Tenosynovitis - how to avoid becoming a victim of art

October 8, 2009

 Tenosynovitis - an inflammation of the tendons and synovial membrane. The synovium produces oil was needed for optimal performance of the joints. The main signs of tenosynovitis include pain, swelling and tenderness of the joints, which are affected tendon. In most cases, to relieve symptoms sufficiently limit the load on the affected joint. Sometimes pain persists for a couple of days, and then passes without any treatment. In some cases, the pain can last for weeks.

Tenosynovitis can theoretically develop into each tendon of the human body, but some tendons are impacted more than others. These include, in particular, the tendons in the hands - an increased risk of tenosynovitis associated with repetitive strain, which we do by hand.

While there is no evidence that tenosynovitis can somehow be prevented, experts still recommend as much as possible to limit any repetitive actions, as they contribute to the emergence of various problems with joints. In addition, there are various exercises to help prevent tenosynovitis or alleviate its symptoms.

 Tenosynovitis - how to avoid becoming a victim of art

Prevention measures

To cure tenosynovitis, is necessary to reduce the burden on patients tendon. Complete immobility, however, is not recommended, even if a person can afford it. To avoid stiffness, need to move, but the movements should be as gentle as possible. Depending on what exactly were struck tendon tenosynovitis, the patient may be advised to use crutches or a cane.

Cold compresses help to relieve swelling and pain with tenosynovitis. In order to control the inflammatory process is applied to the affected area of ​​ice cubes once a day for three to five minutes.

Special elastic bandages can be used to protect the tendons from further damage. Furthermore, such bandages are effective in preventing the occurrence of edema.

If tenosynovitis amazed tendon in the joints of legs, recommended during the rest raise his feet higher, to reduce the swelling.

Furthermore, to alleviate the symptoms tenosynovitis can use NSAIDs. However, do not take them longer than a period of seven to ten days, without proper doctor's advice. In some cases, used for the treatment of cortisone injections and physiotherapy.

 Tenosynovitis - how to avoid becoming a victim of art


The cause can be infectious tenosynovitis

  • penetration pyogenic microflora in injury or foci of infection (eg, inflammation of the joint or bones);
  • specific infections, such as tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
   or syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
  • inflammation, as a reaction to the inflammatory process in some other region (rheumatism Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart  Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart
 , Rheumatoid arthritis).

Noncommunicable (aseptic) tendovaginitis often arise from trauma and overvoltage tendons from certain professions (musicians, typists, continuous operation with a computer mouse, and so on) that perform long time repetitive movements that involve a limited group of muscles. This so-called professional tendovaginitis, they can also arise from the skaters, skiers and other athletes. Adrift tendovaginitis divided into acute and chronic.

In acute tenosynovitis is a sharp swelling and blood flow to the synovium, synovial cavity appears serous or purulent inflammatory fluid, with the entrance to a place squeezed tendon blood vessels, broken his power, which could result in necrosis of the tendon.

In chronic tenosynovitis and loosening observed thickening of the synovial membrane, the accumulation in the synovial cavity of a yellow liquid rich fibrin (fibrin - a blood protein, which may precipitate). Gradually, in place of fibrin precipitated formed adhesions Adhesions - how to get rid of them?  Adhesions - how to get rid of them?
   (adhesions) that hinder the mobility of the tendon. One of the forms of chronic tenosynovitis is a stenosing tenosynovitis, where the walls thicken synovial tendon sheath and synovial cavity narrows, squeezing the tendon.

 Tenosynovitis - how to avoid becoming a victim of art

How does a sharp tentovaginit

Acute infectious tenosynovitis is characterized by the acute onset of the rapid development of painful swelling in the affected tendon. Most often, this process is developing on the dorsum of the hands and feet. This painful swelling and swelling spread to the forearm or lower leg. Appears limitation of movement, sometimes - a persistent reduction (contracture) fingers, crepitus (crunching) in the back of the hand or forearm due to the motion of fingers. With the development of purulent inflammation of high fever, chills, inflamed nearby lymph nodes and vessels. With the progression of the disease purulent process may spread to the forearm.

Acute aseptic tenosynovitis also often affects the synovial sheath dorsum of the hands and feet. Disease begins acutely: in the area of ​​the affected tendon is formed rapidly swelling. Limited movement of the fingers, painful, accompanied by the crunch. This inflammation often becomes chronic.

 Tenosynovitis - how to avoid becoming a victim of art

Manifestations of chronic tenosynovitis

Chronic tendovaginitis observed more often in the tendon sheath of the flexor and extensor fingers. Thus, in total synovial sheath tenosynovitis flexors, located at the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome) is defined by a painful tumor formation oblong elastic consistency, often having an hourglass shape, shifting motion. Movement stakeholders tendons limited and accompanied by crepitus.

Diagnosis is based on characteristic tendovaginitis manifestations. To eliminate the inflammation of joints and bones are held radiographs.

 Tenosynovitis - how to avoid becoming a victim of art

Treatment tendovaginitis

Treatment of acute tenosynovitis is divided into general and local. Total treatment of infectious process aimed at fighting infection (the use of antibacterial agents, strengthening the body's defenses). When the process of noncommunicable use drugs that reduce inflammation (eg, indomethacin).

Local treatment, both in infectious and non-infectious tenosynovitis at the initial stage include peace, which is set by the bus or splint, hot compress. After the acute symptoms subside prescribed physiotherapy (UHF, ultrasound, etc.) and gymnastics. When purulent process shown urgent opening and drainage (removal of the wound contents through a tube) tendon sheath.

Treatment of chronic tenosynovitis is largely confined to physiotherapy (paraffin wax, mineral wax, UHF, electrophoresis with drugs), physiotherapy and massage. If you do not help the conservative methods of treatment, then the stenosing tenosynovitis constricted portion excised tendon sheath.

The main thing with tenosynovitis - timely access to a doctor and the right treatment.

  Galina Romanenko
