- Jones fracture - why is it so difficult to treat?
- As shown
Structure and function of the foot
Foot - is the final leg department, a person performs a support function, and spring. Conditional border of the foot, separating it from the lower leg is a line drawn across the top of the ankle. At the foot there are three main areas: the tarsus, metatarsus and fingers.
Tarsus is situated behind and consists of seven bones: the talus, calcaneal navicular, cuboid, and three wedge. Before the tarsus is metatarsus consists of five bones. Metatarsals tubular, short, they connect to the tarsus and phalanges are the basis of the mid-foot. Each has two metatarsal heads (they are part of the joint), the two neck and body. Phalanges - a forefoot, II-V fingers are made up of three bones, or phalanges, I - of the two.
As a whole foot bones connected by joints and ligaments that make it a reliable support on the one hand, and on the other (due to the flexibility and mobility) give the foot shock-absorbing properties. Spring when a man walking help vaults or special foot bends, there are six: five longitudinal (each corresponding to one of the five metatarsal bones) and one cross that unites together lengthwise.
Why can arise Jones fracture
Fracture feet - quite common, it occurs when you fall on your feet, with the direct impact of the rear foot, with gunshot wounds and so on. But the most likely to suffer the tarsal bones - heel and containers - they are responsible for the brunt of the fall from a height.
Fractures of short tubular metatarsals usually occur in the direct mechanism of injury: the fall of gravity to the rear of the foot or the sudden rapid hyperextension stops. At the same time there are often multiple fractures, fractures with dislocation combination
Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment
and open injuries. For isolated fractures of metatarsals large displacement of fragments is not typical at the time, as multiple fractures are often accompanied by significant displacement of bone fragments. Very often, Jones fracture combined with fractures of the phalanges.
How does Jones fracture
Jones fracture is manifested by severe pain at the fracture site. For such fractures characteristic symptom Jacobson: increased pain at the fracture site with pressure on the metatarsal head. Pain increases as when you pull out the corresponding finger. Sometimes the fracture appears abnormal mobility and bone crepitus
Crepitus - a very serious symptom
(rattle) - it allows immediately suspected fracture. A little later in the fracture appear swelling and redness.
Diagnosis is based on studying the mechanism of the injury, the characteristic signs and X-ray of the foot in several projections. The X-ray can clearly see the fracture site, the presence or absence of displacement of fragments, which will help to further the proper treatment of the fracture.
Treatment of fracture of metatarsal bone
Fractures of the metatarsal bones without moving the casting of heal from the foot to the knee. At the turn of a metatarsal bone plaster cast is applied for 2-3 weeks, with multiple fractures metatarsal bones - 4-6 weeks. Before casting of fracture spend anesthesia 1-2% solution of novocaine
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. Plaster bandages necessarily simulate transverse and longitudinal arches of the foot, enhancing the dressing in the appropriate places.
When fractures offset required closed or open reduction (sharing) of fragments of bone fragments fixation with needles and applying immobilization (immobilization, usually cast). Particular care should be compared with the angular displacement of the fragments, when the angle is open in the back side, and a fractured metatarsal necks. Manual reposition made pressure on the fragments were moved during the stretching of the foot on the axis of the respective finger. Plaster cast is applied to the knee joint.
If you single-step repositioning has failed, or a fracture has a tendency to shift in a cast, conducted for the extension of the soft tissue or skeletal traction. The frame for the extension is attached to the cast, is superimposed on the feet and legs. Traction removed after 3-4 weeks, a plaster cast - 7 weeks. Surgical treatment is carried out in open fractures (broken skin) and failure of closed reduction.
Employability in fractures of the metatarsal bones is reduced for 1, 5-4 months depending on the nature of the damage.
Galina Romanenko