Diet for angina - reduced calorie foods and drinking plenty of fluids

March 29, 2014

 Diet for angina
 It is considered that a diet with angina is not something optional. Nevertheless, nutrition for any acute infectious disease is not the last value. Since the body is taken from the infection, reduce the energy consumption necessary for digestion. In addition, these patients need to drink plenty of liquids.


Diet for angina - basic principles

Angina - an acute infectious-inflammatory disease of the tonsils. Infectious agents may be staphylococci, streptococci and other opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms that live in the tonsils and causing inflammation at lower immunity (eg, after hypothermia). Angina is often purulent.

During any acute infectious disease total caloric intake should be reduced. The protein content of the daily diet of the patient - the lower border of physiological norm (70 g), moderate restriction of fat (70 g), and carbohydrates (300 g). Meals should be varied on a set of dishes, but with the restriction of raw vegetables, milk in a free form, savory, snacks and spices. All dishes are steamed or boiled and then crushed to puree the state.

All these requirements are appropriate diet №13, the purpose of which is to maintain the body's defenses, increasing its resistance to infection, reducing intoxication and sparing of digestive organs in acute infectious disease. Food with angina should be prepared by boiling, stewing, roasting or steamed and shredded (or wiped chopped). All meals are served in the form of heat. The food is better to take small portions and more frequently, up to 5-6 times a day.

Of particular importance in angina is drinking plenty of fluids. This maximizes removed from the body of pathogens, toxins and their toxic products, which result from an inflammatory reaction in the tonsils.


What can not be there with angina

During angina is necessary to refuse food for digestion which spent a lot of energy. This meat (lamb pork), especially fat and cooked by frying food containing a large amount of fiber (eg, fresh vegetables - cabbage, carrots, beets), vegetables, irritating the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract (onion, garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 , Radishes Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable  Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable
 , Radish), spicy and salty foods, strong meat, fish or mushroom broth, canned and smoked products, sweets, baking (cakes), fresh bread (it is a little to dry), sweet soft drinks, cocoa and chocolate. One should not drink alcohol at an angina, strong tea and coffee. Milk and cream should also be excluded, but they may be added in small quantities in some of the dishes.


What can have angina

Dining with angina should be varied and easily digestible. Soups are prepared on the basis of vegetable and cereal soups, it can be based on rather weak broth of beef, chicken or turkey. Low-fat meat and fish boiled or baked, and then crushed. From cereals are recommended rice, oats and buckwheat - they either strongly boiled soft or wiped, you can add a small amount of milk. White bread, only yesterday or the dried baking. Useful low-fat dairy products (yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt), low-fat cottage cheese Low-fat cottage cheese - a popular product among athletes and slimming  Low-fat cottage cheese - a popular product among athletes and slimming
 , Low-fat sour cream. Useful omelets (especially protein), soft-boiled eggs.

Vegetables with angina should be mainly in cooked. Mashed potatoes can be cooked with the addition of small amounts of other vegetables - carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini. Fresh ripe tomatoes can be used non-acidic varieties.

Fruits with angina can be consumed both in fresh and cooked form. For example, apples sweet varieties can grate, cut pre-peel, but you can just bake. Sweet and sour-sweet fruits and berries can be cooked compotes and jellies. Small quantities can be consumed honey, jam, candy, jellies.

What to drink with angina? All drinks should be warm and not to irritate the throat. It may just be warm boiled water, weak and not too sweet tea with lemon or with crushed berries (strawberries, currants, cranberries), broth hips. Useful freshly juice, but it should be diluted by half with boiled water, current as it can irritate the mucous membrane of the tonsils and throat.

Sample menu for a patient with angina:

  • 8.00 - buckwheat porridge, boiled or mashed, tea with lemon;
  • 11.00 - protein omelets and baked apple;
  • 14.00 - cabbage on a vegetable or a weak broth, meatballs with mashed potatoes, berry jelly;
  • 17.00 - freshly squeezed apple juice diluted with half-boiled water;
  • 20.00 - baked fish with noodles, stewed fruit.
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   - A glass of sour milk.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • treatment of angina

Diet for blood group - Myth or Reality?

July 6, 2008

 diet for blood group
 Diet for blood group binds a specific diet with different blood groups: some foods are suitable, for example, to the holders of the first group of blood, but it is not suitable for owners of the second group of blood. Peter D'Adamo, the creator of the diet for blood group claims that blood type affects the digestive system, and products that are useful for some and dangerous to others.

Moreover, according to D'Adamo, blood type determines a person's vulnerability to certain diseases and affects even on what is physical activity needed to maintain normal weight. First blood group diet appreciated by those who prefer not to spend time counting calories or fat in the diet.

 Diet for blood group - Myth or Reality?

Terms of diet on blood group

Diet, according to the rules of the diet depends on blood group:

  • First, the oldest blood group - a group of blood "meat eaters", so the digestive system of the holders of the first group of blood are needed lean meat, poultry, fish. But the number of grains, breads, legumes in the diet is better to limit. For effective weight loss winner of the first blood group recommended intensity of exercise that require strength and energy.
  • The second group of blood - a blood vegetarians. According to the rules on blood group diet, the diet of the holders of the second group should be based on vegetable protein (soy), vegetables, whole grains. Slimming recommended smoothly without intense exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
  • "Universal" third group of blood indicates an increased tolerance of the digestive system: the owners of the third group of blood can eat dairy products with low fat and meat but should limit consumption of foods of wheat and wheat flour, maize and beans. Moderate exercise - the best option for the owners of the third group of blood.
  • Holders of the "modern", the fourth group of blood have sensitive digestive systems and should limit the use of chicken, beef, pork. The basis of the diet for the holders of the fourth group of blood can make seafood, tofu, dairy products. Training regime for the holders of the fourth group - is mostly smooth, quiet exercise (eg, pilates Pilates - star system training  Pilates - star system training
   or yoga).

 Diet for blood group - Myth or Reality?

How does the blood group diet?

The author of the diet for blood group D'Adamo Peter rejects the idea that one diet is suitable for everyone, offering "linked" four unique blood group and four special diet. The basis of properly chosen diet for blood group, according to D'Adamo, make lectins - proteins differently acting on the digestive system of the holders of different blood groups. The use of lectins, "not compatible" with blood group Blood groups - what do you know yours?  Blood groups - what do you know yours?
 It leads to inflammation, bloating Bloating - if you are bursting inside  Bloating - if you are bursting inside
 , A slower metabolism and even serious diseases (eg, cancer). The easiest way to avoid these unpleasant consequences - eat only those foods that are "designed" for holders of certain blood groups.

All the food, according to the rules of diet on blood group can be divided into three main categories:

  • Good food
  • Neutral products
  • Hazardous products of the use of which should be abandoned

The author of the diet for blood group claims that healthy food, appropriate blood group, act on the body as a medicine, and harmful products - as a dangerous poison. Neutral same products any effect - neither positive nor negative - on the human body does not have.

 Diet for blood group - Myth or Reality?


By itself, diet, proposed by Peter D'Adamo for holders of different blood groups, is quite adequate - blood group diet does not require rejection of useful products (such as fruit and vegetables) and the use of products really unhealthy. Nevertheless, the expert nutritionists say that no scientific basis to link blood type and diet does not exist - and, moreover, no research to identify this connection were not conducted. Finally, the experts do not believe in the connection between blood type and specific diseases: although the identification of such a connection medical research carried out repeatedly, modern science does not allow to bind a group of blood and a predisposition to certain diseases.

Article Tags:
  • balanced diet
