Pulmonology - everything you wanted to know about respiratory diseases

June 17, 2010

  • Pulmonology - everything you wanted to know about respiratory diseases
  • History of development

 Pulmonology - is a branch of medicine that deals with diseases of the lungs and bronchi, and often includes the assessment of upper respiratory tract (nose, pharynx and larynx) and heart. Pulmonologists specialize in treating disorders such as pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
 , Emphysema, complicated respiratory tract infection, and so forth.

 Pulmonology - everything you wanted to know about respiratory diseases

When you need a pulmonologist

Not everyone suffering from acute respiratory disease or chronic respiratory diseases, need help pulmonologist. With many of these violations have successfully addressed family doctors. Experts in the field of pulmonology need for more serious diseases of the respiratory system, some of which have been listed above.

They are also involved in pulmonary complications of AIDS, the effects of trauma, complications of certain diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

 Pulmonology - everything you wanted to know about respiratory diseases

Does pulmonologist surgery

Extensive surgery can only be a surgeon. However, pulmonologists often performed procedures to obtain samples of the shell of the chest or lungs. Furthermore, they can hold enough invasive procedure such as angiography - contrast radiography of blood vessels.

 Pulmonology - everything you wanted to know about respiratory diseases

Diseases of concern pulmonology

Pulmonology deals with the study and treatment of diseases of the lungs, and all lung disease can be divided into obstructive and restrictive.

 Pulmonology - everything you wanted to know about respiratory diseases

Obstructive pulmonary disease

Patients with obstructive lung disease have difficulty exhaling air. Because of damage to the lung or airway constriction in the lungs during exhalation air goes slower than is normal. Upon completion expiratory lung such patients may remain abnormally large amount of air.

The most common among obstructive pulmonary diseases are:

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis;
  • Asthma;
  • Bronchiectasis;
  • Cystic fibrosis.

Obstructive pulmonary disease make it difficult to breath, especially during intense physical exertion, because the more often it becomes the breath, the less time the patient to exhale air from the lungs.

 Pulmonology - everything you wanted to know about respiratory diseases

Restrictive lung disease

With restrictive lung disease patient can not completely fill the lungs with air, so his lungs could not expand to its normal volume. Diseases of this type are often the result of disorders that cause lung stiffness, chest wall, muscle weakness, or nerve damage that results in the inability of the normal lung expansion. Some disorders that can cause restrictive lung diseases:

  • Interstitial lung diseases such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis;
  • Sarcoidosis;
  • Obesity, including obesity hypoventilation;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Neuromuscular diseases such as muscular dystrophy or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

 Pulmonology - everything you wanted to know about respiratory diseases


In most cases, patients with obstructive and restrictive lung diseases do go to the doctor when symptoms such as shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. Generally, for the diagnosis of pulmonary function test is used, by which the volume of inhaled and exhaled air. This test reveals the presence of obstructive or restrictive lung diseases, as well as their degree of severity.

Talk with your doctor (such as a doctor needs to know whether the patient smokes), physical examination and laboratory tests can help determine the cause of pulmonary disease.

Almost always used for the diagnosis and medical imaging techniques such as X-ray or CT scan chest. Some patients may also need a bronchoscopy Bronchoscopy - unpleasant but necessary  Bronchoscopy - unpleasant but necessary
 In which not only can see from inside the airways, but also to take tissue samples for analysis.

 Pulmonology - everything you wanted to know about respiratory diseases


Restrictive and obstructive pulmonary disease usually have similar symptoms, the most common of them - shortness of breath. In the early stages of the disease appears only shortness of breath with a strong physical exertion. However, if the disease progresses, shortness of breath may occur with a minimum of physical activity, even when the person is at rest.

Cough - also a common symptom of lung diseases. Normally dry or productive cough, with expectoration of white sputum. Patients with chronic bronchitis, a type of obstructive pulmonary disease, may cough up large amounts of mucus yellowish or greenish color.

In patients with a variety of lung diseases often have symptoms of depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   and anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 . This is usually due to the fact that because of the state of health of patients have to make significant limitations in their lives.

 Pulmonology - everything you wanted to know about respiratory diseases

Treatment of obstructive lung diseases

The primary goal of treatment of diseases of this type - reveal airways. Airway narrowing may take place due to the involuntary contraction of the muscles surrounding the airway. In such cases, we recommend taking bronchodilators, such as:

  • Albuterol (Proventil HFA, Ventolin HFA, AccuNeb);
  • Ipratropium (Atrovent);
  • Formoterol;
  • Salmeterol (Serevent);
  • Tiotropium (Spiriva);
  • Combination drugs like Combivent, DuoNeb and Advair, which include bronchodilators;
  • Theophylline - rarely used bronchodilator that is taken orally.

Inflammation can also cause narrowing of the airway obstructive pulmonary disease. The walls of the airways thus can swell and covered with mucus, which hinders the free movement of air. For removal of inflammation in obstructive pulmonary disease may be used the following drugs:

  • Inhaled corticosteroids;
  • Oral corticosteroids (prednisone etc.);
  • Montelukast.

Regular performance of special physical exercises can help relieve some of the symptoms of obstructive lung disease. Some patients require oxygen therapy.

In severe cases, when the obstructive lung diseases are life-threatening for the patient, as a possible treatment for lung transplantation may be considered.

 Pulmonology - everything you wanted to know about respiratory diseases

Treatment of restrictive lung diseases

For the treatment of most causes of restrictive lung diseases there are very few medicines. Thus, when these diseases are caused by an inflammatory process applied medications that suppress the immune system, including:

  • Corticosteroids;
  • Azathioprine;
  • Cyclophosphamide;
  • Methotrexate.

As a complement to medical treatment can be administered oxygen therapy. Some patients also require artificial respiration. patients with hypoventilation associated with obesity, and certain neuromuscular diseases can help non-invasive ventilation.

If restrictive lung disease detected in obese patients, they usually recommend weight loss. Regular exercise can significantly seize the quality of life in patients with restrictive lung disease. In particularly severe cases, lung transplantation may be the only effective treatment.
