Gonartroz 1 degree - everything can be changed

May 14, 2014

 gonartroz 1 degree
 Gonartroz 1 degree - is the earliest stage of the development of deforming osteoarthritis of the knee. At this stage, you can still have time to take action to continue to do without surgical treatment, but this is possible only under the condition that the patient time to see a doctor and start treatment.


Symptoms of gonarthrosis 1 degree

The initial stage of gonarthrosis can last for many years. Symptoms can appear from time to time and then disappear completely for a few months. This lulls the vigilance of many people who are not inclined to pay attention to the disease as long as it does not cause pain. Meanwhile, severe pain usually occurs only at second or third degree gonarthrosis, and often it is a symptom of irreversible changes in the joints.

Deforming gonartroz Gonartroz - what could be the consequences of the destruction of cartilage  Gonartroz - what could be the consequences of the destruction of cartilage
   1 degree is typically causes mild to moderate pain in the knee during sports or long walks. It runs almost immediately after a person sits or lies down to rest. Sometimes, the joint may be ill or be less flexible than usual, after a long time, people sat or stood. Again, pain and poorly articulated joint stiffness are just a couple of minutes after the patient begins to move, and in the joints and related tissues accelerates blood circulation.

Many patients gonartroz 1 degree of the knee is crunching knees. He usually heard when a person stands or squats sharply, but when walking or running, he is absent. If the patient developed bilateral gonarthrosis 1 degree, the crunch is heard in both knees if one-sided - only one.



The presence of one of the above symptoms is a valid reason for suspicion of gonarthrosis. Patients who go to the doctor with such complaints typically go directly to X-rays. Already in the early stages of the disease on X-rays can be seen that the joint space beginning to narrow, and the bones began to form small growths.


Treatment of gonarthrosis 1 degree

Although gonartroz 1 degree still does not have a major impact on quality of life, treatment should be started as soon as the disease was diagnosed. It is important that the patient follow all the recommendations of a doctor - a necessary condition for effective treatment. Otherwise gonartroz will eventually be much progress, and sooner or later lead to severe pain in the knees, and lameness, due to which patients often receive disability group, and are forced to walk with a stick and / or undergo surgery.

Weight correction is usually the first step in the treatment of patients with knee OA who suffer from overweight or obesity. If your body mass index greater than 25-30 points until he lose weight, other measures for the treatment of gonarthrosis are virtually useless. Extra weight leads to the fact that even at very moderate physical activity load on the knee joints several times higher than normal. As a consequence, gonarthrosis progresses faster than a person of normal weight.

In addition, it is important to do exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles. The more developed muscles of the legs (of course within reasonable limits), the easier knee joints do their job, and they wear out more slowly.

Experts recommend in gonarthrosis abandon the run and all kinds of loads, where you have to jump (this increases the load on the knee joints), and switch to walking, biking, swimming, yoga, and so on. By the way, yoga can be a great cure gonarthrosis, if you start to engage in it under the guidance of an experienced instructor. It will not only show how to perform various asanas, and explain which ones are especially useful in case of problems with the knee, and what is best to do as little as possible. Typically, patients with gonarthrosis recommend to pay more attention to asanas performed in the supine position - many of them related to the minimum load on the knees, but they help to stretch the muscles and ligaments, and increase the range of motion of the joints.

If you have a long hike or a physical work, it is recommended to wear special braces that support the knee.

Women diagnosed with gonarthrosis of the knee 1 degree, it should be as little as possible to wear high heels. According to experts, women were significantly more likely than men to suffer from deforming arthrosis Osteoarthritis - when the joint loses its function  Osteoarthritis - when the joint loses its function
   the knee because of his addiction to shoes with high heels. Of course, these shoes elegant and sexy, but in everyday life is better to give preference to something more convenient. However, it is not necessary to go to extremes and wear shoes with very thin soles, for example, fashion is not the first season in a row ballet shoes - it's almost as bad for the joints, as well as studs. The optimum height of the heel or sole under the heel - from three to five centimeters. For patients with knee OA are ideal variety of hiking shoes with high enough soles of soft materials with good cushioning properties and, of course, orthopedic footwear Orthopedic shoes - how to determine what is right for you?  Orthopedic shoes - how to determine what is right for you?
 . Of course, wear the shoes every day can not all (for example, because of dress code at work), but it is quite possible to wear for a walk, for shopping or a trip to the countryside.

Analgesics in gonarthrosis 1 degree is usually not needed, but you can take one to two tablets of paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen. If you have to take analgesics for seven or more consecutive days, see your doctor.

