Amitriptyline - helps with strong depression - What is depression and why it occurs
February 15, 2009
- Amitriptyline - helps with strong depression
- What is depression and why it occurs
What is depression and why it occurs
Depression - a depressed mood, feelings of emptiness, lack of interest in life, tearfulness, sleep disturbances, intrusive thoughts of unpleasant content, sense of isolation and worthlessness. Bouts of depression are usually repeated and painful for a man.
Depression can be a response to stress, and can occur as if from nowhere and then this type of depression called endogenous (internal). Endogenous depression runs hard and can be a sign of mental illness
Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?
. Often a result of depression is suicide (suicide).
The mechanism of depression is the lack of certain neurotransmitters - biologically active chemicals that can cause a chain of biochemical reactions, including the transmission of electrical impulses in nerve cells. Thus, when there is a lack of depression neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin. Serotonin is responsible for the emotional stability, self-control, sleep mode, it is also called "hormone of happiness" because it is produced in the body in times of ecstasy, its level rises during the euphoria and decreases during the Depression. For serotonin necessarily need the light, the lack of light in winter, and is a common reason for the seasonal depression
Seasonal depression - antidepressants do without

How does amitriptyline
Nowadays there are enough ways (such as medication and psychotherapy) to overcome depression. One of the oldest drugs antidepressant is amitriptyline. Amitriptyline increases the amount of noradrenaline and serotonin, decreasing anxiety, panic attacks and depression, has a calming effect.
By reducing the amount of serotonin in the body increases the sensitivity to pain, amitriptyline relieves hyperalgesia.
In addition, amitriptyline has antihistamine (reduces the amount of histamine, which particularly stands out a lot in allergic reactions) action, as well as antidiuretic (reduced urine excretion).

This shows amitriptyline
Amitriptyline is shown in the following diseases and conditions:
- the depressive phase of manic-depressive psychosis
Manic-depressive illness - which phases are the most dangerous?
- depression (including endogenous, e.g., schizophrenia);
- various violations of conduct;
- children's urinary incontinence (enuresis);
- bulimia nervosa ("scuffing" stresses plenty of food);
- chronic pain syndromes (e.g., in cancer patients, migraines, and so on).

Side effects of amitriptyline
Amitriptyline can cause a number of side effects:
- the central nervous system: drowsiness, disorientation, agitation, hallucinations, tremors, fatigue;
- on the part of the cardiovascular system: tachycardia, conduction abnormalities (eg, heart block);
- From the digestive system: sweet and bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, stomatitis, dry mouth, constipation;
- on the part of the reproductive system: disorder or delayed ejaculation, decreased potency, changes in libido;
- on the part of the endocrine system: violation of glucose uptake, diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
Increase in body weight;
- by the organs of vision: blurred vision items, increased intraocular pressure;
- Allergic reactions: skin rash, itching.

How does an overdose of amitriptyline
If overdose occur drowsiness, disorientation, confusion and disturbances of consciousness, pupil dilation, fever, shortness of breath, agitation, hallucinations (patients see and hear what is actually there), seizures, vomiting, abnormal heart function, increasing blood pressure, respiratory depression.
In case of overdose you need to stop treatment with amitriptyline and call an ambulance. At the hospital, this patient do a gastric lavage administered large amounts of fluid in combination with diuretics lower blood pressure. ECG done daily for 5 days, as relapse can occur 48 hours later.

To receive amitriptyline contraindicated
Amitriptyline should not be taken if you have:
- glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure);
- epilepsy (seizures);
- heart failure;
- acute and recovery phase of myocardial infarction;
- conduction disturbances of the heart muscle;
- high blood pressure;
- acute liver disease and kidney with severe dysfunction;
- gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the acute stage;
- enlargement of the prostate;
- atony (violations reduction) of the bladder;
- bowel obstruction;
- simultaneous reception of MAO inhibitors;
- pregnancy, breast-feeding;
- Children under six years;
- Hypersensitivity to amitriptyline.
Amitriptyline - a reliable time-tested tool that can be used only on prescription.
How to increase self-esteem - a watch - Watch your posture!
December 28, 2008
- How to increase self-esteem - take care of yourself
- Watch your posture!
Watch your posture!
It is noticed that the man who stoops, looks and feels much less confident than the one that ensures that the spine has always been straightforward. Change the habit of stooping difficult, but possible. For this purpose there is a special set of exercises. You can every day to stand against a wall for 15 minutes, walks with a heavy book on his head, trying to keep it - it works and helps to develop a useful habit.
Assist dance classes. The main thing is to always remember that you deserve the best and posture you must have a royal. The man who walks with his head held high, simply can not be a loser. After some time and you will understand it.

Improve the appearance!
Being overweight, unkempt clothes, disheveled haircut, the wrong facial features - all these causes of many complexes and low self-esteem. But if you lose weight, change clothes and hair style really, it is difficult to change the shape of the nose without a radical intervention. And is it necessary?
It is important to love yourself for who you are. If you find it difficult to put up with some of his shortcomings, eliminate them. Lose weight, change the image, take care of yourself, more importantly, do not rush to extremes.
Even if you can not lose weight significantly, the process is important. If you make a serious effort, self-esteem will rise even so. After all, you are working on a fair and worthy of respect!
In addition, efforts are almost always rewarded. When you get used to always look at 100, you can not treat yourself as usual.

Making progress!
Success does not come by itself. It is important to know how to calculate their own power and doing things you love, that you really like. In this case, it will be the best platform for future achievements.
Do not handle the fact that really too much for you at the moment. High self-esteem is based on overcoming obstacles, but is split on the impossible. Therefore, it is foolish to dream of that objective unattainable.
Put realistic goals, make concrete steps to achieve them, and you get a very tangible result.

Communicate with nice people
Of course, it is impossible to exclude the times when we have to communicate with people who do not like us. But we can not allow them to close communion. Make yourself a circle of friends and acquaintances with whom communication does not give you problems. Friendship and sincere affection for you - the best cure for low self-esteem.
Those who accept you for what you have, help you overcome doubts about their appearance, intelligence or spiritual qualities. If you are someone who likes, then you can not be such an outsider, he seems himself.

Do good deeds
Nothing helps to make sure that you are not so bad, as someone - that of gratitude. Do not hesitate to help people and try not to do things that bring pain to others.
You will quickly see the impact of their actions. Sometimes it is simply to help close and even completely unknown person, but for some reason we pass by.
When you understand what benefits people, you can not consider yourself a hopeless loser.
I wonder why many of us think of themselves much worse than we actually are. After all, poor people are much less than we think, and in each of us there is someone perfect. To be beautiful, loved, successful person does not necessarily have the model data, boundless wealth or encyclopedic knowledge in the field of nuclear physics. It is enough to believe in themselves, to endeavor to achieve success and to love those around you. Then the problem of low self-esteem is unlikely to ever touch you seriously.