Coxarthrosis 1 degree - this is the easiest form of osteoarthritis of the hip joints. It can be a long time not to cause any disturbance to the patient, but if the disease is left untreated, it will develop into a more severe form of coxarthrosis.

Symptoms koksartroza 1 degree
At first coxarthrosis may cause only mild pain in the hip joints, which usually appears during intense training or performing heavy work
. If the patient has a bilateral coxarthrosis 1 degree, joint ache, both if one-sided - the pain occurs in only one joint
. At this stage there is still no koksartroza lameness, and joint stiffness is not observed
. Typically, the pain in the hip joints is held almost immediately after the person ceases to practice or work
. At rest, the pain is completely absent
. If you do an x-ray, you will have seen a slight narrowing of the joint space, however, because the symptoms of coxarthrosis 1 degree are mild, patients often ignore them and go to the doctor only when there are stronger and more frequent pain - and this is the next level of koksartroza
. Experts have repeatedly said that the most effective treatment of coxarthrosis in its early stages, when the disease has not led to serious damage to the cartilage
. Completely cure this violation is not possible, but in most cases, you can slow down the development of coxarthrosis
Go to the doctor at the slightest suspicion of coxarthrosis, no matter how old you are. Many young and middle-aged people ignore the symptoms of coxarthrosis 1 degree only because they believe if any kinds of osteoarthritis - a disease of older people. However, in practice, not so rare that coxarthrosis diagnosed in people younger than 30 years. Remember, the earlier you start to cure this disease, the more likely that you will be able to live a long full life, without resorting to surgery.

Patients with complaints of pain in the hip joint is usually directed to the X-rays - with the help gonartroz
Gonartroz - what could be the consequences of the destruction of cartilage
It can be diagnosed at an early stage of development. In addition, the physician may make an analysis of urine and blood in order to eliminate a number of other diseases that can cause similar symptoms.

Treatment koksartroza 1 degree
Physical activity. Often, people who have certain types of loads cause joint pain
Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
They begin to not only avoid the stress of this type, but generally move less, suggesting that intensive training is not going to benefit aching joints. In fact, intense exercise - this is not the same as training wear. During normal exercise in humans should thicken pulse must begin sweating, but should not be pain. If you observe the last rule, physical activity does not harm the joints.
Until a few decades ago, doctors recommended that patients diagnosed with coxarthrosis, less to move to protect the joints, and during exacerbations and did comply with bed rest. Now, however, scientists apparent that the lack of movement, on the contrary, aggravates the symptoms of coxarthrosis.
Numerous studies have confirmed that in itself the movement of joints, as well as the strengthening of the adjacent muscles to protect joints and prevents further damage. Of course, this does not mean that everyone who is diagnosed coxarthrosis
Coxarthrosis - inflammation of the hip joints
1 degree, you need to immediately go to the gym and engage in any liked the gym - the disease involves certain restrictions in the choice of loads. Thus, patients with coxarthrosis advised to refrain from running (especially over long distances), as well as all types of loads involving frequent jumps (it can be as jumping rope, and, for example, some types of dance). Types of loads, which are shown in coxarthrosis 1 degree:
- Strength training - they will help maintain normal bone density, strengthen muscles, and improve the cardiovascular system. Studies have shown that regular exercise of the power greatly reduces the likelihood of falls and fractures in the elderly;
- Stretching exercises necessary to preserve joint mobility;
- Aerobic activity - to strengthen all muscle groups and increase endurance.
Selecting the power of exercise is very individual and depends on the fitness level of the individual. If you do not know where to begin strength training, consult your doctor or an instructor in the gym.
From optimal aerobic exercise in coxarthrosis are walking, biking and swimming.
In addition, it is very useful to carry out exercises to increase range of motion of the hip joints. For example, try to do this exercise: uprites hand on the wall or on the side of the pool, and in turn allot as far as possible toward the right and left leg. It is best to perform this exercise in the pool - water reduces strain on joints, and at the same time causes the muscles to work harder. Then, standing in the same position, in turn allot leg back as far as possible.
Healthy Weight. Unable to successfully treat coxarthrosis of the hip
Coxarthrosis hip joint - cartilage damage
1 point if the patient has weight. Experts say that weight loss slows down the progression of coxarthrosis, and alleviates the symptoms of the disease.
Proper nutrition. Foods rich in antioxidants such as vitamins C and E protect cartilage from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin D is essential for the assimilation of calcium and bone strengthening. In addition, the diet of patients with coxarthrosis must include products containing omega-3 and vitamin B12 - These compounds have anti-inflammatory effects, and their deficiency can accelerate the progression of coxarthrosis.
Packs safely and effectively relieve pain in coxarthrosis. Making hot or cold packs, depending on what helps you best. Applying them to the joints for 10-15 minutes after exercise or physical activity - usually during this time the pain completely goes away.
Analgesics in coxarthrosis 1 degree take rare - usually only during brief exacerbations. Normally, to alleviate the symptoms of this disorder is only a couple of tablets of paracetamol and NSAIDs. If these funds do not help ease the pain, most likely, it suggests that the patient had developed a severe coxarthrosis.