Gum disease - whether the body to cope without the help of a doctor? - Inflammation

October 11th, 2009

  • Gum disease - whether the body to cope without the help of a doctor?
  • Inflammation

The structure of the gums and pathology

Desna - is part of the oral mucosa covering the upper and lower jaw. The gum can be divided into the cervical (adjacent to the necks of the teeth) and alveolar (rest). The edge of the gum called the gingival margin, it forms the gingival, or interdental papillae in the interdental spaces. 1-1 slotted space of 5 mm between the gingival margin and the tooth is called the gingival pocket. With age, the gingival pocket deepens.

In the area of ​​the gums can be such pathology (disease processes) as damage, inflammation and tumors.

 Inflammation | Gum disease - whether the body to cope without the help of a doctor?

Damage gums

Gum damage observed in fractures and dislocations Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment  Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment
   teeth with fractures of the jaws, as well as tooth extraction operations. Damage can also be coated with chemicals, such as arsenious acid, used in the treatment of teeth. There are also thermal burns.

As a rule, due to the increased ability of the gum to restore its tissue lesions heal quickly and do not require special treatment. With a significant gap in the gingival wound sutured, and the victim it is recommended to take a soft, does not irritate the gums food.

 Inflammation | Gum disease - whether the body to cope without the help of a doctor?

Inflammatory gum disease

Inflammatory processes in the gums may be acute or chronic. At the same time they can have a purely local origin, or be a sign of a general disease of the organism.

Inflammation of the gums is called gingivitis. Gingivitis can start from the traumatic effects of incorrectly made prostheses, overhanging edges of fillings, tartar. As a reaction to chronic injury often occurs tissue growth, which take the form of mushroom-shaped formations or polyps.

Inflammation of the gums may occur against a background of inflammation of soft tissues of the tooth with a deep caries Deep caries: the consequences of irresponsibility  Deep caries: the consequences of irresponsibility
 , Osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone) of the jaw. This gum becomes edematous, reddened and painful - is a manifestation of acute catarrhal gingivitis.

Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis occurs most often in the background of reduced immunity, if the person had been ill with some acute infectious disease such as influenza, chronic illness, or a vitamin deficiency. This raises the first redness and swelling of the gums, then - ulceration of the gingival margin, cropping the tops of her nipples. The patient has bleeding gums How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules  How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules
 , Bad breath, and sometimes the body temperature rises, there is a general malaise.

Chronic gingivitis can be catarrhal, hypertrophic and atrophic, it usually occurs in chronic diseases of the digestive system, hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
 As well as the presence of long-acting local traumatic factors .  Chronic catarrhal gingivitis may take the form of periodically occurring gums catarrh and then there swelling and redness in the area .  Chronic hypertrophic gingivitis seen growth of gum tissue, it increases the interdental papillae, which may cover the entire tooth crown .  Concerned about pain when eating and bleeding gums .  Chronic atrophic gingivitis is often the outcome of catarrhal and hypertrophic, and the gums as it "shrinks" shrinks .  Atrophic gingivitis can be local (in a certain area), and generalized (extended to all the gums) .  He manifested a lack of interdental papillae, from what was originally scalloped pattern gingival margin becomes even temper .  The mucous membrane of the gums becomes thin, it can easily injure the accession of infection .

Treatment of any gingivitis usually begins with dental health (treatment of caries and its complications) and removal of traumatic factors. For acute gingivitis that is usually sufficient.

To cure chronic gingivitis, you must first of all find out the cause (to identify common diseases of the body, including the gastrointestinal tract), and then provide treatment. Catarrhal forms usually are with the treatment of the underlying disease or after dental health. Chronic hypertrophic gingivitis treated long. When medication fails, the proliferation of gingival tissue is removed by surgical methods.

Atrophic gingivitis is treated as long-term, it eliminated all local traumatic factors appointed restorative treatment, vitamin therapy, physiotherapy.

 Inflammation | Gum disease - whether the body to cope without the help of a doctor?

Neoplasms gums

On the gums more likely to develop a benign tumor on the leg - epulis. It is also benign tumors fibroma gums. Particular disease - gum fibromatosis - proliferation in the gingival connective tissue with no signs of inflammation, with the process captures all of the gums, it covers a large part of the crowns of the teeth, between teeth and prevent chewing.

On the gums may occur as a cancerous tumor, but it often does not occur on their own, and moves to the gum to the jaw.

The treatment of benign tumors is to remove them together with the gum, and sometimes with the periosteum. Treatment of cancer carried out in accordance with general recommendations for the treatment of such diseases.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Gum Disease

Teeth whitening folk remedies: do no harm - Methods

March 15, 2013

  • Teeth whitening folk remedies: Do No Harm
  • How to whiten
  • Methods
  • Facilities

 whitening folk remedies methods

Whitening teeth with baking soda

The food (bread) baking soda is probably the most common and popular folk remedy for teeth whitening Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?  Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?
 . The advantage of it in the cheapness and availability, and the lack - in thinning and destruction under the influence of her tooth enamel, sensitive teeth Tooth Sensitivity - sudden pain  Tooth Sensitivity - sudden pain
   to sour, sweet, hot and cold food, soft periodontal tissue irritation and increased bleeding. Therefore soda need to use extreme caution.

Baking soda can be added to toothpaste or brushing teeth How to brush your teeth: interesting facts  How to brush your teeth: interesting facts
   toothbrush dipped in a concentrated solution of soda (a teaspoon of baking soda per 50 ml of water). To conduct such procedures can be no more than once a week.

 Methods | Teeth whitening folk remedies: Do No Harm

Whitening teeth with wood ash

In Russia, a popular tooth whitening agent was wood ash, which is obtained by burning wood, and contains potassium hydroxide. It gidoksid potassium has bleaching properties. In addition, it cleans the teeth have been adsorbed on its surface, any particles, taking them from the most inaccessible places.

To whiten your teeth using wood ash, you need to use it as a tooth powder, dipping into his toothbrush, and just brush your teeth. Sometimes wood ash mixed with toothpaste and brush and a mixture of teeth.

Today, to get wood ash is not so easy, therefore, for teeth whitening is sometimes used substitutes - Activated Carbon Activated carbon - old but indispensable  Activated carbon - old but indispensable
 . Its triturated and clean teeth.

Wood ash and activated carbon - is a means of sparing than baking soda, however, and can not be used too often and rub your teeth too vigorously - it can damage tooth enamel and gums.

Wood ash can be replaced with ash blue eggplant. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash the eggplant, dry and burn in the fire as long as it will fall black ash. This ash need to brush your teeth, but it is better not to brush and finger.

 Methods | Teeth whitening folk remedies: Do No Harm

Teeth whitening with the help of fruits and berries

Bleaching properties have a lemon, strawberries and strawberry - they contain natural bleaching agents. To whiten your teeth with lemon, you just need to periodically rub them outside of the lemon peel.

Strawberries or strawberry to be crushed to form a slurry and apply this mixture on your teeth for a few minutes. But we should not forget that these berries contain corrosive enamel organic acids, so after the procedure should be thoroughly rinse the mouth and teeth.

It is best to use different means for whitening teeth, in which case the effect will be better, but the damage is less because each bleaching agent has its own characteristics.
