Inflammation of the lungs - is a familiar and dangerous - Treatment

April 29, 2013

  • Inflammation of the lungs - is a familiar and dangerous
  • Kinds
  • Treatment

 Treatment of pneumonia

Treatment of pneumonia

The choice of treatment for inflammation of the lungs depends on many factors, including such as the patient's age, overall health, and disease pathogens.

 Treatment | Pneumonia - is familiar and is dangerous


  • Medical checkup. First of all, the doctor will ask you details about your symptoms, and then listen to the lungs with a stethoscope. The characteristic sounds may indicate that light has a thick mucus that is one of the signs of the disease.
  • Radiography of the chest. With the help of X-rays can confirm the diagnosis of "pneumonia" and determine how much of the lung disease struck.
  • Analysis of blood and sputum. Based on the test results can detect the presence of viruses in the organism, bacteria and other microorganisms and thus prescribe treatment.

 Treatment | Pneumonia - is familiar and is dangerous


  • Antibiotics. The decision to treat the inflammation with antibiotics is not always taken quickly. Even with a large probability of bacterial infection takes time to determine precisely which bacteria in question and choose the most suitable for their elimination antibiotic. First, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic based on the symptoms of the disease. In some cases where it appears that a particular drug does not work, you have to start treatment with other antibiotics.
  • Antiviral drugs are prescribed, if it turns out that the cause of pneumonia was the virus.
  • Antipyretic drugs. To alleviate some of the symptoms of pneumonia suitable aspirin, ibuprofen Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug  Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug
 , Naproxen and acetaminophen. (Children given aspirin is not recommended).
  • Expectorant drugs. Talk to your doctor before taking any expectorant. Drugs of this type contribute to sputum and facilitate the patient with pneumonia, but they should not be overused take them as much as needed to sleep without coughing.

 Treatment | Pneumonia - is familiar and is dangerous


In the vast majority of cases in pneumonia patients can be successfully treated at home. Hospitalization may be required in the following cases:

  • Patients older than 65 years;
  • There is confusion;
  • Rapid breathing;
  • Lowering blood pressure;
  • The patient may need artificial respiration.

 Treatment | Pneumonia - is familiar and is dangerous

Home Treatment

The following measures will help to speed up recovery and significantly reduce the risk of complications:

  • Relax as much as possible. In the early days, when the disease is in its most active phase, it is recommended to comply with bed rest. In the future, even when you will feel much better, should be gradually and cautiously returning to the usual rhythm of life.
  • Do not go to work or to study, until the body temperature returns to normal, and as long as you do not stop to cough up phlegm. In general, it should be back to work only after the doctor says it is okay; In any case, do not come to work if you do not feel completely healthy.
  • Drink plenty of fluids - especially water. Fluids help remove toxins from the body, and facilitates expectoration.
  • Take your medicines as long as the doctor has told you - even if you start to feel good until the end of treatment. It is especially important to observe this rule while taking antibiotics. If you stop taking the medicine too soon, can remain in the lungs the bacteria, capable of reproduction, and after a while I had a relapse. In addition, the bacteria survived after the course of treatment properly, can become resistant to antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 . It is also very important to go to all methods prescribed by the doctor, even if you think you are perfectly healthy - in some cases, it helps to avoid relapses.

 Treatment | Pneumonia - is familiar and is dangerous


Do vaccines:

Although the list of potential agents of pneumonia is very long, and from all of them is impossible to defend, some vaccinations can help reduce the risk of disease.

  • Seasonal flu shots The flu shot - does it make sense to do it?  The flu shot - does it make sense to do it?
 . Influenza virus can cause the development of viral pneumonia. Bacterial pneumonia is also a common complication of the flu. Annual flu shots - a simple measure to strengthen the protection of their own health.
  • The vaccine against pneumonia. Experts recommend that all men over 65 years old be vaccinated against pneumococcus. Vaccination is also recommended for people at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia smokers; all who have heart or lung disease; people with weakened immune systems - those with HIV or those who take immunosuppressants (eg corticosteroids or drugs to prevent transplant rejection).
  • Vaccination of children. Doctors are advised to make pneumococcal conjugate vaccination for all children under two years and children from two to five years, relating to at-risk groups (patients with immunodeficiency, cancer, sickle cell disease, cardiovascular disease). It is particularly important to immunize children who attend kindergartens.