Quite effective in gonarthrosis 1 degree are supplements with glucosamine Glucosamine - a building material of an organism  Glucosamine - a building material of an organism
   and chondroitin. These substances are found in cartilage, and can contribute to the restoration of small lesions in tissues, and slow the degenerative processes in the joints. Although glucosamine and chondroitin - the natural substances, additives with them can cause side effects such as headache, stomach upset, nausea, vomiting and rash. They also interact with certain medications, so be sure to tell your doctor that you are taking such supplements.

Article Tags:
  • gonartroz

Ketorol - contraindications: prohibited breastfeeding

November 21 2011

 Ketorol - contra
 Ketorol, like all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, has a lot of contraindications for use. First of all - it's erosive and ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract, since this group of drugs irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system.

 Ketorol - contraindications: prohibited breastfeeding

Contraindications for use in diseases of the stomach ketorol

The mechanism of action ketorol is that it inhibits the activity of the enzyme tsiklooksiginazy (COX), which is involved in the formation of prostaglandins - the main "culprits" of inflammation and pain. However, prostaglandins have not only the function of various body functions, including, they protect the gastric mucosa against various impacts.

The first of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) inhibited the activity of the entire COX, such drugs also applies ketorol. As a result of his actions destroyed "protection" of the gastric mucosa of the stomach and on the walls formed by erosion and ulcers. When this route of administration (oral, intramuscularly or intravenously) does not matter.

Today available NSAIDs, which inhibit the action of COX only involved in the formation of inflammatory prostaglandins (COX - 2), whereas COX - 1, protecting the gastric mucosa, they have almost no effect.

Due to the negative effects on the stomach, ketorol contraindicated in gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the acute stage. For all other gastrointestinal diseases it should be used with caution. It is impossible to combine the use of several NSAIDs - it is very harmful for the stomach.

 Ketorol - contraindications: prohibited breastfeeding

Aspirin-induced asthma and other allergic reactions - a contraindication for the use of NSAIDs

Aspirin-intolerant asthma symptoms NSAIDs, bronchospasm, nasal polyps Polyps in the nose: to remove or not - that is the question  Polyps in the nose: to remove or not - that is the question
   and sinuses. Aspirin its named because the first time the disease has arisen precisely from aspirin - NSAIDs first opened in the late 19th century. Today, it found that the bronchospasm in aspirin-induced asthma, which began in response to the receipt of any one NSAID, in the majority of cases are caused by other drugs in this group. Therefore, if in the past, patients have an attack of bronchospasm from taking some NSAIDs, it does not prescribe more drugs in this group, including ketorol.

There and other allergic reactions when taking NSAIDs, e.g., urticaria and angioedema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
 . These reactions often occur at all or many preparations of NSAIDs. Anaphylaxis can occur with intravenous or intramuscular ketorol.

 Ketorol - contraindications: prohibited breastfeeding

Contraindications to the appointment by the blood ketorol

Ketorol reduces the blood levels of platelets - platelets Platelets - what they are for the body?  Platelets - what they are for the body?
 Which are involved in blood clotting. A low platelet count there is a risk of bleeding, for example, as a result of injury during surgery or as a result of a disease (eg, stomach ulcers and damage to blood vessels).

Therefore ketorol not prescribed for bleeding disorders of any origin. The threat of bleeding is especially dangerous in the case where the patient is, dehydration or a decrease in blood volume - it is also a contraindication for appointment ketorol. Do not use ketorol and hemorrhagic stroke Stroke - a serious brain injury  Stroke - a serious brain injury
 When there is a rupture of a blood vessel located in a region of the brain.

 Ketorol - contraindications: prohibited breastfeeding

Contraindications ketorol in severe violations of liver and kidney function

Ketorol decomposed into metabolites (products of metabolism) is partly in the liver and to a greater extent in the kidney. It displayed mainly in the urine, and only a small percentage - the faeces. Therefore, when a small violation of liver and kidney function is recommended to reduce the dose ketorol to time he managed excreted from the body. A slight decrease in renal and hepatic function occurs in the elderly, so after 65 years ketorol assigned only in small doses.

In severe renal impairment and liver ketorol use is contraindicated, since it will accumulate in the body.

 Ketorol - contraindications: prohibited breastfeeding

Application ketorol during pregnancy, childbirth, breast-feeding and children

Ketorol can pass the placental barrier and get to the fetus, causing him malformations. Therefore pregnancy is contraindicated ketorol. During labor ketorol the purpose of pain relief is also not applicable, because it inhibits the formation of prostaglandins that reduce muscles of the uterus, and can slow down or even stop the first stage of labor - during labor.

Ketorol passes into breast milk, and therefore is not used during breast-feeding. It is not approved for the treatment in children and adolescents up to 16 years.

Ketorol has many contraindications, so it can not be used for self-treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • ketorol
