effects and, to some degree, the level of efficiency. Tricyclic antidepressants (so called because of its chemical structure) often used to treat major types of depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 Than monoamine oxidase inhibitors; However, monoamine oxidase inhibitors often help in the treatment of so-called "atypical" depression, which appear in drowsiness, increased anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Panic attacks and phobias.

 Treatment of severe depression | depression treatment - pills needed

Newer antidepressants

Over the past few years, a host of newer antidepressants. Some of them are called "selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors" (RSSI). Today, you can buy anti-depressants such as fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine and sertraline.

Although all of the RSSI antidepressants differ in their structure, they act on the same specific neurotransmitter - serotonin.

The tricyclic antidepressant clomipramine also affects serotonin, but unlike antidepressants RSSI, it does not act selectively. This is the first drug recommended for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock  Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock

Bupropion - another new antidepressant that is chemically unrelated to other antidepressants. It affects more norepinephrine and dopamine than the serotonin. Antidepressant does not cause weight gain or sexual dysfunction. It is contraindicated in persons with epilepsy and patients with bulimia or anorexia nervosa.

Article Tags:
  • depression

Why do we get tired at work and how to handle this?

September 20, 2006

 Work fatigue
   "All the works are good, choose on taste." Who does not remember this phrase from a children's poem? The phrase is correct - Now everyone can choose for themselves the type of activity that his (or her) best suits based on aptitudes, interests, physical and psychological capabilities. Every job has its own individual specificity that is inherent only to this type of activity.

Work - this is what allows a person to make a living, to assert themselves in society and not feel cut off from the complex and multi-faceted social organism. Fatigue adversely affects productivity and makes us lethargic and have little interest in the outcome. Why do we get tired at work, and how we can cope with this?

 Why do we get tired at work and how to handle this?

Fatigue factor

The main factors of fatigue at work can be a little. One of the main causes of chronic fatigue in the workplace - excessive mental stress that is often experienced by workers. In this age of global information we have daily and hourly to process a huge number of various data, passing them through themselves, as if through a sieve or a sponge. The speed of life from year to year increases, which often leads to chronic fatigue, which may eventually become a real stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis

Another important factor of fatigue can become a long-term work at the computer, especially if your computer is equipped with a monitor obsolete. Fortunately, in our time, this problem can be solved - to work with a computer was as safe as possible, necessary color or black-and-white LCD monitors or LCD projectors or modern monitors 15 inches.

Nenormirovannyj frequent overtime work and also have a negative impact on the human body, which in turn leads to chronic fatigue Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience  Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience
 . Last but not least this is due to our inability to properly plan their business and find a reasonable balance between work and leisure. Fatigue of the body can also cause improper and irregular meals, which, among other things, is extremely harmful for health. Sedentary work in the wrong posture contributes to tension of certain muscle groups, which also affects our state and well-being, leading to fatigue. What measures should be taken to ensure that the workplace tired less? How to cope with chronic fatigue?

 Why do we get tired at work and how to handle this?

How to cope with fatigue

In order to cope with fatigue, you need all of the above factors are minimized. Moreover, in our time, a man comes to the aid of time-management, that is the art of time management. Its main principles greatly facilitate the life of modern people, and bring order to their lives. The basic postulates of time management are advised to include as much as possible, try to plan their affairs priorities; try to work as efficiently as possible with information, otherwise you will simply drown in it - discard minor details and devote more time to truly meaningful data; do not be afraid to make decisions and to look boldly into the eyes of their problems; do not try to persuade people and learn to say "no"; learn how to alternate work and rest; to develop the most effective organization of its time, which would be perfectly suited for you.

If you follow these guidelines, you'll soon forget what chronic fatigue and lack of time, and you can finally take a deep breath!

Article Tags:
  • fatigue