Take care of yourself:

  • Wash your hands. Your hands almost constantly in contact with microorganisms that can cause pneumonia Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes  Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes
 . These germs can get into your body when you rub your eyes or eat. Hand washing significantly reduces the risk of infection. When to wash your hands with soap and water is not possible, use special wipes.
  • Do not smoke. As we have said, smoking adversely affects the ability of the lung to resist infections.
  • Relax and play sports. Recreation and exercise are equally important to the immune system remained strong.
  • Eat right. Include in your diet as many dairy products, fruits, vegetables and whole, and the deletion of the semi-finished products and fast food.
  • Set an example. If possible, avoid public places when you are sick. If this is not possible, be sure to cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, and not greet people by the hand to not share with them pathogens.

Article Tags:
  • pneumonia

Erespal - syrup to treat children and adolescents

June 16, 2013

 Erespal syrup
 Erespal syrup is intended for the treatment of children and adolescents from two to eighteen. Erespal today is widely used in pediatric patients for the treatment of acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory and allergic diseases of the respiratory tract and upper respiratory tract.

 Erespal - syrup to treat children and adolescents

What part of the syrup Erespal and its appearance

Erespal - is a transparent orange syrup, which can form sediment disappearing with shaking. The appearance of a precipitate does not mean that the syrup is not usable. Available Erespal syrup in bottles of 150 ml of French pharmaceutical company Servier Laboratories.

Active ingredient syrup Erespal is fenspiride. In 100 ml of syrup contains 200 mg of fenspiride.

Furthermore, in the syrup Erespal include adjuvants - a flavoring composition with honey aroma, licorice, vanilla tincture, glycerol, dye "sunset yellow" (Sunset Yellow S), methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, saccharin, sucrose, potassium sorbate, purified water.

 Erespal - syrup to treat children and adolescents

How does syrup Erespal

Syrup Erespal has anti-inflammatory and antiexudativ action (inhibits the inflammatory process, including the formation of inflammatory fluid), prevents the development of bronchospasm. If bronchospasm appeared, it has a bronchodilator effect - removes spasms of smooth muscles of the bronchi.

Syrup Erespal after ingestion is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and exhibits antagonism to the mediators of inflammation and allergies. The drug selectively acts on the tissue of the respiratory and otolaryngology, and therefore used in the development of infectious and inflammatory and allergic processes in these organs and tissues.

 Erespal - syrup to treat children and adolescents

Application of pediatric syrup Erespal

Today Erespal syrup is widely used for the treatment of various diseases of the respiratory tract and upper respiratory tract in children. Diseases such bodies are most often found in childhood. Regardless of the cause of the disease (bacterial or viral infection, an allergic reaction, toxic effects) mucosal inflammation of these organs, which leads to damage. At the same time, a large number of biologically active substances (mediators), causing an inflammatory reaction. The more pronounced inflammatory reaction, the greater the tendency to chronic course of the process, which is often accompanied by an obstruction (obstruction) of the bronchi and increased formation of viscous mucus.

The structure of the complex treatment of such diseases include antibiotics, bronholititki, expectorants and mucus-thinning agent. The use of the complex treatment Erespal Erespal - a cure for allergies and inflammation  Erespal - a cure for allergies and inflammation
   (it usually goes well with other drugs) reduces the time of recovery of children with acute diseases and prevent their transition into chronic diseases.

In chronic diseases of the respiratory tract and upper respiratory tract Erespal can be used as part of complex treatment of an exacerbation, and independently as of anti-disease.

 Erespal - syrup to treat children and adolescents

How to take

Erespal syrup take half an hour before meals, after carefully shaking it. Adults who can not for some reason, take pills Erespal syrup appoint 1-2 tablespoons three times a day. Babies with two years syrup Erespal administered at 4 mg per kg body weight. The duration of treatment depends on the nature of the disease and is determined by the attending physician.

1 tablespoon Erespal (15 ml) containing 30 mg fenspiride and 9 g of sucrose. 1 teaspoon (5 ml) contains 10 mg fenspiride and 3 g of sucrose.

 Erespal - syrup to treat children and adolescents

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications Erespal are hypersensitivity to the components of the preparation of the patient, the age of two children, pregnancy and breast-feeding Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice

Since in the presence of sucrose syrup Erespal his prescribed with caution in patients with fructose intolerance, glucose malabsorption Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   or galactose in the small intestine, lack of enzymes that contribute to the splitting of simple sugars (sucrase, isomaltase), as well as patients with diabetes mellitus.

Side effects when taking syrup Erespal occur rarely. Allergic reactions, including the presence of syrup in the dye (these allergic reactions can wear deferred character). Dochtotochno often have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 As well as lethargy and drowsiness. Less arises tachycardia (tachycardia).

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Erespal
