Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) can take place in different ways. Sometimes this disease is very difficult and requires hospitalization. There are cases of pneumonia and lung, but the danger in this case, the patient may not be less. The fact that some patients have a tendency to self, and it is absolutely contraindicated in pneumonia, as it leads to serious complications.
Basic principles of treatment of pneumonia
Treatment of any pneumonia should be complex. The treatment composition includes antibacterial drugs needed for suppressing infection and symptomatic treatment, that is assigned depending on which symptoms appear in the patient.
Furthermore, appointed obscheukrempyayuschie drugs and immunomodulators
Immunomodulators: a contract with the protective forces of the body
That can increase the body's resistance to infection. Of great importance is daily routine and diet of the patient. It just seems that the treatment of mild pneumonia can be combined with work. Indeed, any load during treatment reduces the effectiveness of treatment and may cause complications.
No less important is the food of the patient, which depends on the immune system, that is, resistance to infection. Food should be rich in proteins (they are needed for the synthesis of immune cells), complex carbohydrates (energy source), vegetable and animal fats (without them can not be correct metabolism), vitamins and minerals (these substances are present in food in small quantities, but without them proper metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
It is not possible).
After the patient's temperature decreases, it is assigned a thermal and physiotherapy, breathing exercises, and then the complexes of physiotherapy.
The choice of antibiotics for treatment of pneumonia
Through many clinical trials were identified which types of antibiotics most effectively suppress the livelihoods of those or other infectious agents. But the peculiarity of infectious agents is that they quickly "get used" to certain antibiotics, especially if they are used frequently. Therefore, in the treatment of pneumonia performed a preliminary analysis of sputum - sowing it on the culture media in order to identify the infectious agent and its sensitivity to antibiotics.
Unfortunately, the wait for the results of such an analysis is necessary for several days, and so the doctor has to prescribe antibiotics at first blindly focusing on the symptoms of the disease. The fact that different infectious agents contribute to the development of various manifestations of the disease and show the sensitivity to different antibiotics.
So, pneumococci are sensitive to penicillin antibiotics (amoxiclav) and cephalosporin (cefotaxime, ceftriaxone), as well as to macrolides (sumamed, vilprafen). Pathogenic staphylococci and E. coli are sensitive mainly to the cephalosporin antibiotics, but sometimes show sensitivity to other drugs. A mycoplasma, chlamydia
Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease
Legionella and sensitive to tetracycline antibiotics (mainly doxycycline), macrolides (sumamed, vilprafen) and fluoroquinolones (ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin).
If, within two or three days to improve the patient's condition is not present, an antibiotic
Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
change. The duration of antibacterial therapy depends on the patient's condition. In milder forms, respond well to treatment, antibiotics are prescribed for 7-10 days. And in severe forms of pneumonia duration of treatment is determined individually.
Expectorant and expand the bronchi drugs
When inflammation in the lungs of great importance is the timely removal of airway mucus. For this purpose prescriber facilitate liquefaction (mucolytics) and expectoration (expectorant), drugs.
To include mucolytics: bromhexine, ambroxol - these drugs are often used to treat pneumonia because they do not increase the amount of mucus and alter its structure, resulting in sputum becomes less viscous and well coughs.
It is an expectorant, most herbal medicines. Some of them helps to remove phlegm by stepping motor activity villi bronchial epithelium (marshmallow root, licorice root, grass Thermopsis and others), and some - by thinning mucus, but unlike mucolytics they phlegm, pulling her liquid, It has increased the volume of sputum (sodium bicarbonate). When pneumonia, these drugs are not always suitable.
What else treat pneumonia
Treatment of pneumonia also depends on the symptoms, such treatment is called symptomatic. For example, with severe pneumonia often come to the fore symptoms of intoxication (poisoning toxins, bacteria and decay products of tissues). In such cases, intravenously administered detoxification solutions.
Often pneumonia there are various disorders of the cardiovascular system, which also require correction.
Treatment of pneumonia may be carried out only under medical supervision.
Galina Romanenko