How to improve memory - tested techniques - Scientific methods

February 11, 2010

  • How to improve memory - proven methodologies
  • Scientific methods
  • Facilities
  • Exercises for children

Science-based ways to improve memory - science can not cheat

Improving the capacity of the brain is much like physical exercise. If you prepare for sporting events, you will need to exercise to diet and exercise to repeat until you reach desired results. If you train your brain with special exercises and stick to the right diet, the brain's ability to adapt and develop not only amaze you but also those around you.

 Scientific methods | How to improve memory - proven methodologies

Good dream

Seven to eight hours of sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   - A sufficient period of time to improve memory. The fact that the full cycle of sleep helps the brain to transfer information from short-term to long-term. During sleep, increases the activity of the hippocampus, one of the parts of the brain responsible for memory, so that the brain remembers better and faster information.

 Scientific methods | How to improve memory - proven methodologies

Good food

A diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grain products and a small amount of healthy fat, improve memory and promote the proper functioning of the brain. For example, red wine contains resveratrol, which increases blood flow in the brain. Acceptance of red wine in moderation reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease - can be slowed down, it can not be cured  Alzheimer's disease - can be slowed down, it can not be cured
 . Also for brain health it is very important regular supply of omega-3 fatty acids.

 Scientific methods | How to improve memory - proven methodologies

Exercises for the brain

In the process of growing developing neural connections that allow you to quickly solve problems, to process information and perform the job again. Most of these actions requires very little mental effort, so the need for new challenges, tasks and information that can strengthen the brain and form new connections between neurons. You can perform mental exercises such as crossword puzzles or Sudoku. You can try to collect the Rubik's cube, play Scrabble or chess. As long as the job remains a novelty for you, something knocked out of the routine and requires mental effort, they can help improve memory.

 Scientific methods | How to improve memory - proven methodologies

Social interaction

Relations with significant people motivate us to get better and develop. The probability that the memories stored in the memory increases, if the person himself wants to save them. Study at the Harvard School of Public Health found that people who lead an active social life, much later than the others begin to experience memory problems.

Bad habits - second nature? - How to get rid of bad habits and learn good

November 16, 2006

  • Bad habits - second nature?
  • How to get rid of bad habits and learn good

How to get rid of bad habits and learn good

Too many people make the most of the acts of habit. Today, you do the same thing as did yesterday, the day before and a month ago. It was found that out of every 11,000 signals that a person receives from the various senses, his mind deliberately handles only 40.

Habits, good and bad, make you who you are. The secret is to control them. If you know how to change their habits, even a small effort can make a big difference.

These methods will help change their habits if you want to start eating right, quitting smoking, regularly carry out its work plan and so on.

  • One habit in 30 days. Focus on one change every 30 days. For a time, this change may well become your habit. Focusing on any desired change, you create a program that will work without effort on the part of your consciousness.
  • Use the trigger. The trigger in this case - it is a short and simple ritual that you need to fulfill before they do something that requires practice. For example, if you want to get up every day at a certain time, the trigger will get out of bed as soon as you hear the alarm. If you want to quit How to Quit Smoking: Tips for Women  How to Quit Smoking: Tips for Women
 Snapping fingers, or beat yourself hand every time want to take a cigarette. Trigger helps to develop a more sustainable pattern of behavior.
  • Replace. What happens if you disassemble your computer and remove from it a few details? Most likely, it will not run. Likewise, you can not just destroy the habit, nothing can replace the pleasure that they will deliver. If you quit watching TV, you need a new way to relax and get information.
  • Not more than one habit at a time. Do you get rid of a bad habit, or produces a good, do not unnecessarily burden yourself. It may seem that a habit to devote a whole month - then spend too much time. However, if you've ever tried to deal with multiple habits at once, you know that in most cases this is a waste and energy, and of time itself. To really get rid of the habit or create a new one, you need a high concentration of attention. Dispersion of effort between several objectives, is likely to lead to the fact that you do not see any development.
  • Balance. There is a big difference between the long-term changes and the decision to give up something for 31 days. If changes bring you more suffering than joy, the balance in your life will be disrupted, and no changes will not benefit. No need to go to the gym, if you can not stand him. Find a diet or exercise, which bring you pleasure.
  • "But," to kill the bad thoughts. Whenever you find yourself on the bad thoughts, put this thought "but", and add the phrase about the positive aspects. "I am doing this work in a slipshod manner, but if I try, I can mend."
  • Record. Do not leave the intention only in the brain. Write them down on paper. There's just two effects. Firstly, you are clear about, which means that the change that you want to implement. Second, it forces you to move forward: to forget about the idea is pretty simple, but do not fulfill the promise written on the paper, it is much more difficult.
  • 30, 90, 365. Most of the habits during the period of their development are a few checkpoints. The first is waiting for you in 30 days. Here, you will not need to make every effort of will to keep the changes, but if there are problems, it is likely that you will forget about your goals. After 90 days, you may find that you do not stick to the habit more difficult than not to do so. A year later, you almost forget what it was like to live without this habit. Be patient when you think the power will change you, and remember these three stages.
  • Create incentive. Give your friend $ 100 with a condition to return them to you only if you can last 30 days (no cigarettes, no fatty foods). Tell us about your intention to the greatest possible number of people - so you will not feel ashamed to realize our plans. Or choose your reward for certain achievements. In general, look for anything that makes you move forward.
  • Simplicity. Your changes should include 1-2 rule, not a dozen. Engage sports every day for 30 minutes easier than on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays to practice yoga on Monday - mountain biking, on Thursday ran cross country, and if it starts to rain, the ... From simple rules do not happen confusion and headaches Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
  • Sequence. Feature habits that we follow it, without thinking about their actions. Just do what we are used to. A variety, of course, gives life sharpness, but does not create habits. Quit the habit and as consistent as possible, repeat it carefully for all 30 days. Thus the habit will become your flesh and blood, but does not form a number of different non-persistent habits.
  • Experiment. You will not know what habits fit you and fit your lifestyle until you try them. So do not accustom yourself to do something just because you have to expect it. If any of the habit does not suit you for whatever reason whatsoever, replace it with another, looking for her.

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  • habits
